Linux question

What kind of apps can you download for Linux that don’t require a GUI like Gnome, KDE, or X-windows.

You mean, console applications? Innumerable.

There’s ImageMagick, a command-line image processor. I imagine that you can apt-get many others; one of the Mac equivalents of this, MacPorts, has thousands of programs.

Try browsing The site is fairly easy to use, and each program listed there is organized into one or more categories. Here’s the “Console (Text Based)” category, which is probably what most people consider “non-GUI”: Console (Text Based)

Yeah, anything from mp3 players to text editors are available as console programs. What are you looking for specifically?

Most of them?
The Linux boxes in my basement and at the office run headless. Let me just run dpkg to see what I’ve installed with apt-get ever.

There’s my apache2 webserver of course, bittornado is probably a back-end for my torrentflux web-based torrent downloader… jack would automatically rip, organize and tag my .ogg file if my cdrom had a free ide port, nmap helps me troubleshoot client’s net connections and firewalls, dc is an arbitrary precision reverse-polish-notation calculator… then there are webcam grabbers, photo gallery organizers, file analysis and comparison tools, and 50x more development and network tools than you can even imagine.

If it’s possible to do with a command line, it’s probably already been done. And if you want to look from the command line (and have a package-based system), then just run apt-cache search stuff to look for stuff.

Did the OP say somewhere that he was using Debian, or is apt universal in Linux now? I’m not being snarky, I’m genuinely curious; I haven’t used Linux in several years.

Ok, this was what I was looking for. Thanks.