lobstermonster, stick to flipping off little kids

As seen here.

Goddamned right you’re “IANAshrink”. Qadgop, anyone wanna come in and educate this fuckstick?

I don’t think that she’s saying that OCD doesn’t exist, as you claim in the referenced thread. She’s saying that it’s over-diagnosed. Granted it’s difficult to tell from her rant that you quoted so I hope that she’ll come in here to clarify.

While the power crystals thing was over the top, I don’t think lobstermobster meant it specifically for DocCathode but for society in general.

It was pretty clear to me that LobsterMobster was denying that I had OCD and was instead just lazy.

Then get off your ass and clean the dishes and prove lobster wrong.

Making this perhaps the twenty first time I’ve felt the need to curse in a post-

Go fuck yourself Woodstock


Hmm…you posted. That means ass still in chair.

<dons fire retardant undies>

Actually, I find I have to agree. I have a friend [using the term fairly loosly] who seems to have syndrom of the month club. Hm, in the 15 years I have known her, she has had ADD, bipolar, and has aspergers. Her rationale? She cant sit still and distracts easily, is happy and sad in the same day [yea even in the same hour] and has nothing in the way of social skills. If she had had parents who actually did what parents are supposed to do and treated her like a kid growing up she probably would actually have social skills, and the ability to actually finish a project, and understand that the world does not revolve around her. Freaking hippies [and yes I know not all hippies decided to let little luvbunni starshine express him/herself freely so they wouldnt stunt or repress their growth]

She cant seem to convince her shrink to diagnose her with any of them, but she claims to have all of them. And she is not the only person I know who syndrome jump…hell, I am very mildly OCD [I count and stack/sort. I also fingertip touch to keep from counting out loud. i count steps, seconds, pages as they come out of the fax, people, small food items [like sorting m&ms by color and eating in specific numbers/combinations] but I would never claim to be bipolar, socially anxious or aspergers despite having some symptoms that could be considered actively so. I consider myself to be pretty normal.

I think we are too quick to jump on the DSM4 to excuse our problems [oh, my kids not excelling at school, he’d rather play with his toys and run around playing with other kids, he must be ADD, and he cant behave, he must be aspergers Quick - medicate them] I cant seem to get my work done, I am distracted by everything else, I must have ADD, I cant seem to handle life, I must be bipolar. We have become a culture of the instant fix and a pill for everything. I think we need to back off on the medical excuse for everything and try actually learning to function even when things are not perfect.

No, Woodstock, Go fuck yourself TWICE.

The OP of that thread should be beaten into a thin paste. Doc really should wash his fucking dishes.

Guin, why are you calling on someone else to ‘educate’ lob? You started the thread, you should have planned on being your own backup or you shouldn’t have bothered. That’s really lame and cowardly.

No kidding. This is going to be my next pitting: “Waverly pissed me off, somebody say something mean to him”

Pet peeve of mine. You are not “very mildly OCD”. If you expand this out, you will find that you have just said you are very mildly obsessive compulsive disorder. Look closer, and you’ll notice that this makes no fucking sense. You can HAVE ADD, OCD, and any other number of acronyms. You can’t be OCD or ADD, because if you were, you would live in a fucking book called the DSM-IV.
Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, stop this fucking slaughtering of the English language. I beg you.

She is setting things up for the most awesome “Me too!” post the Dope has ever seen, that’s why. She just needs ol’ QtheM to tee it up for her.

Sorry, count me outta this one. Psychiatric issues are not in my scope of practice. I’m trained to recognize a lot of them, and work with how their symptoms and medications impact their other medical problems, but I no longer treat them. I send 'em to my psychiatrist friends.

Otherwise, psychiatric diagnoses are real, they cause a lot of misery, and they are treatable. And IMHO, they are probably overdiagnosed and overtreated to a great extent. But they are also underdiagnosed and undertreated in certain sectors and populations, too.


Damn XWalrus2, my English ain’t too good, but this be the finest whoosh evah.

Oh, Guin… not only are you a bitch, you’re a stupid bitch. You prove it time and time again. Yes, you finally did go get a job, and I’m glad for it, as I no longer have to ignore the hundreds of posts you used to make a day, but damn. Lady, if you’re going to pit someone, fucking pit them. If you can’t do it, go to the goddamn nonny board and beg someone smarter than you to do it, and maybe they’ll do it in a way that makes some fucking sense.

Lobstermobster is… different… I’ll give you that. She has some opinions that I don’t agree with, I’ll give you that, too. (In fact, I’d have a word with her about this subject, especially ADD, if I gave a shit, but I don’t.) But I haven’t met one person on this board that I agree with 100% on everything they said, and quite frankly, I wouldn’t want to.

ETA that I meant to say that I personally like lobstermobster, so far. I find her witty, engaging, and delightful for the most part. And I like her drawings, too.

I can’t wait to use that one. Thin paste!

I don’t know about cowardly but you’re right about the lame part. You’ll see that many of her regular posts in the Pit are just calling someone a name and then leaving and then doing the same thing again a page or two later. The OP of this thread was actually an improvement and she may have a point at least.

Anyway, I have known people who really and truly do have OCD and medication has done wonders for them. It certainly exists. I also think that starting in the 90’s it’s been over-diagnosed as hell.

lobstermobster is great at cutting through the shit and I think she deserves her own talk show.

This is not to say that anyone doesn’t have an actual problem, but the exchange in the referenced thread made me laugh, and lm’s posts have done that to me a couple of times of late.

DocCathode, you’re an admittedly smart person, surely you can figure out something better than letting dirty dishes sit in the sink for months on end.

Actually, I tend to agree with lobstermobster, and I admitted having been diagnosed (last week officially, although I’ve known for some time and like I said, have tried and failed to control it) with OCD in that thread. Shit like this is over diagnosed.

Even while living with the obsessions and knowing how they make me feel, I still don’t know if I truly believe that I have OCD.

And with that, I’m off for my 7 PM appointment with the head shrinker. (My second and last, because it’s just a lame waste of my time and money.)