Locking position of icons on Android phones

Probably due to my fat old fingers, but over time the icons on my Android-based smartphone end up all over the place. Is it possible to lock them in place so I don’t accidentally drag them?

You could try a different launcher. I use Apex.

I didn’t know launchers were a thing. Thanks

That’s just the term that Android used for the Graphical User Interface that sits on top of the Linux. You are already using one–the bundled Android one—you just didn’t realize it because it isn’t advertised that way.

Nova Launcher also allows locking the desktop icons. And resizing them, changing their spacing, etc.
Nova’s my favorite though I’ve heard Apex is good.

Yeah, Apex also allows you to make the icons bigger or smaller, and have more or fewer per screen. Same goes for the dock. You can spend a long time going through all the modifications it lets you make.

(On a different note, I use FiveWallPapers to allow me to have a custom wallpaper image on each page of my home screen.)

Installed Apex, love it so far.