I’ve always been interested in what the longest games are. As far as I’ve heard, Dragon Quest VII for the PSX is the longest. It can take forever:
If you rush the game: ~60 hrs
Normal: ~90-120 hrs
Semi-Perfect: 150-200 hrs
Almost-Perfect: 300-350 hrs
Fully-Perfect: 600+ hrs
Consider that a normal pace Final Fantasy game takes about 45 hours, half as long as DQ7.
The longest I personaly have played is Tales of Phantasia, which took about 70 hours at a normal pace, not trying to lengthen or rush through the game.
Well, most people don’t take 90 hours to complete FFX. A normal FF(including X) takes around 45-50 hours.
This is kidna hard to define. I am mostly interested in the length of play when one just plays through, not trying to accomplish every single thing, but also not trying to rush through and skip all side quests.
DragonWarrior 7–130 hours and I STILL haven’t beaten it!
Tactics Ogre/Final Fantasy 8(but only because of side quests)–110 Hours
Pesona 2: Eternal Punishment–99 Hours (simply because it doesn’t go beyond 99)
Xenogears: 82 hours
Breath of Fire 3–65 hours
Final Fantasy Tactics–63 hours.
Final Fantasy 9(because of the cards)–60 hours
I think you’ve heard right. If you do everything that’s in the game, I’m not sure if it would take 600 hours, but it would take a hell of a lot longer than 130 hours.
It’s worth it though. The story is awesome and it’s fun to make all sorts of different sim towns. I just wish the town had more than 4 options. heheehe…
There was this Apple II game called “Short Circuit” that drove me nuts back in 1984 or 1985. In the late 90s, and long out-of-touch with the friend who first showed me the game, I downloaded an Apple emulator for the express purpose of finishing the damn thing.
It was disappointing, just the word “HOORAY” clicking on and off until you rebooted or threw up.
Nevertheless, it was a victory 14 years in the making.
My brother and I spent 6 years at Zelda II for NES for one peck on the cheek from the reawakened princess. Nowhere near as frustrating as the first one for N64 (“The Ocarina of Time”). You mean to tell me I when through all of that and its a frickin’ time loop? GRrrrrrrrrrrrr!
I probably sure have put up a spoiler waring. Oops.
Might and Magic 3 on my PC took me about 10 years to finish.
Granted–most of them time wasn’t spent actively playing it. It was more of a thing that I played off and on when I had nothing else to do.
I still think that game rocks. The only way I managed to beat it was by taking advantage of the non-linearity of the characters.
<hijack> It starts with the default party they start you with. In the opening city is a bank, which has functional interest rates. You put money in, and it grows larger over several weeks.
Elsewhere in the city is a ‘Taskmaster’, who will give you odd jobs. If you accept his job, you get a meager sum of money, and the game clock is moved forward one week.
So–keep doing jobs for the Taskmaster over and over again, periodically stopping to drop money into the bank, until your default party are a bunch of geriatrics. Then delete them all, and create a new party. In half an hour, I made enough gold to make the money counter roll back over to 0.
The ‘magnum opus’ of this trick? Elsewhere in the town is a fountain that gives you 1 experience point for every 1 gold you toss in. Can you say ‘Powergamer’? </hijack>
might and magic 2 … theres so much to do here that a large percentage of the people that bought it never knew there was a actual plot to the game
Ive played around with this game off and on since i had it for the c-64 days and never beaten it yet
Of course I’m biased tword pc’s for roleplaying games althouhg one recent console rpg i like is summoner for the ps2
Note tho for most of new worlds computing/eas best 80s and 90s games id advise getting sega genesis or a emulator as there better looking than their computer counter parts for that system
althouhg theres no mm3 working roms due to a battery problem
I played Might and Magic 3 on the Sega Genesis myself. That was an awesome game. I just wandered around doing quests or repeating neat little tricks to get great loot and experience (like drinking from that pool that maxed your stats then killing dragons on that south shore near the island city). I don’t think I ever really figured out what I was supposed to be doing, I just enjoyed exploring.
My average time to beat a video game is aproximately 40 hours.
Final Fantasy X-90 hours. It would probably take at least 100 hours to hunt down and capture all the monsters for the monster sidequest.
Final Fantasy III for the SNES-70 hours. Strangely enough when Playsation rerelased this as Final Fantasy 6 it only took me 40 hours to beat it.
I tend to beat games in well under the quoted time for them (FF4 for the SNES, for example. Somewhere I read it would take over 50 hours [I still don’t believe it] when I did it in 18, on my first try). Currently the most is FFX, I’ve played 65 or so hours and done about 3/4 of the secrets…only 2 weapons and a few monsters to catch and all thats left is the monster arena. Xenogears and FF Tactics have to be the longest story games (50+ hours to finally get to the secrets in Xenogears! yow). I haven’t played through more than 20 hours of DW7, is it truly that long?
Wizardry IV. That one … jesus. I still consider that the most difficult game in existence. I beat that with just one of the possible endings sometime in 2000. That’s a… 1985 game? Sheesh, I can’t remember.
And just to one-up everyone, I finally beat Adventure in 2001. The original text-adventure dungeon crawl that inspired Zork was created in the mid-70s. I first played it in the early 80s … we’ll round that to about 20 years from start to finish.
Of all the dozens of games I’ve started and never completed, the only two that stand out as ones that I definitely want to try again are Keef the Thief and The Dig. Both were underdogs for their time…