some weeks ago I purchased Final fantasy VII. I was disappointed with the game. I didn’t like the turn based fighting system and there were saving problems. However the main thing I want to know is: how does it end?
How far did you get? My husband says the best thing about the game is getting to the end–the story is great. I think the end was pretty anti-climatic, myself.
I didn’t get very far. The last thing I remember was the characters going down some ladders in that reactor place.
Its probably one of my favorite games ever, so no dissing.
By how does it end do you mean you missed the ending or need it interpreted?
I’m sorry if I insulted you. It’s just my opinion. I didn’t get far.
I’m not insulted, thats what the little winky face thingy majiger is there for. I’m just joking around, no worries.
Wow. You really didn’t get any where. What did you do? Play the game for 20 minutes and give up? I think that is still part of the intro to the game if I remember correctly.
Stick with it. It does get better afterwards when the character interaction and plot twists started to present themselves.
I agree that the ending was a little anti-climactic. However it was MUCH better than IX’s ending, but it still doesnt even come close to the ending of VIII. I highly recomend FFVIII. Its my favorite game of all time.
Barf. III (us release) and VII were the best in the series. MHO.
Funny this should come up. I just tried today installing FF VIII onto my new super rinky-dink Athlon 1900+ with ATI 9700 card, and it runs like cold crap. Hrmph. The config prog doesn’t recognize my ATI card (DX9 compliant) as DX6 capable. I did patch the game, btw.
I’ll try some more tonight. I waaaana play!!
Y’know, that’s funny. I actually think FF8 was the worst of the modern (7 and on; it starts to get iffy when you compare them with 5 or the NES ones) games. The ending, I’ll agree, was nicely done, but the plot leading up to it was atrocious, I thought…
Ultimecia. AGH. Name and usual I Want to Conquer the World Because I’m Evil motive aside, I have a pathological hatred for the Whoops, You Weren’t Actually Fighting the Real Villain card pulled at the last moment. FF4’s Zemus, WA2’s Kuiper Belt (even though this one came halfway through the game, it deserves special mention because it still managed to have the same effect), FF8’s Ultimecia, doesn’t matter. Hate 'em.
FF7 is definitely worth a play through; it starts out slow, but once you get out of Midgar, it picks up the pace. Giving up in the reactor bombing mission is exceedingly early to make any judgments; that’s the beginning sequence of the beginning sequence. FF7 is among the truly notable FFs, I’d say, beside 6 and 10, possibly 4 as well. Tactics trumps them all by light-years, but it’s not technically a Final Fantasy game except by name.
I might go back to the game and give it more of a try. I just wish the gameplay were better.
I started final fantasy VII for the third time and I still think it’s gameplay is lacking. I guess final fantasy’s not for everybody.
My SO and I are currently making our way through FF8. We started it last year, got to Disc 4, and then FINALLY took the time to find out what all the junctioning stuff was about, as well as figure out that there are more GFs than Shiva, Ifrit and Quetzacotl, and realized that we were pretty damn lucky to have made it as far as we had because our characters were somthing like Level 45 and 2000-3000HP at the start of Disk 4. :smack: No wonder we were getting our asses kicked in that fight with Seifer.
So we started over, and are now doing quite well in Disc 2, and are just at the attack of Galbadia Garden. Our characters are stronger than we ever got them in the previous attempt, and are only a few levels lower.
Thats what you get for trying to get to the ending without actually playing the game We had been told that it was horrible, so we didn’t care until it was kinda too late, and now we actually are interested in the storyline!
Just thought I’d share…