I browse to some site and it has a demonstration video in QuickTime format, so I click the link and it informs me that I need to upgrade to the later and greater version of QuickTime, and I end up sitting through the download, then have to install, restart, discard the unwanted newer and uglier version of MoviePlayer and the redundant-to- GraphicConverter piece of junk PictureViewer and the stupid ad “Upgrade to QuickTime Pro” and reopen all the stuff I had open just to view the bloody movie. And I’ve apparently got it easy, being on a Mac – PC users I’ve spoken to say that QuickTime screws up lots of stuff on a PC and doesn’t work very well.
And QuickTime format is one of the better-case scenarios. Next site will as likely have their film excerpt in “avi” format and I’ll download the sucker and then get a message about not having the correct codec – MoviePlayer doesn’t tell me what codec it is that I’m missing, I get to guess. So gradually over time I accumulate VIDEC and DivX and Og knows what else and still every 2nd or 3rd time I encounter an “avi” it wants software I haven’t got.
Then there’s the new Microsoft format, “wmv”. And already I’ve been through two downloads of a special application “Windows Media Player for Macintosh” which MS has released rather than a codec plugin for MoviePlayer. As long as one has the latest and greatest, one can watch the video clips, but there’s no way to select, copy, paste, force it to show all frames or adjust the playback rate in this “Windows Media Player” piece of shit, nor any way to do a Save As and convert it to a MoviePlayer-friendly format.
Finally, brining up the rear, RealPlayer/RealMedia. Every time I encounter one of these suckers I find that I have to re-download the RealMedia plugins because it appears that they release new versions every 11 days and the idiots who provide media in RM format immediatley convert to the new format. And you’ve really got to root around on their site to find a way to download a version that you don’t have to pay for. Now, most recently, it appears that they want to switch everyone over to some kind of monthly subscriber service, and CNN is putting up newsclips in this format so if you want to see video-formatted information pertaining to the blackout you can subscribe or you can do without.
And none of this shit is necessary. Anyone ever hear of MPEG? Why the bloody hell can’t we all agree to use MPEG, improve it if necessary, but release freeware viewers on all platforms that have basic cut copy paste speed framerate and Save As editing capabilities and don’t push ads for commercialware or rent-a-software licenses every time you try to use them? And if the improvements don’t outweigh the hassle of re-downloading, hold off on them. I’ve been viewing JPEGs for a dozen years and I could pull up an early 1990s vintage copy of GraphicConverter and view JPEGs of Blackout '03 just fine. MIDI files remain MIDI files. Most PDF files I encounter can still be opened and viewed just fine with Acrobat Reader 3.0 (I know because I have an old 7100 on which I never upgraded to the later versions, mostly because I haven’t needed to).
It’s not even as if the newer formats DO much of anything that the old ones didn’t. You download all this crap and install it and reboot and toss all the detritus you don’t want and launch the movie-file and what do you get? A window and a playback button, a pause button, and a stop button. Volume control.