The other day CDH pulled out his hickory switchand sent mod warnings to a bunch of us. I have no problem with the warning as the threadreally was kinda-sorta getting out of hand, and I have to admit the OP’s “Yay Oprah, she’s the bomb! Anti-vax? Who cares… it’s Oprah! Yay Oprah!” attitude was driving me absolutely batshit.
Here is what CDH said in this forum re comments
Here is what I said
Is criticizing an *attitude *as airheaded and stupid a personal attack out of bounds with the rules?
OK, sorry not to have seen this sooner, it’s been one of those weeks.
The line is a thin one, and it’s unclear whether you’re calling the person stupid for holding an airheaded attitude. I guess that technically this one is on the line. I apologize for lumping it with the others, there were so many insults flying around that I must not have read carefully enough. I will eliminate your Official Warning. But I think it’s sort of one toe over a line.