Yeah, so I have to learn MFC for my next project. I’m currently looking through a book that I borrowed, but the guy I borrowed it from needs it back.
I’m not well-versed in MFC, although I’ve been programming for a while now (and think that I’m pretty good at it ;)). I’d prefer something relatively cheap, but I’m really looking for a book that explains why MFC is the way it is instead of just having me memorize how to do specific things.
Trust me, you don’t want to know why MFC is the way it is. It’s a large pile of macros and spaghetti code; best just to leave it that way.
Is there a reason they’re using MFC for this project? From what I can tell, MFC is quickly going by the wayside. Visual Basic is a much superior tool for creating GUI’s, which is 90% of what MFC does. You may want to poke the Powers That Be and see if you can get them to let you write it with modern tools.
OK, editorials aside - the best book I’ve found on MFC is The Revolutionary Guide to MFC Programming with Visual C++. It’s a little outdated - it’s for MFC version 4.0, but I see the author, Mike Blaszczak, has some newer books out. Check it out. I’d definitely go for one of his books - he was on the team that developed MFC for Microsoft, and he has a nice easy way of writing.
My company does most of its development in C++, and besides, I don’t particularly like VB (although if I knew more about it, I’d probably like it more).
Checked it out. One of his newer books looks like a good choice. Thanks ever so much.
*Originally posted by ultrafilter *
My company does most of its development in C++, and besides, I don’t particularly like VB (although if I knew more about it, I’d probably like it more).
We’re a C++ shop as well. I just asked our GUI guy if in his opinion, MFC was still a viable choice for new GUI development. His take on it was that from the C++ viewpoint, it was very difficult to do real OO coding using MFC, and it’s limitations quickly become apparant if you’re used to any sort of inheritance. His take was that if he was starting a new project right now, he’d look into C# if he was looking for a very efficient OO language, or VB if efficiency wasn’t a top priority.
I’ll shut up now and let you make your own decision!