Looking for church recommendations??? (Merced, CA)

Hello Merced, CA!
I’m considering relocating to the Merced area, can anyone (religious or not) recommend a good church in Merced?

Here is how I define “good”::

  • teaches the Bible not about the Bible
  • has a good reputation in the Merced (known for welcoming the unchurched)
  • is making a difference in Merced (If they were to close their absence would be noticed)
  • knows who they are, what they are doing, and why they exist
    reply to: hellomercedca@gmail.com

Welcome to the SDMB, holamerced. We ask that people not start more than one thread on the same topic, so I’m closing this one. People looking to respond can do so in IMHO.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator