A little backstory. My mother is 78 years old, has lost her vision over the past four or five years, and is now (quite understandably) depressed. Depressed to the point where she spends the majority of her time sleeping or sitting around doing nothing.
She’s also in the early/mid stages of probable dementia, so anything she wants to do is soon forgotten, any shows she normally would enjoy are ignored, the books on tape gathering virtual dust.
I’ve been encouraging her to get psychiatric assistance, which she is reluctant to do. My father, who has been her husband for 55 years, and is now her primary caregiver, wants her to be tested by a neuropsychiatrist. I am a HUGE supporter of this, as I work in Mental Healthcare. He is waiting to take her to the hospital where she has been going for everything, stating “ease of care.” It looks like another 6-8 months before she can get in. I can find her someone in the company I work for within the next month. Someone 20 miles away before the end of the year. But no, he wants her to go to UNC.
To test for depression, not dementia. But…that’s a topic for the pit.
On to the meat of the problem. My wife and I love mom very much, and it’s very upsetting to see her like this. More upsetting for her to have to live like this. So I have to ask for ideas. Please: may I have suggestions of things that might bring her out of herself? The things she loved doing were cooking, knitting and needlework, and reading. I’m wracking my brain trying to come up with new things she might enjoy, or at least be willing to try, that are not made impossible by her limitations, and I’ve come up dry.
So I turn to you, august Dopers, as a resource of immeasurable experience and value.