Looking for LOTR link

There was a link here a while ago for a set of screen shots from the LOTR with hilarious captions… It was some blog page, I believe. I’ve put the search engine through its paces but can’t seem to find anything (well I probably could but you try searching for one specific LOTR thread among the millions here). Anyone remember it, and still have the link?

The one I remember most clearly is Boromir proposing a few interesting approaches to getting the Ring to Mt Doom…

I remember those. I think the site that was originally linked to here is gone, but I found my favorite one by searching for “lotr animated gif mortor”.

Here’s one link

  • One does not simply… walk into Mortor…
  • Mordor.
  • What?
  • It’s “Mordor”. With a “D”.
  • One does not simply walk into Mordor.

Heh heh.

This is what you want: http://www.regretless.com/funny/Two_Towers_captions/00-20.htm


That’s the link you’re looking for. Here’s the thread:

Interestingly, you were the last to post to it. :slight_smile:

Ah, crap. I see now that the whiel the link works, the links on the link don’t. Phooey.

Do you mean badly translated captions? If so, here they are:

Fellowship of the Ring
Two Towers
Return of the King

Those are the ones - and you helped anyway! I managed to find 2 of them by searching on some of the image names:

Thanks, everyone, for the help :slight_smile:

Here’s one more from the original site

Boromir’s Invisible Phone