Looking for melodic electronica

I’ve been searching around for electronica driven primarily by melody rather than rhythm as most electronica is. Of course, this is so because I like the music of DJ Jon Sa Trincha (Jonathan Grey) of Salinas beach, Ibiza, Spain and am now trying to discover more of the same. Since Sa Trincha isn’t easily available in the US, a close American counterpart would be Robert Miles (Dreamland). Having sampled 150+ tracks listed as Essentials at Amazon, I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.

What specific genre is that kind of music (melodic electronica rather than beat-driven)? Note that I’ve been suggested trip-hop, but that’s not what I want.

While we’re at it, anyone know a good site where the various electronica/techno genres are explained well?


Do you have Orbital’s classic Insides album? If not definitely get it - loads of great melodies!

There’s lots of melodic trance. DJs:
Armin van Buuren (Boundaries of imagination, Transparence)
Tiësto (In Search of Sunrise 3, Nyana…particularly disk 2)
Paul Oakenfold
Ferry Corsten

Also look for:
4 Strings
Solar Stone

This might be a little more New Age than you’re looking for but for “melodic” electronica check out Jean-Michel Jarre

Are you looking for artistes whose work is exclusively melodic, or recommendations of the melodic work of those who are more diverse in their output?

Anyway, here are my suggestions -
Chicane (mainly exclusively melodic)
Rokysopp (again, mainly melodic)
Aphex Twin (aka Polygon Window)- his melodic tunes are head and shoulders above most of the stuff out there - check out Analogue Bubblebath and Mookid. Beware his more esoteric and abrasive stuff though, i like it, but it may not be to everyone’s taste.
808 State - famous for the wonderfully lovely Pacific State
Carl Craig - check out his incredible tune “A Wonderful Life” from his Landcruising LP. Also all his “More Songs About Food and Revolutionary Art” LP is stunningly good.

Might try Robert Miles too.

I’ll second Orbital, 808 State, and (some) Aphex Twin. You might also want to dig into 1980s era stuff, since the noisier beat-driven sound hadn’t really gotten off the ground at that time. Like, say, The Art of Noise, who had many melody-centered pieces, yet they also did have a bunch of significant beats thrown about (but not like they do today).

I could also bring up a bunch of ambient artists, but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re really looking for.

I tried many of the suggestions listed above. A few I liked, most I didn’t.

So, instead of describing what Sa Trincha sounds like, here are links to Real/MP3 samples on the net…

Live from Heart (real player)

And a complete album One Way Flight in MP3 or WMA (check out especially Jazzybiza, Eyedrive. His best track IMHO, Smell of Paradise won’t be probably enjoyed in a 30-sec sample since it’s the development of the melody that’s the attraction)

Don’t know if it’s the right category, but Lemon Jelly is really melodic and entertaining.

Closest thing I can think of is Enigma (already mentioned). How about Deep Forest?

Try some melodic trance music. 303infinity has some good melodic trance. You can order his CD’s on this site, and preveiw some tracks too. I recommend “Winter Rain” original mix way at the bottom, “Come In Me” instrumental, “Emotions” instrumental if you can find it, “Flight of the Raven” and “Etheral Mist” to start with. I think the melodies drive the song more than the beats, and there is more than one melody riff on most of those songs too. Do try Orbital, also Gus Gus. You might also look up another MP3.com group, The Cynic Project I recommend both mixes of “Sidewinder”. The Cynic Project

Good luck in your search, hope you enjoy the music. :slight_smile:

Hmmm, make that song by 303infinity “Ethereal Mist”.

Yeah, Deep Forest’s self titled album is a good one. Try to find Orbital’s “Halycon and On and On” if you can. That’s a good one.

Oddly enough, you also might find you like The Cure’s “Mixed Up” album. Try listening to “The Forest” tree mix from that album. I think it’s very close to what you are looking for.

Gus Gus was good, expecially their first album Polydistortion and the associated EP Standard Stuff For Drama. After that, though, they started cranking out more misses than hits. But the song Purple, mmmmm, that’s a mighty fine piece of music.


Maybe William Orbit/Strange Cargo? Or Nightmares on Wax? BT? Portishead?

Armin van Buuren has a new album of original songs out, very melodic. You can listen to the whole thing here. Check out Yet Another Day, Never Wanted This, Stay & Wait For You.

Just seconding the suggestions of Royksopp and Lemon Jelly. May also be worth looking at Air, J-Walk and the various “chilled” compilation albums.

Check out their website: lemonjelly.ky.

This is also the name of one of their albums. Clever, what what?

Also check out rinôçérôse