Original thread that I didn’t want to zombie: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=445876&page=1&pp=40&highlight=Lori+Drew
Fight my ignorance here, but if it’s federal prosecutors and a federal grand jury, why would it be relevant which state the federal prosecutors resided?
Don’t they divide federal jurisdiction up into districts? What district is Missouri in? Where is MySpace.com located?
I do hope that they nail the bitch.
The first link in the OP says:
The trial courts of the federal criminal court system are called the United States District Courts, and each one covers a geographical district. Los Angeles in the Central District of California. If the federal prosecutors file their case in that court, they have to prove why it should have jurisdiction over the matter. [del]They seem to be arguing that MySpace has servers in LA and therefore at least part of the crime took place there. Drew’s lawyers will argue that the court does not have jurisdiction as the crime, if a crime even occurred, took place in Missouri.
I do wonder why the federal prosecutors did not file the case in Missouri, though. Seems like there would be no jurisdictional issues there.[/del]
ETA: What Waenara said. The actual indictment is for defrauding MySpace which is located in LA.
Missouri is in the 8th Circuit, California is in the 9th…
MySpace HQ is in Beverly Hills, CA.
I was drawing no conclusions, just posting data.
/ Ignorance fought, thank you
I’m sorry, but the Father’s vengeance is misplaced. Where was he to give comfort to his distressed daughter. How does his happen unless you aren’t paying attention to her.
Because teenage girls never keep things bottled up, and always confide in their parents. :rolleyes:
Please reassure us that you don’t have any teenage daughters.
Not yet, no.
How does this happen? This kind of thing happens even when the parents are devoted to their kids and are “good parents”. Surely, this is common knowledge?
Spoken like someone who’s never had a teenage child, or been a teenage child, or else is just a retard.
Not to jump on the bandwagon, but seriously, if I “comforted” my teenage daughters every time one of them was distressed about “he said/she said/he did/she did” I’d never, ever get a chance to do anything else. Parents of teenagers second-guess every single thing they ever do for and with their teenagers. Unless someone is actually neglecting or abusing their child, I think strangers should keep their own second guesses to themselves.
I remember from the other thread that some were arguing this girl had a special need to be protected, but at some point a parent has done all they can and has to have faith in the child or else the child will always need that direction and guidance that should be reserved for younger kids.
Nail her with what? I agree with the bitch part but what law did she break? It looks like they’re going after her for making a fake myspace account? Are they going to go after bugmenot.com next? Because there are fake logins posted up there for everyone to see.
Is there precedent for this? If not, the effects could be scary. How many of us would be fucked if it became a federal crime to sign up to a free website with fake info?
:raises hand:
See that you remove all low-hanging grid pipes and ceiling fixtures mounted to cross-beams before you do.
Lori Drew is an evil fucking hag, and if there’s a hell, her place there is assured.
But defrauding MySpace is a ludicrous charge. What the hell is wrong with good old fashioned “harrassment”?
WAG: it’s too hard to prove.
I think what this woman did was nasty and bitchy and horrible, but I don’t think it was remotely intended to bring about the girl’s death or that the woman had any way of knowing that would be a cause. I think the woman’s paid her debt- she’s been shunned by her neighbors, she’s received death threats, she’s had to change her phone numbers, her house has been vandalized, she’s going to have to move, etc… There’s not even the most remote chance that she’s ever going to do this kind of shit again, I think it’s 100% safe to say she regrets having done it (not saying she’s sorry for it, but she most certainly would ‘undo it’ if she could out of her own self interest), her life is essentially destroyed by this. It will be years before that family can talk about this period of their lives or hope that people don’t recognize their names.
The kid was very disturbed to begin with. The mom was an immature stupid vindictive bitch, but she had the metaphorical shit kicked out of her because of her actions. It’s in nobody’s best interest to see this woman behind bars and the prisons are too full already, and by the time the lawyers fees are paid there’ll be no civil judgment. I think they should just let it go now, or at best let her plea bargain and do so many thousands of hours of community service.
Read this article describing what happened in detail. It isn’t as black and white as you think it is. Here is a PYSIH blog entry, with more links at the bottom detailing this case as it happened.