Lost 1.20: "Do No Harm"

I nearly lost it when Shannon was crying over Boone’s body. Hearing only the music just made it more poignant and accentuated the anguish. It’s a sobering reminder of the situation these people face.

I’d be surprised if Locke died as well.
So…what will Claire name the baby?

When Claire started freaking out and holding her breath, for a split second, I thought it meant she was having some sort of birth complication, and she was going to wind up as the corpsicle instead of Boone.

I smell Star Trek III Genesis-Spock reincarnation parallels with the baby. By the end of next season, he will be a fully grown, scruffly Boone. Now I just need to figure out how Jack can return Boone’s memories from the mind meld they did right before Boone bit it.

Sawyer was acting surprisingly all episode. He offered Claire some fish, he immediately offered up all of his alcohol stash, and he offered to help with Boone. Plus he failed to do any of his usual stuff.

Was there any previous mention or hint about Jack being married? And why was his father shown at the wedding but not his mother? (Other than the fact that the writers have father issues and not mother issues.)

Does anyone else feel that a cargo hold door is not the best available means of amputating a leg, even on a tropical island?

And what are the odds that with 45 people on the island and only five of them apparently knowing their bloodtype that Boone was one of the five? Okay, it’s a rhetorical question - they’re 9-1. But still.

Habit – I’m used to the “24” threads, where some folks don’t watch the next week previews.

Yeah, I agree. I was thinking why didn’t Locke just say “we found a crashed plane, stuck up a tree. Boone climbed in to check it out and didn’t get out before it fell. Oh, and don’t let Charlie near it.” There would be no need whatsoever to mention the hatch in conjunction with it.

That’s because it was Kate – he definitely wants to get into Kate’s panties… :smiley:

I’m going with either Jesus or anti-Jesus. :slight_smile: Real shocker that the baby was boy…

Wow, what a great episode. I’m exhausted from watching it. Seemed like 2 hrs instead of 1 (and a good 2 hrs, at that).

I knew Boone was toast as soon as he started telling Jack about the hatch. The whole “Jack is married” thing seems really strange. There has to be more to it than that. Sun was awesome-- she just came in and took charge. No sign of Locke this episode. Not even a peak inside the hatch.

I think this is the first time we’ve seen so many of the random castaways!

On a side note, I saw my first Hi Def comercial tonight on LOST, and it was… TARGET!

Locke got info about the plane from “the island” and he clearly has been given (or thinks he’s been given) instruction about what to do. I’d guess part of that instruction is tell no one except Boone.

It’s sort of like the hatch. Remember that Boone wanted to tell everyone about it, and Locke said they weren’t ready to hear it.

True, but a crashed small plane isn’t quite as mysterious as the spooky hatch, and it wouldn’t seem like the others would be “not ready” to hear about the plane. Plus, they’d have a good explanation for checking out the plane (that isn’t “the island told me to” related) – checking for a working radio, which they obviously found. (Well, Boone found).

Maybe the island wanted Boone dead. :smiley:

“Boone falls up the plane. Boone falls down the plane…”

Not necessarily. The crash of the Nigerian plane may be just as integral to the island’s master plan as is the hatch. And maybe the island doesn’t want anyone (except Locke) to hear the message on the radio. Hence the death of Boone.

I wonder if the hatch is where the pissed-off giraffe lives… :smiley:

What’s this about a giraffe and a pissed-on sammitch, now?

My first impression about this episode was that, which I’m glad they finally deflated that beach ball Claire’s been carrying around, and while Boone’s death was a big moment, nothing much happened to advance the overall story. No Tree-Molesting Monster, no hatch, no Crazy French Woman, STILL no Black Rock trek, etc, etc.

But upon further reflection, I think more was going on than meets the eye, especially with Jack. There’s a reason this was a Jack episode, even though it was apparently more about Boone and Claire. I think this may have been the week where Jack had his little conversion that everyone seems to be getting. He overcame his natural instinct to keep trying and trying to keep Boone alive, even if it meant his own death and the possible death of Claire and her baby (since he wasn’t there for the birth). Now, whether this is a good thing or bad remains to be seen.

Possible “reading more into this than is really there” moment: Boone died at the caves. After the baby was born, Claire took it to the beach. Beach = birth (they started there) while caves = death (Adam and Eve’s corpses were there)?? So what? I dunno.

Incidentally, my coworker brought me a recent TV Guide article where they interviewed the guy who plays Sawyer. Among other things, he said that the writers were kind of making things up as they go, and they don’t know how it’ll end. Not good news, IMHO. See “Files, X-”.

I’ve only read to this point today, so I hope I’m not echoing someone else. My wife’s theory is that since the net population of survivors is the same, and the baby was born roughly the same time as Boone’s death, then the baby is therefore Boone reincarnated.

I said that’s a little too pat and mystical at the same time.

Oh, and Ill speculate that the preiview scene of Locke getting shot is a flashback to his paralysis. The wound would be in the right place…

Not only that, but his dad’s name is Christian.

I vote for “Damien.”

The actress playing Shepherd’s wife is also in a new series starting soon; they were showing ads for it during this episode. Very confusing.

I live with two philosophy majors, one of whom doesn’t watch the show. He showed up for the end, just in time to watch Jack heading off into the jungle, saying “I’m going to go find John Locke.” My roomate was very confused…

I still think Locke should have said that Boone was in another plane crash…

Bye Boone. See ya in the flashbacks.

So, what are the chances that the baby is vaguely unusual? Perhaps a mention from Claire that the little one never cries or something like that.

I was left with the impression that Jack never actually gets married. It just seems as if he was about to pull back and say “I’m sorry, I love you, but I can’t marry you.”

I expected that to, when he made his little speech, but I think he went through with it.

But what do I know? I thought they’d never kill Boone because I had a crush on him. :frowning: The writers never listen to me.

Meh. I spent this episode mad at pretty much everybody but Sun. I don’t understand why all the castaways seemed to think Jack should have gone to attend to Claire and left Boone to die. I like Claire as much as the next girl, but, dude, he was treating some serious injuries. Women have babies every damn day. Having the doctor able to run to her side would have been nice, but Jack was right not to go when he had an injured man to attend to.

And yet, Jack seemed to be practicing some crappy medicine in this episode anyway. He couldn’t tell the wounds were from crushing, not falling, before he pumped Boone full of blood? Couldn’t he have put a tourniquet on the leg to stop the blood from pooling there without chopping it? Did he even try to elevate the leg to drain the blood before he jumped to the amputation idea? IANAD, but damn. If I was a castaway, I don’t think I’d be willing to take my hurts to Jack anymore. “You’ve got a splinter - that hand will have to go! Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do!” ::shhhhunk::
Also, a casting spoiler:

Terry O’Quinn and Daniel Day Kim (Locke and Jin, respectively) have both moved to Hawaii very recently. That’s where LOST is filmed, so I think we can figure those characters are safe from the deathwatch…for a while.