Lost 1.20: "Do No Harm"

But know Jack has a chance to go after his main rival. It was never Sawyer. Whenever someone says that they feel safer because Locke is around (or something similar), Jack is always listening to the conversation or is part of the conversation. As far as Jack is concerned, he’s the savior.

I think by “murdered”, he meant that if Locke had been honest about the cause of Boone’s injuries, it might been possible to save him. I don’t think Jack really believes that Locke murdered him. More that he killed him indirectly by lying.

lol i totally thought the same thing about delivering the placenta. along with the fact that the umbilicle cord was still connected. why am i thinking these things during a such a sweet moment when claire finally had her baby!?!?!

It’s a logical assumption (if “logical” is the right word to use). Let’s see how the baby reacts to Shannon. If he smiles and reaches out for her boobies, then it’s Boone, alright. :smiley:

Come on, wouldn’t most males smile and reach for Shannon’s boobies? :slight_smile:

I don’t see how.

i think they are making it up as they go along. everything is too scatttered, but that’s a good thing, being that they are on a weird mysterious island, who knows what’s going to happen. where are the big tree monster stomping guys??? they are so scary, but so cool!

Jack was treating the injury as a fall and break, not a crush. He looked puzzled several times, and called the story into question, but still treated for the story, not the actual wound. Given the amount of blood and swelling involved, it may have been that he couldn’t be SURE it was a crush injury until it was too late. Had Locke told him that something heavy fell on Boone earlier, Jack would have treated it differently and possibly saved him. Not likely, given the conditions, but then at least Jack would have felt he had tried the right things.

It’s why doctors always want to know what happened. A bruised, bloody mangled leg could mean many different things. With no x-ray machine to look inside and see what’s going on with the bones and blood, only an accurate history will give him the clues to know what’s wrong and how to treat it.

that would have been really sad if she died and the baby lived. but we’d still have BOONE!!! i thought that it would have been a good idea that jack have to leave boone to tend to claire, and then that’s why boone died, because jack had to be involved everywhere. anyway, kate still irritates me beyond belief. even when she was talking claire through the birth, for a second i was like “ok she’s not so ba…nope i still don’t like her at all”

and what was with that outfit she was wearing at the end??? was there a small banana republic stash on the plane??? that really killed the whole “stranded on a desert island” thing for me. anyone else? :wally

Here’s what I heard the writers say (paraphrased). I’ll spoiler it, but there aren’t any plot details revieled:

It’s like you’re making a trip from NY to LA, and then decide to take some side trips. Well, we found that the audience REALLY liked the side trips, so we added a bunch more. But that doesn’t mean we have changed the destination. We still know we’re headed for LA, we’re just taking longer to get there.

Of course, that could be disinformation, too. :slight_smile:

Exactly WhyNot. So we’re left to think that Jack is stomping off looking for a “murderer”, when probably all he’ll say when he finds Locke is “Why did you lie?”

It was a really intense episode, with three major scenes of action going on. No real plot or character development, though, except a little bit more insight as to what makes Jack tick.

WAG: Characters that have more than one flashback are sure to return for the second season. There was only ever one for Boone, right? The writers are clearly investing more depth into some of the major characters, and since I didn’t know much about Boone but him being Locke’s lapdog, sullen, and crushing on sis, his death didn’t really move me at all.

I’ve read enough info on the show to know and believe thatthey’re not making up major stuff as they go along. The writers know the mysteries of the Island and where the journey is going, what they’re making up are the details the castaways see on that journey. When they started out, they didn’t know if they’d get more than one season, and naturally, they have to pace things differently now.

Anybody? got a good look at Jack’s tattoos? I noticed a “5” in there this week and I’m starting to think that 8+15 are some of the other numbers are there. There are some Chinese signs too.

I noticed the 5 for the first time this week, myself. I thought it might have something to do with that little speech he gave in the first episode about only allowing himself to be afraid for 5 seconds.

Another thought …

What did Jack use to puncture Boone’s collapsed lung? It’s not important, but I thought it would be ironic if it happened to be one of the pens Boone collected for the “emergency tracheotomy” on Rose.

Josh Holloway hinted at this in the TV Guide interview mentioned above. He was asked which character was going to die and said something to the effect that you could guess from seeing whose character the writers were investing time in developing.

I was under the impression that he was bleeding internally since he was coughing up blood. Cutting off the leg was pretty much a moot point.

Why a cargo hatch would be a better operating tool than an ax I don’t know.

Some unspoken lines:
Jack - “Boone, I could save you but I need to learn this important life lesson about letting go”

Boone - “Build…raft…faster!..give…me…baby’s…leg!..Must…LIVE!!”

Sawyer (to Boone’s Sister) - “well the good news is that the hunting party brought back some fresh meat…the bad news…”


Yeah, that’s what I thought. And the hatch is heavy enough that it can probably do it in one swipe, whereas with the ax, Michael and Jack might have had to take turns to get the leg off.

Here’s hoping the next episode begins this way:

Closeup on a closed eye, that suddenly springs open, to the sound of a large gasping intake of breath. Camera zooms out…IT’S BOONE!! He’s been miraculously healed!
I’d laugh my head off. I’d love to see the writers screw with us that way.

Ah, good point. Excellent point, in fact.