Lost 2.21: "?"

Michael should have just used my story from last week (tell them he went in to kill Henry and Henry got the jump on him). Use the truth up to a point so circumstances match up. His story has too many holes now.

I always got the impression he made up the couple in L.A. Remember, he was trying to convince Claire for months that she needs to keep the kid. When she finally goes to him for help after turning down the adoption, he suddenly has a ticket for her on Oceanic 815 to go to L.A. to meet the “good people” who want her baby. As Claire said, post-flashback, “there was no couple in L.A…he knew.” I agree with her. Maybe he didn’t know the plane would crash, but he knew that she needed to be on it for whatever greater purpose.

But, ya know, anything could happen…

So, I finally got through on thehansofoundation.org and wow…there’s a lot going on there. I followed tanstaafl’s directions, and there are lots of layers and hidden links and things. I wouldn’t call anything I found spoilerific, but it provides a fair amount of food for thought.

Man, if I knew a year ago what kinds of things we’d be debating about, I would never have believed it. I still have friends who ask me “so, it’s about people who crash on an island, right?” Uh…

Anyway, I’d recommend going to Alvar Hanso’s bio page, and clicking on the date below his photograph.

MidnightRadio, when the newsletter sign-up page asked for a username, I just made one up, and when it asked if I could read this, I typed in “Yes.” I noticed that I had to click inside the boxes first, or it wouldn’t read my answer. It took me a few attempts to do it. Also I couldn’t click the “submit” or “enter” button or whatever it was…I just hit “Enter” on my keyboard and it worked.

However, I’m having trouble getting through on the phone line again. I suppose tomorrow it will get easier. I didn’t spend too much time on it last week. Did anyone come across something worthwhile there?

I’ll probably watch it again tomorrow, but I missed the first part.
It appears Michael claimed to have been shot by Henry?

Also, I’m unsure why Enkidu took off with Locke, but I suppose that is explained as well.

But I think the dream can be partly explained… http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/gilgamesh/tab4.htm

I still think that Eko & Locke (IIRC the only two who have faced down Humbaba) will manage to dissipate the black smoke. Maybe not this season, though.

I did like the, “Here’s a hatch, we’re down in it, we’ve seen the tape, and we’re out.”

My TV was fuzzy - was any of the writing on the printout sensible?

I think it was all the numbers and then the word “accepted” over and over again.

Flipping flip. DVR cut out about 3 minutes early, just as Jack was injecting heroin into Libby and Hurley asked to speak to her.

Anybody want to recap the last minute and spoilerize the scenes from next week?


I just was on it, but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be obeying…

It wasn’t THE numbers. In the close-up, the numbers you could see were:

So, it appears that it is some sort of count going up to 41 million and change.

Oh, oh! And who loved Sawyer comforting Kate at the end? Awww…

Hey…That “Dr. Marvin Kandle” from the first orientation film is back, but with a different name on this videotape. Did y’all catch that? He must have a different name on every tape or film they made for everyone in these hatches. But just how long are these experiments supposed to run? Ah, there’s a question…

Sawyer must have run out of nicknames. Jacko and Freckles have been used already.

Jorge Garcia was great in his final scene with Libby.

Did Jack give Libby enough heroin to kill the pain, or to kill her and put her out of her misery?

I believe the doctor in the orientation film called himself “Mark Wickman”. So I’m assuming that his name is going to be something related to flame in other parts.

Dude, how about “The Artist Formerly Known As Henry Gale?” Hee!

I just got through on 1-877-HANSORG

Go through all the extensions. Cool!

That’s funny, for some reason when the camera pointed down into the new hatch I was strongly reminded of the visuals in the Myst series of games.

Maybe that scene was a CGI effect and my brain subliminally picked up on that.

I didn’t like this episode. It was very un-Lost-like.

Locke is not Locke. He’s a completely differnt perosn. Like he’s trying to out Jack Jack. And Eko’s enthusiam for faith is just way beyond anything we’ve seen before.

Interestingly, though, it was a dream that brought Locke to the “?” place, and a dream that brought Eko there, too. Still, I’ve been waitinf for a long time to see some serious interaction between Locke and Eko, but this was almost a parody.

Did anyone else notice that Psychic’s daughter definitely did not have an Australian accent? I don’t thing that’s bad casting or editing. Something’s up with that chick.

Just checking in to say I got through on the site–if you do the steps, a very nicely creepy clip appears. Very cool. :slight_smile:

Yet another thing I noticed: when Locke picks up the pages as they print from the dot-matrix printer, you can see that it is heavy dark print on the paper, in a fairly large font with big margins. It’s something that might come from a word processing program, not data. In the two close-ups of the paper, though, it shows the list of numbers in faint dot-matrix print.

As for it meaning anything, I strongly suspect the paper used in the shot with Terry O’Quinn read something like “MYSTERIOUS DATA TO BE INSERTED LATER. MYSTERIOUS DATA TO BE INSERTED LATER. MYSTERIOUS DATA…”

One other thing…

This is the 2nd time I’ve noticed that a group left the beach camp in broad daylight heading for “the hatch”, and arrived there in the dark of night. IIRC, “the hatch” is only 1/4 mile form the cave campsite, and the caves are only 1or 2 miles from the beach. What gives?

And another thing…

How the hell did Eko navigate from that “map” he got from Locke? It consisted of 6 bunkers in a circular pattern with a ? at the center. There is no way that Eko could’ve made any sense of it. This goes way beyond the kind of suspension of belief the show usually asks of us.

There was something wrong with this episode. It was like some high school kids were given a shot at writining and producing a “Lost” epsiode.

I just did it twenty times in a row. Same thing over and over. It asks for a screenname, I give it one, it asks me if I can read the message, I say yes (though I’ve also tried entering “breakingstrain” at this point), it says, “gotta go,” and that’s it. I knew about clicking in the boxes (or rather, I quickly figured it out the first time I tried it).

I went to Dr. Mittelwerk’s bio and saw the little box there. I typed in it, “Heir Apparent” and pressed “Enter,” but nothing happened. I didn’t see anything on the page to click to enter, like a submit button. However, I did notice that if you stay on his bio long enough, the clock at the top of the page changes to read “OB:EY.” You can click on that, but it just takes you to the SubLYMONal page.

She had one, but it wasn’t very strong-sounding to my ears. I clicked on the link that someone posted earlier to her IMDb page and she’s from Australia.

Man, I really want that site to work! :mad: :frowning:

Oh, well. I’m gonna go try it on another computer. And I think I’ll call that toll-free number, too.

I feel your pain. The Hanso site sometimes is really tough for me to get through, but now that it’s the wee hours, it’s working better. Have you historically had problems with Flash sites? Because this one is very Flash-heavy. (It reminds me a lot of the Donnie Darko website). I guess it might upset some computer tummies more than others…but I’m just guessing here. Good luck!

The toll-free number is fun, but skip extension 1 and do all the others first. I found that extension 1 just hangs up after it’s (not-very-interesting) message. Be sure to wait through the “hold” music!

My computer’s never had trouble with Flash that I can remember, but maybe that’s it. However, I’m on another computer in the house and having the same problem.

Will do!

I’ve only played Myst once (in 1960, for 20 minutes) but that whole Pearl hatch thing had me thinking “huh, this is kinda like Myst.”

For some reason tonight after I watched the ep I was left feeling “is that all?”

Who else was yelling at the screen after Locke’s dream saying “TELL HIM! JUST TELL HIM YOUR GODDAMN DREAM!!! DON’T BE SUCH A LOSTIE!!!” hehe I’m glad he told Eko the dream - sorta.