Click on the 108 and a mini-window comes up. Dial-up modem sound. It welcomes you to the Hanso web site and asks if you are a “good one”. I hit Y and enter. Mini-window disappeared and compass disappeared. A new window opened with the “index” of the site. Trying to open the sub-indices got me a warning.
Nitpick continuity - In one of the flashbacks where Micheal is facing down an other with the rifle… first shot shows a rifle with a larger caliber than the second shot.
I like Lockes attitude at the end… cuts the bindings and walks off… wonder how that will play out.
The boat is ‘clearly’ unmanned… or it will ahve next season’s castaways/labrats aboard.
You would think that Jack would have remembered Micheal saying he would do anything for Walt… you know, when he locked Jack and an unconsci… knocked out locke in the safe.
I was wondering that myself. It wasn’t the caduceus, the pearl or the arrow for sure. It didn’t look like a flame. I guess it may be one we haven’t heard of yet.
I’m thinking the boat will probably be Desmond’s.
Wasn’t she “Miss” Clue? As in “I rolled my eyes uncontrollably at the ridiculousness of naming a character on Lost ‘Miss’ Clue”? Or as in mis-clue or missed clue?
If they were so intent on having Sawyer, then why shoot him and leave him to drown?
If you get to that Are you a Good One screen on the website, you can get to the /usr directory (which strangely enough seems to be a unix-knockoff /home directory).
Most of the directories redirect to fake 403 errors
/usr/ahanso redirects to the hansofoundation site.
/usr/hcmcintyr is browseable, and there are some interesting files in the /usr/hcmcintyr/mail directory but the website is now timing out for me.
The hcmcintyr directory has a bunch of real-appearing .rc files.
The mail directory contains a jpeg of an old Jeep print advert, a link to a YouTube Jeep commercial (with a sneaky logo on the last frame!), an anti-“Bad Twin” Hanso Foundation scan, and a scan of a signature.
I only know this because I happened to have the closed captioning on and I was really impressed with the CC typist’s spelling interpretation, instead of what I would have guessed if I was typing (“Clue”).
They probably have the script or at least a character listing, but still cool.
The pthompso directory is also browsable – including a “mail” folder with some image files in it. a couple jpgs and several pngs. Have been able to pull all of them up (and save them) except for “memo2.png”
Haven’t browsed through the mcintyr directory yet, although I noted that it was available.
Something seemed a little out of place about Walt – a little unreal, compared to the rest of the scene, if that makes sense.
I’m guessing that at the very least, they digitally altered his voice or something. He not only looked younger than I expected he would now, but he sounded younger, too. Moreso than I remember him.
After quickly flipping to Jimmy Kimmel and catching the tail end of his guest appearance, his current voice is definitely deepened a little compared to what we remember of him. And it didn’t match tonight’s episode. I don’t know how long this was filmed, but I’d guess they did something to make it sound younger in the episode.
Something just seemed off about him in that scene, for sure…
Oooh, good call. I bet you’re right. After all, Desmond said he had been in a race around the world and his boat crashed into the reef. (And I hear Desmond is supposed to be in the finale).
So, I guess Michael wasn’t really brainwashed, in which case he chose to shoot Ana Lucia of his own accord, and Libby, too. Kind of turns him into an unredeemable asswipe, if he’s willing to murder two people so that his son, who appears to be perfectly healthy (despite being in captivity), can go free.
And I find Alex’s attitudes in this thing interesting. She’s following Bluebeard’s orders, and seems to be part of the gang, not held under duress or anything. Although she’s clearly interested in the welfare of the Losties – she asked about Claire, and she seemed sorry about having to smack Michael in the head, and she made sure to encourage him that Bluebeard and boys were only trying to scare the Lostie Posse (Jack, Locke, Sawyer), not hurt them. So now I want to know more about Alex, and how she really feels about what’s going on and what she’s involved in.
Oh, and it didn’t look like Bluebeard actually had that many folks with him at the “confrontation” with Jack and others.
“Go prepare the torches”, he had said to one of those underlings. Sounds like they’d rigged something up to light them all, after all – I’m sure there wasn’t a man at each one. When they approached the hut village, I think they only had Bluebeard and maybe 4 other people (including Alex) in the party that was bringing Michael back.
So, what do the Others want with Kate, Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley…? Are they also “good ones”? Were they supposed to be on the “list” of people to grab initially. I remember that in Ethan’s conversation in the medical bunker there was something about Ethan getting discovered before he was able to complete the list, or something like that.
Namaste is Hindi/Sanskrit – it is kind of an all purpose greeting/prayer for Hindus. It is not easy to define but is something along the line of “I honor the spirit in both of us.”
Is it just me, or has it been like a week at most since Locke had his legs horribly crushed and punctured and stuff? More abnormally fast healing? You’d think somebody would say something.