Lost 2.22: "Three Minutes"

I doubt Bernard or Rose will say anything.

That was just Henry playing to Locke’s vanity.

Par for the course for our distracted survivors. Locke did limp off to points unknown, so he’s not “as good as new” just yet.

I thought Walt looked really lanky. It has been a while though, so who knows. His voice sounded fine to me, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had to digitally manipulate it.

I wonder what The Room is. Sounds creepy.

Vincent dropping the Virgin Mary in front of Chaz was one of my favorite parts. “Did someone put you up to this?”

Oh yeah, and I hope we get to see Genry Hale again in the finale. That oughta be an interesting confrontation.

Would you let a kidnapper keep your son just because you saw that he was perfectly healthy?

Hell, yes, I would kill to get my child back. I don’t even need to think twice. I don’t think Michael is compromised. I think he wants his son back, and he’s doing it the best way he knows how.

Now, could he have spilled the beans and told The Four they had to come with him to get Walt back? Could the Not Four (Sayid, etc) have hung back as support when they confronted the Others? Probably, but I don’t think Michael is thinking clearly here.

Any idea why they wanted Michael’s blood?

Any idea how they *took *Michael’s blood? Last I knew, you couldn’t just jab a hypodermic just anywhere in the bicep and pull out 10cc’s of clean blood. WTF?

They are looking for midichlorians.

I got the impression that they wanted to confirm his paternity of Walt.

Jack may be the worst leader of all time. “It’s your call?” Like hell it is. That conversation should have gone something like “Yeah, it’s your call. You do it our way or you go by yourself again, jackass.”

I wouldn’t say it’s so much that he was willing to kill. It’s that he killed a non-kidnapper at the earliest possible opportunity, based entirely on the promise of the kidnappers. You’re going to believe that shit? Not-Henry goes back, the kidnappers could just tell you to pound salt. You wouldn’t at least get the lay of the land before blowing people away?

Walt was in good health, not harmed in any way, and you have time to develop a plan to get him back. Michael could have gotten himself set up to guard Not-Henry and just let him go. Instead, he kills two people at the earliest possible opportunity.

Totally unjustified.

I agree. Definitely not thinking clearly.

There’s no way the Others are giving him the boat. If they do, Mike and Walt might be able to get off the island and tell the authorities who come and round up the Others. If they have no intention of giving up the boat, they ain’t giving up Walt either.

This assumes you can get off the island.

Like I said, a frantic parent sees his son for three minutes. His son makes cryptic comments about taking tests and that they are pretending. He’s told if he doesn’t bring back The Four, the Whole Four, and Nothing But the Four, he will never see his son again.

He’s been banged on the head. I think he has to believe, otherwise he gives up all hope of getting Walt back.

Cheesesteak, you are quite reasonable. But as a parent who has had a few terrifying moments where I didn’t know where my child was (as a toddler Ivyboy had wandered over to a neighbor’s house to see her cats, and that was the longest ten minutes of my life) I can tell you that you panic. Will he be found guilty in a court of law for murder? Absolutely. But again, if I thought I had to kill to get my kidlets back, I would.

I would just hope I would have someone stronger than Jack to think clearly for me, because sure as hell I won’t be.

Oh, another thing…the Others were on a power boat when they kidnapped Walt. Now there’s a sailboat bobbing offshore. Why not the power boat?

Different boat.

And yes, as a aprent I agree with you about Michael all the way.

I’m calling the shots here! Sure, you’re the ones with the guns. Sure, I’m the one who needs something from you. Sure, I’m insisting that we bring the Grape Ape on a cross-country trek even though he’s probably never fired a gun. Sure, I’m refusing to bring the SOLDIER WITH COMBAT EXPERIENCE along on our attack. Sure, I’ve already gotten the number of firearms they have wrong.


W. T. F?

“Hey Michael. Go fuck yourself. We’re bringing everyone, we’re bringing all the guns.”

Injections every 9 days. That’s 216 hours. That’s twice 108. Sure, it takes some gymnastics to get there, but I got there.

Henry was trying to play to John’s desire for love and acceptance. And it was working, I think.

Miss Clue…my first thought was Miss Cleo. :rolleyes:

I’m guessing a paternity test.


That’s what I was wondering. As someone who has to have blood drawn regularly, I wish it was that easy so I wouldn’t have to drink a gallon of water beforehand to make my veins poof up.

My needlephobic girlfriend said the same thing.

Still, some people have veins that are easy to spot and stick. Maybe Michael is one of them.

I’ve been praying for his dumb ass to die since the third or fourth episode.

Here’s hoping!


If he is, he’s an even bigger prick (ha!) than I thought he was.

yellowval (thick-skinned and thin-veined)

And, as my husband said to me last night: “THAT’S what you have a problem with on this show? Your suspension of disbelief holds up for mysterious corporations who mastermind plane crashes, tree crunching monsters, Nigerian plane crashes, psychic dogs, backwards speaking children, magical medical care and rock bands in diapers, and THIS is where it gives out?!”

Well, yeah.

That and the new washers and dryers in the hatch.


By the way, as long as we’re giving out Stupid Points, I’d like to give a couple to Charlie and Claire.


Not really adding anything new, but Michael’s actions are completely believable, given:
1.) It’s his son
2.) he’s dealing with enormous guilt over abandoning him to his wife
3.) He’s been abused, tied up, interrogated, and threatened

The fact that he shot AL and Libby is. . . disturbing and probably acceptable only under an insanity plea. He’s definitely not in his right mind.

What’s completely UNbelievable are the reactions of everyone else. . . except maybe Jack because he’s proving to be one of the most strategically and tactically retarded “leaders” I’ve ever encountered in a story. I can believe him saying “it’s your call? Ok. No, I don’t have any questions. Have you seen how low my dick’s hanging today?”

Any real leader would react exactly like Sawyer did, and Sayid’s reaction was beautiful, too. The look in his eye when he was measuring Michael up was beautiful.