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OK, folks, this is it. The 2 hour season 3 finale (starts 1 hour earlier than usual) and the last episode until Feb ’08. Jack has worked with CFL to set dynamite traps in the women’s tents to blow up The Others when they raid the camp. Charlie swam into The Looking Glass Station to try and disable the jamming signal so Sayid can contact Naomi’s ship (80 miles offshore). He didn’t expect two women to be there, and they’re holding him at rifle point. We learned that The Others aren’t the original Dharma folks (except for Ben and maybe a few others, no pun intended). Rather, they were “The Hostiles” and were on The Island before the Dharma folks arrived.
Interestingly, Kelvin mentioned The Hostiles to Desmond during the years they spent in the Swan Station— was he using that term in the same sense?
I don’t expect any big reveals in this episode, but there will be a cliff hanger which (according to the previews) has our Lostaways captured by The Others (again).
I’ve been thinking for some time that the writers are doing a sort of reverse peel the onion on the plot, telling us about more and more groups on The Island each season. We had hints of The Others in season 1, learned about Desmond, Kelvin and a few of The Others in season 2 (although we didn’t know who The Others really were), and this season we learn that there was another group of Others (The Hostiles) who predated the Dharma folks. I’m guessing that season 4 will open with (no real spoilers here, just my own speculation):
A scene in Richard’s camp with someone we’ve never seen before, at a time about when Richard first meets young Ben or about the time he and Ben set their plot in motion to kill the Dharma folks. This will parallel the season openers in The Hatch (season 2) and in Otherville (season 3).
From the preview on Lostpedia for this episode:
** Through the Looking Glass ** Jack and the castaways begin their efforts to make contact with Naomi’s rescue ship.
Some useful Café Society links are given below:
Thread index for Season 1 Episodes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Thread index for Season 2 Episodes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Thread index for Season 3 episodes: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
The Official Lost Jargon Thread
Official “Lost” Questions ThreadSeason 1, Season 2, Season 3
Here are some interesting external links:
The Lost Report: A very well written summary of the most current episode often containing interesting insights. I don’t think you’ll find spoilers.
The Tail Section: Excellent site for still frame photos of key scenes, along with some good analysis. But… beware of spoilers!
Sledgeweb’s Lost… Stuff: Pretty good site, but again beware of spoilers. I use it mainly for the Timeline section, which is an incredibly detailed breakdown of “how long since…?” for almost anything you can think of (pre- and post-plane crash).
Door Map from Episode 2.17. A nicely cleaned up version of the diagram Locke saw while pinned under the lockdown doors. No spoilers.
Lostpedia: The wikipedia of Lost information. Quite a comprehensive site, but beware of spoilers!
ThEmIsFiTiShErE: The Misfit offers his whacky commentary on “Lost”. Is he a nut-case or a clever insider? Careful, though, possible spoilers.