Looks like it’s a “freighter”.
This the finale of Star Trek:TNG, “All Good Things…”, except with a Scotsman instead of a French/Englishman.
Doesn’t make it any less trippy, though.
If we get a bitch’n shot of the Enterprise E coming up shooting from 6 o’clock, thumbs up!
This watching the show when it first comes on is over rated. I can’t fast forward through the commercials.
Sure hope his brain doesn’t explode now.
I’m blown away by this episode… it significantly expands the horizon of the show, and yet further complicates our understanding of the island, the nature of the time delays, and pretty much everything we think/know about the show up to this point.
Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in again!
Awesome. It’s been a while since there’s been episode that reminds me why I pester everyone to watch it. The Desmond/Penny romance is the best story that the show has to tell.
Yowza. That was neat.
Zounds! Loved it.
Awesome! I loves me some Desmond anyway, he could just sit there and read a phone book and I’d be happy, but that was even better than I had imagined.
Adding in some Daniel didn’t hurt. I’m with you Daniel, Desmond would be my constant, too.
And now I think we have an idea why Daniel was crying but didn’t know why in the previous flashback.
Great episode! I was confused but then not confused. Just the right amount of confused!
My theory on this time-travel stuff - it is not the be-all-end-all “answer” to the island. It’s one of the island’s mysteries and it happens to engulf Desmond.
I guess this explains Desmond’s abilities to predict the future wrt Charlie. He was becoming unstuck in time even then, just not as bad.
Great episode! We’re getting new questions, but we’re also getting some damn answers!!!
I got strong Back to the Future and Flowers for Algernon vibes. Funny, because I usually don’t pick up on the references. But I’m obsessed with BTTF and FFA was one of the first “grownup books” I ever read as a kid.
Damn, I loves me some Penny Widmore. Lord Widmore is a bit of a dink though.
Too bad he didn’t remember being exposed to the EMP/whatever happened when he didn’t hit the numbers in the hatch and it went to defcon penguin and brought down the plane. Or whatever, it’s been a while.
re: George “Minkowski”:
Has anyone mentioned yet that Hermann Minkowski was a mathematician who came up with the idea of spacetime?
Totally agree.
However, now we have to think about the paradox. Daniel wouldn’t have been on the island if Desmond hadn’t traveled through time. Desmond wouldn’t have gone to see Daniel if he hadn’t told him to go see him.
I think they forget. After all, Daniel was on the fritz when we saw his first flashback. He was crying because the chain of events of the discovery of 815’s wreckage was going to lead him to the island and validate his theories. But for some reason he didn’t remember any specifics. Similarly, how could Desmond have NOT remembered going to see a stranger in 1996 and discussing time travel with him? How could he not remember Daniel at Oxford when he saw him on the island?
I think Daniel is wrong and time can be changed. Otherwise nothing makes sense.
Eh, it’s all I’ve got.
Quick thought dump…
So Widmore has the log from the Black Rock, does he?
And Penny “knows all about the Island”.
If Penny didn’t know anything about the boat, why was she calling it constantly? And why were the boat people told not to respond to her?
Who trashed the radio room? I’m assuming that it was the helicopter pilot who unlocked the door to the sickbay and let them out.
I guess we know why Minkowski couldn’t answer the radio anymore.
One thing I’m not sure about … well, there’s more than one thing but the one currently nagging my brain … when Eloise runs the maze Daniel said he just built the maze and he teaches her to run it an hour from now. Then Desmond zones out and comes back and Eloise is dead. So was he out for more than an hour during which time Daniel taught Eloise the maze and then started doodling on the drawing board? Or was that a plot hole?
Hmmm…I wonder if time travel could be an explanation for why all those people with all those inter-connections just “happened” to be on the same plane at the same time?