LOST 6.17 "The End"

They are really padding this with tons of commercials :mad:

Same amount as a regular ep, though.

And we have Shannon. Hurley took Sayid to where he could play the rescuer. And they suddenly knew each other. And ALT Boone was in on the con. Nice.

Boone said it was a pain in the ass getting Shannon there from Australia. That sounds like it was planned even before the flight. Bwuh?

Did Smokey leave Claire there to guard the plane? I think she’s still loyal to him.

Kind of interesting how Jack and Smokey are working together – they just believe in different outcomes. I half expected Smokey to push Jack down the hole, too.

“You’re not Locke. You disrespect his memory by wearing his face.”

A personal reaction, but I really like John. I’m glad someone finally voiced that sentiment.

:confused: I guess I’ll be staying up until 3 or so reviewing the tape…

I think this was after the fact – not flight 815. I think Desmond went and converted and recruited him (just like Hurley), and then they helped Des with the “get everybody back together and remembering” plans, including getting Shannon back from Australia (which ALT Boone did not do in the sideflash 815).

Shannon wasn’t on ALT Flight 815. They must have flew her in later.

I just want to say that this season, Jack has become likable. Something he was not so much in the first 5 seasons. :slight_smile:


Charlotte, Daniel, and Dr Chang return; next up: Aaron. Maybe Kate’s delivering him in the bathroom.

ALT Claire having her baby?

Looks like a cork? Pull the plug and the island sinks?

Smokey took fist damage. Does this mean he can’t turn to smoke now? Back to being a mortal man?

I think the Smoke monster is just a man, now.

Eloise: “I thought I made it clear that you were to stop this”
Des: “Perfectly clear. I chose to ignore you.”

Aw hell, she is delivering him!
ETA: Damn, Desmond’s one suave mofo, ain’t he?

Well, that was a really fast labor.

“Um, never mind those blankets and towels. We’re done.”

Somehow I think that the pregnant woman who is delivering her baby unexpectedly and very quickly does not need to be told, “1-2-3, PUUUUSSSSSSHHHHH!”

But I learned a long time ago that no good will come of nitpicking labor/delivery scenes in TV shows. :smiley:

Dude, when Jack appeared at the top of the cliff and yelled, “LOCKE!”, MrWhatsit said:


And then the ensuing 15 seconds left us hysterical with laughter. :smiley:

Time for the ultimate Jack/Locke smackdown!