For instance, how they got stuck on the island. I know there was a plane crash, and that’s about all I know. I just watched the episode (Raised by Another?) in which Claire flashes back to visiting a psychic and being told that if she didn’t raise her child, there’d be dire consequences.
That’s the first episode I’ve seen. I kept trying to hold out until I could watch from the beginning, but if I do that I’ll never get to watch it. And now I’m hooked.
So now I’m looking for some detail on the previous episodes, up until the point where they realize that Ethan Rom wasn’t on the flight manifest.
Since most of you are a season ahead of us here in South Africa, I know it might be hard to remember exactly what happened when, but try not to spoil beyond ep 10 for me
(Oh, and I’ve been reading episode guides but can’t find anything really informative)
Try these episode guides.
whoops. My first attempt spoiled something. So, instead, go to televisionwithoutpity and read the recaps for the episode-by-episode story.
It’s all a jumble in my memory at this point, so I can’t explain without possibly spoiling something.
The problem I have with the TWOP ep guides is… they talk too much. Honestly - first page of episode one’s synopsis, all I know is, Matthew Fox’s plane crashed and the author likes to use Hawaiian phrases.
I guess I’m hoping for something in the middle ground - more than the standard TV guide listing, but less than a second by second recap peppered with the author’s thoughts on what was annoying or cool or whatever. Seems hard to come by.
And thanks anyway, **Ethilrist **- I knew it would probably be pretty difficult to separate things out into a timeline a year after the fact.
It appears that at 8:00, they’ll have a big 1-hour refresher episode itemizing all the major points of last season before the show starts at its new time at 9:00. Maybe that’ll help somewhat (though you’ve always got us to flesh things out if you need it).
One page episode summaries
direct from the ABC Lost website.
This is perfect - thank you, Hampshire!