The girl who plays Claire was on Jimmy Kimmel tonight, so I know no one else saw it. She revealed something from this week’s upcoming episode:
She’s still pregnant!
Then they showed a clip which revealed a bit more:
The clip showed her lying on her back, still very very pregnant, with the other castaways gathered around looking concerned and wiping her face and whatnot. She woke up eventually, and started freaking out. Charlie tried to calm her down, and she yelled, “Who are you?!” Then, looking around at everyone else, “Who are you all?!”
Actually, everything he “spoiled” was in the preview if this weeks episode that they showed last week.
What I want to know is - and I’ll spoiler box it in case there are some people who don’t want to know such things. This was also in the preview though.
They use Claire as bait in an ambush for Ethan, who wants her back. They grab the guns from the case found in the last Kate episode. Ethan comes. They show Jack and Ethan struggling. Black screen and gunshot sound. The next shot you see is Kate looking all teary and Locke and others carrying home what looks to be a body in a bag. I want to know who dies damnit!
Well, after checking out some future episode promo clips I have determined that
None of the main 14 cast members die tonight as they are all in pics for future episodes.
As someone posted just ahead of me, I don’t think it looks good for Steve. If not Steve then Scott. I don’t think they’d bother to bring Ethan back to the beach to bury him so even if Ethan dies I doubt he’s the only one. The episode description says Ethan threatens to kill other castaways until Claire is returned to him, so I think he has to follow through on the threat on at least one person for them to take his threat seriously and do something about him.
My money is on Jack or Locke dying much later in the season. The castaways are very dependent on both of them so one of them dying would have very dramatic effects on everyone.
I removed this from the spoiler tags because it is just speculation and not based on any inside info, but I have to disagree with you. Jack and Locke are the magnetic poles of the series. To get rid of one of them would risk throwing it off balance. If any main character dies later in the season, I see it being Charlie.