LOTR: Aragorn

We got the ExtendoVersion of LOTR last week and in it, Peter Jackson reveals that Aragorn was originally supposed to be played by a younger actor (Viggo Mortensen was the eventual choice). Anyone know who the younger actor was?


Why didn’t I do a search first? I see that, according to an older thread, the actor was Stewart Townsend.

Sorry guys.

::awaiting berating::

Not to worry, we can just turn this one into an Aragorn droolfest?

Mmmmm… Aragorn…

Yay, Aragorn!

However, I must admit that I’m from the Legion of Legolas Lovers. In spite of that I am deeply in love with the book Aragorn, and have been for years.

My dream is to be the middle part of an Aragorn/Boromir sandwich. Legolas does nothing for me.

Pervy elf likes humans!