Lou Diamond Phillips

I can’t stand Lou Diamond Phillips. I refuse to watch movies containing:

Any of the Baldwin brothers
Michael Caine (Zulu was okay)
Kevin Bacon
Hugh Grant
Steven Seagal
Jackie Chan
Angelina Jolie
Mario Van Peeples
Billy Dee Williams (you know Lando sucked, admit it.)

The 90% horrible list includes:

Camerron Diaz
Laurence Fishburne
Keanu Reeves
Gene Hackman
Drew Barrymore
Ashton Kutcher
Sean Connery
Russell Crowe

I probably mangled the spelling, but they should get better names anyway.
Who is on your list?

Gene Hackman and Russell Crowe do not belong on any worst-of list. And hell, Sean Connery should only be on a best-of list!

But I agree on Cameron Diaz and raise you a Brendan Fraser.

My list isn’t too long:

Woody Allen (I really really dislike him)
Mel Gibson (mostly his new stuff, but even his movies I love are difficult these days)
Meg Ryan
Jackie Earle Haley

That’s all I can think of.

Seriously? You people are persnickety.

A great director and script can redeem virtually any actor.

I loathe Adam Sandler, but thought he was excellent in Punch Drunk Love.

I think Don Rickles’ stand-up routine is about as funny as cancer, but he was funny in the Toy Story movies.

I despise the fact that John Travolta and Tom Cruise shill for an evil, destructive cult, but I’ll still see their films.*

Nope, there are few performers that will keep me away from a well-reviewed film. I can’t think of any at the moment.

  • I’ll PAY for a different film at the multiplex, preferably an art film that has been around for a while so the theater gets to keep more of the ticket price.

If you refuse to watch any movie featuring either Michael Caine or Gene Hackman, I think you’ve just eliminated 98% of all movies ever made.

The other 2% feature Kevin Bacon, who was in the OP.

Everyone has their taste, but you can dislike someone while still recognizing their talent.

On that basis, I quibble with your list:

You may not enjoy him, but the man has boatloads of talent.

Teh rest of your list…yeah, all arguable as far as be worthy of defending. But Hackman is too good to be piled next to Keanu and Cameron.

Add99. Put me down as curious about your choices. Just WHO do you consider a great actor? What five actors are your favorites?

Have you seen Michael Caine in Sleuth? The Man Who Would Be King? Deathtrap?

I’m not trying to hijack your thread, just to find out what your standards are?

Russell Crowe was terrific in Proof and 3:10 to Yuma and L.A. Confidential and The Insider and…I could go on.

I’d have to make a longer list for Hackman. Fishburne is a decent character actor. I dunno, the OP is all over the place. Lou Diamond Phillips is truly awful.

I won’t watch anything with Ben Stiller. Ugh.

He reminds me of Peter North.

You refuse to see anything with Jackie Chan in it? His recent movies have sucked pretty hard, but some of his older ones are pretty awesome. Also, Sean Connery is one of the all-time greats.

I don’t avoid movies because certain people are in them, however there are people whose work I don’t see much because they are in mostly bad movies. Of the people listed in the OP I have seen many of them several times each.


Michael Caine is probably the only actor I simply cannot abide.

Tony Danza
Shelley Long

And, I ask why?

I don’t really know. However, he always looks as though he is acting, or perhaps acting as though he is acting. It never seems effortless with him, I always get this feeling of “look at me, I’m acting”. Or possibly he just gets up my nose.

Keep in mind that I’m OK, with Keanu, and I’m happy to watch Ed Wood’s work, or Johnny Depp portraying Ed Wood. There’s just something about Michael Caine. I’m sure it’s my failing, not his.

I think I could name a film in which all of those actors gave excellent performances as hungry and well directed actors. I see what you mean, but I hardly think any of them are talentless.

I don’t really watch any of Mel Gibson’s movies, but only because most of them haved sucked. However, I haven’t ruled out watching them.

Likewise, the only movie of Tom Cruise’s I really like is Interview with the Vampire. (He was good in that – you couldn’t even tell he was Tom Cruise)
Other than that, I’d probably wind up naming someone, and then they’d be in a movie I really want to see.

I do not like Russell Crowe, but I think he’s a decent actor. I loved 3:10 to Yuma when I finally sat down and watched it. Terrific film.