Lurkers: Say something

I’ve been a member for a long time, and it took me many years to get to 1000 posts. Mainly I read, and often have thoughts, but when I see my position already posted by another member I don’t pile on “me too”

I’m old and slow.

I’ve actually lurked this board since around 2003, now they can’t even begin to shut me up!

I enjoy lurking here a lot. It’s like reading a really good book with short chapters.

Thanks for the laughs and the education.

Maybe Klondike geoff has to move aside as resident geezer.

Great to see you** JoThrive.**

My Dad is also a WW II vet. he’s pushing 90.

Banned for shitting on a lurker who had recently started posting.

Been here forever…basically too lazy to post. I read every day though.


heh, I was just gonna say you know, I’m quiet, just like in RL (aww how sweet!) But no, I’m just a lazy slob.

I do put in my two cents worth sometimes, when I feel strongly about something. Thanks for asking, Zeldar.

Hi, all you lurkers, and all the ones that haven’t posted. Good to know you’re out there. I’ll be watching you…or I guess really you’ll be watching [del]me[/del] us.


Sure thing. It’s been fun seeing you and so many others posting.

I read the boards every day, multiple times a day. I rarely post. I have posted more in the last few months than I have in the last four years. I lurked for at least four years before I even signed up. I haven’t yet thought of a thread to start.

Baby steps.

I guess 264 posts since 2007 makes me a lurker (well, 265 now :p)


If any of you are having trouble thinking of things to say, just know that it’s always - ALWAYS - acceptable to post just to tell me how amazingly witty and brilliant I am. It doesn’t even matter if I’ve posted in that thread. Any time, any where. Go for it.

You’re welcome.


Yes, that’s a reasonable measure of “lurkership” as I see it. My own “posts per day” is misleading, even at over 4 per day, since there have been longish stretches where I didn’t even check in, much less post. So those long stretches of 0 posts have to be counted in with the stretches (like the last few months) where I would have posted at least 10 times a day and started at least three threads a week. (And that’s conservative.)

So, if I were to put down a number for what the threshold for “Lurker” would be, it would be in the less-than-0.05 posts per day range, with a little leeway for Dopers who have been posting for over 5 years. But that’s just me and just a ballpark. I feel it’s best to let each individual decide where “Lurker” stops and “Poster” starts.

One of those threads in the OP is based on this very idea. (I need to look at it again! :wink: ) Maybe other big-time “Posters” have an idea of what “Lurker” means.

ETA: And since I’m a Guest, I have to look up profiles to see how many posts-per-day others have (even my own) so I’m flying blind on your posts counts. My number is probably way too low for the real Lurkers.

Hey, y’all. I just had the thought that somebody else should post a poll (with the “public” option on) that asks something like

Lurker (with some cut-off number of posts-per-day)
Thread Starter (with some number to identify the heavy hitters there)

and any other categories that seem to matter.

I won’t do it, since this thread is cruising right along. But I would love to see the way such a poll would go.

For one thing, would Lurkers feel comfortable voting in such a poll?

I would vote in that poll.

Beautiful! And I see that you meet my “standard” enough that I would hope you’d select “Lurker” what with

Total Posts: 154
Posts Per Day: 0.05

I’d vote, too, and lean on Thread Starter unless the OP decides on a number bigger than my count. I try to mix my replies to those threads I didn’t start to those I did in at least a 3-to-1 ratio, but I can’t confirm that it really goes that way.


Hi. I’ve been reading the boards (and the books before that) for many years. I’m mostly here to learn, and I’ve certainly learned a lot. Anything I say can and will be said better by someone else, so I lurk. I probably look suspicious while I’m at it, too.