Lynndie England is sexy

On the outside? He’s a voting American citizen, you fascist asshole. You’re suggesting that only politicians have a right to criticize the government? What a bunch of totalitarian bullshit. I know: how about if a citizen uses their rights under the first amendment to raise awareness of what the see as abuses of the political system? And how bout the give it a satiric tone to widen the audience? What should we do, hang him by the neck until dead? On the outside? You just showed your stripes, Benito.

You said it man ! We need more people like you!Peace.

He may be all that you say, but if so he’s only at entry level in terms of either satire or art. Like I said, I think anyone with a rabble-rousing turn of mind and indifference to being thought of as a jerk could do what he does. He isn’t clever and he isn’t smart (although I thought he must have been both prior to his appearance on O’Reilly’s show…what a disappointment that was), he’s just found success because of his extraordinary willingness to be a dickhead.

So . . . your main criticism is that YOU don’t find him funny? You’ll have to do much better than that, Benito.

You idiotic cocksucker!

(Sorry, but when in Rome…)

Where the fuck did I say he didn’t have a right to criticize the government? Nowhere, that’s where, you lying disingenuous fuck! I said it’s easy to find fault and hard to make things happen. I said it’s easy to do what he does, because anyone can find fault with anything. How you can extrapolate from that that I’m a fascist, and that I said only politicians have a right to criticize the government, and that I said anything remotely totalitarian is so fucking ridiculous that I actually laughed when I saw it. Prior to now I had thought that you were at least somewhat intelligent, and you may be, but if so this idiotic post of yours only goes to show something I’ve believed for a long time. People operate on two levels: emotional and intellectual, and neither has much of an effect on the other. Since I do believe you are at least moderately intelligent, I have to conclude you must be a virtual emotional basket case in order to overreact in such a ridiculous manner.

What a fucking idiotic buttpipe you are!

(How’s that, Skippy? Profane enough for ya? Feel better now?)

No, my main criticism is that I don’t find him smart, clever or talented…and I most especially don’t find him to be an artist. How’s that, Skippy?

And besides, you’ve got nonpolar complimenting you. If that’s not proof enough you’ve gone over to the dark side, I don’t know what is.


Please? :eek:

Art I’m not really qualified to pass judgement on. But that never stopped me in the past, so I’ll say he’s average.

Satire - more my thing. His sarcasm is at the level of the average high school, say Columbine. He doesn’t register on a satire meter.

Stand up comedian. Mockingbird riding his high horse would get more laughs.

Explain your “on the outside” snarl.

Um, that’s *dork *side. And one can’t choose one’s followers. But you wouldn’t judge John Lennon by Mark David Chapman, would you?

It has already became a rather warped craze!

You’ll have to ask nice. Orders don’t cut it.

Good point, I admit.

And you’ll have to find a more compelling way to sidestep a fascist outburst. What else can it mean? What, exactly, is Moore on the outside of? The only thing I can imagine your imperialist little mind can be thinking is that he’s criticizing the political system although he’s outside of that. There are the rulers and the ruled, you seem to suggest, and no criticism from the ruled is worthy of credibility. What else could “on the outside” possibly mean, Josef?

Ha ha, Aro, I came here to post just that link but you got there before me.


Well, lemme 'splain it to ya, Bucko.

You are right on the money when you say I mean that he’s outside the political system, although how you extrapolate from that that this means I’m a fascist, totallitarian asshole is anybody’s guess. I said that it’s easy to find fault and it’s hard to create accomplishment.

You, or I, or just about anyone could go anywhere…an amusement park, a department store, a cafeteria, a stock brokerage, a governor’s office…and given enough time find dozens if not hundreds of things to criticize. It is not hard at all to find fault with things. What is hard is to be in the position of having to run these entities and fight the battles and solve the problems necessary to make them function.

Moore is a fault-finder. It’s easy and it in no way bespeaks intelligence – or talent as an artist – on his part.

It appears that once again I have my finger firmly on the prostate of international pop culture.

Feels kinda like a McNugget.

Thank you for sharing.

Hey, Photoshop mavens! Howzabout juxtaposing the Bush Twins pointing at Ahnold’s steroid shriveled Cheney?