Lynndie England is sexy

Whose “ox” is Lynndie England? I thought she was just a war criminal that every despised equally.

If we can’t insult war criminals, who can we insult.

As to the OP, that is known as a “three-bagger.” One for you, one for her and one for anybody, God forbid, looking in the window.

Actually she’s been cast in Mia Farrow’s old role in Rumsfeld’s Baby.

Yeah, i have no problem with anyone insulting her. But the larger pattern of drawing direct connections between women’s looks and their value as human beings is what i see as the more disturbing aspect of this trend (i can’t speak for Starving Artist on the issue). It’s perhaps not the biggest injustice in the world, but it’s still rather troubling IMHO.

Spoken like a man who knows all too well the meaning of the term “mercy fuck”. I feel your pain.

I don’t think there’s any connection between looks and value as a human being. In my case, it’s just a separate observation. She’s a war criminal who also happens to be aggressively unattractive. Ordinarily, I would look for the beauty within and all that, but in this case, I just don’t feel inclined.

sigh Oh, please!
She a piece of shit, AND she’s ugly too, but even uglier because she’s a piece of shit…and so on, and so on, and so on!
Stop trying to look so deep into things, and enjoy the thread!:wink:

There was that other very preety woman soldier who also commited the same crimes .What happened to her? Remember guys?

God, you are such a liberal, Dio. Got $10 says you’re married to a feminist!

OK, lets get this over with! We, the aforementioned and undersigned, being men, and therefore pigs, do solemnly acknowledge that we are lifelong victims of testosterone poisoning, and that only the wisdom and guidance of Woman prevent us from spending our entire lives running around in the woods, naked, and peeing on trees. We solemnly aver that we know, in our deepest souls, that Janet Reno is every bit as valid a person as Halle Berry, so help us Goddess, amen. Apersons. Whatever. Yes, dear.

SA, you don’t disappoint. Thank your for comparing an artist who feels protective enough of his country to try to blow the whistle on those he feels are hurting it to a war criminal.

What an asshole you are. Usually deceptively civil, but an asshole nonetheless.

What the he…Naw, it can’t be! :smiley:

Dio, it seems to me you were one of those in the thread I referred to (although I don’t remember you as being one of the excoriants ;)) who felt it was uncalled for and mean-spirited to make “ad hominem” attacks on people because of the way they look.

I’m just wondering why now, all of a sudden, when it’s someone the left finds reprehensible, the gloves are off and any insult about her appearance is great fun.

Let’s see, what would I call this? :: balances the two in his hands like Joan Cusak :: Hypocrisy or double-standard, double-standard or hypocrisy. Hmm…

An innocent human child, who will, I fear suffer problems greater than, but not unrelated to your unearned scorn.


You mean the artist who likes to write books to chide “stupid white men,” or to go to other counties and make speeches about how stupid Americans are. The artist who says things like, “You can see us coming down the street. We’ve got this big, stupid grin on our face and we’re like, ‘Hi, how ya doin?’ because we don’t have anything of any import or consequence in our brains”?

That artist?

Thank you…I think.

And, uh…oh, yeah… he likes to go to other countries and say that, too.


I notice that you’re particularly irked, SA, about Michael Moore being classified as an artist. Would it ease the pain you’re suffering up there in your garret if he played con artist to your starving artist?

C. M. Coolidge. “Dogs playing poker” Died rich as shit.

Margaret Keane, Kids with big eyes, rolling in it.

Picasso, God only knows what, millionaire many times over, women throwing themselves at his feet

Dali, limp watches, I mean, WTF? limp watches, farting through the silk…
Point? Oh, no point. Just being mean.

My references to him as an “artist” were a sort of sarcastic parody of lissener’s calling him that. I don’t really regard Moore as an artist…with the exception of “con artist,” as you said. I think anyone who’s willing to be thought of as a jerk could do what he does.

I learned through observation years ago that the negatives in life are easy and the positives are hard. It’s easy to spend money, hard to earn it; it’s easy to make a mess, hard to clean it up; it’s easy to criticize, it’s hard to accomplish, etc.

What’s hard, and what requires brains, is dealing with the important issues of governing from within the system as our elected politicians and their policy makers have to do. It’s easy to sit on the outside and cherry-pick things to criticize, and it’s especially easy if you do it in the disingenuous and deceptive way that Moore does.

He’s no artist and he’s no talent, he’s just a rabble-rousing fault-finder with a camera who isn’t constrained by fear of looking like a jerk.

Well, let’s see…we’ve got two mediocre artists and two brilliant artists, all of whom got rich. Further, and while I may be in the grip of luci-paranoia, I suspect there’s some sort of insult hidden in there somewhere, but danged if I can figure out where. Must have something to do with my name and intended to be an insult regarding my talent and status as a “starving artist,” but Picasso starved for years although he was painting like Raphael when he was in his mid-teens. Hmm…

Oh, well…it’s only elucidator. Who ever knows what the hell he’s driving at?

He’s actually egged on to be a jerk by people who like to live their lives vicariously through him. The more tousled he looks, the more he shuffles, the more people think he’s the real thing, not a slick city type. Hence all the droning on about Flint in his films and books.

The Charlton Heston sequence in Columbine made be sick, not that I’m a great Chuck fan, nor a rabid gun freak. It was the way this ambling oaf sanctimoniously propped that darn photo of the 6 year-old girl against the arch of Heston’s courtyard, as if he really cared for the girl. I have a girl of a similar age, and if any hack journalist ever tried that trick, I’d have his guts for garters. And manners makyth man may no longer resonate with people who equate manners with oily types on Wall Street and Capitol Hill, but I don’t respect people who abuse the hospitality they receive in someone else’s house.

It’s sad when people look up to Arnie, but way worse in my opinion when they look up to people like Michael Moore. Rant over.

Till next time…

Good point.

And a fine rant it was, too. I couldn’t agree more.

He’s a satirist: you act like he’s a humorless polemicist. He’s a polemicist all right, but he’s also a standup comedian with a camera. All your descriptions of him, no matter how unfair (though not very) don’t seem outside the purview of a satirist.