MAD Dopefest - Welcome Antigen to Baltimore

I am now definitely going to attend. So I’ll see you all up by Towson!

I’m sorry, but for a variety of reasons, it looks like my pumpkin bread and I are going to have back out. I’m dreadfully sorry, and will try to make up for it by bringing pumpkin bread to the next event.

I know what pumpkin bread looks like moving forward – what does it look like backing out? :smiley:

If you’ve eaten it, you’d have seen it backing out within the next day.

If anyone is coming from NJ and can meet me to carpool I’ll be there otherwise I’ll have to pass

Ever the tender flower :stuck_out_tongue:

The long lost meros is somewhere on the Joisey side of Philly.

That’s ‘delicate’ flower, ya nerd.

You know it, baby. We delicate flowers need to stick together.
I keep trying to convince him I’m a lady, but he just laughs.

He’ll figure it out one of these days.

Emailed Meros, got a “MIGHT” in response.

My favourite way to celebrate Easter is to bump threads. And eat a lot of candy. My teeth hurt.


It’s getting nearer to the day. I need emails from everyone so I know where to send the directions. You’re crazy if you think I’m gonna post them on the internetz.

I’ll be coming from Pennsylvania - can you email me directions, please?


On a serious note, we’re bringing a hot spinach dip and chips, and carrot cake.
Those with allergies or on diets, beware.

I already checked yesterday, and your addy is still in our nav system. Thank Og, because I have no sense of direction at all!

I should still have the directions, somewhere in my stack o’ directions in my car. I’ll check tonight.

Tomorrow or Thursday I’ll pick up Cuba Libre fixings (read: rum) and try baking this cake mix that I didn’t get around to using during Passover. Just so we have more chocolate goodness.

I bought chicken franks and beef burgers. Chicken is pareve, isn’t it? No matter, I’ll also have some Boca burgers around.

Can I get a roll call?

I’ll be there with EtherealFreakOfPinkness and mudgirl (hey, it’s Spring; I figure there’s a pretty good chance of mud being present!)

I will bring a platter of assorted sliced cheese.

Chicken is as meat as beef. But I haven’t gone full kosher all the time. (Not yet anyway, but DC Minyan is working on me.) I’ll still eat stuff cooked on your grill.

Cinnamon bun, Kaiser, and hot dog. :wink:

I was thinking fish. I don’t know why I thought chicken. Chicken has no milk, dang it!

That link is amusing. Searches vainly for the Hebrew characters for “lol”

You’re right that fish are pareve.

But have you ever tried to milk a chicken?