Mad-Men: 5.02 "Tea Leaves" (open spoilers)

Jon Ham’s directing tonight’s episode.

Hah! They hired one!

Like “Its always darkest before the dawn over there” :eek:

Betty’s fat suit is seriously distracting from the gravity of her situtation.

This is the Stones’ 1966 tour. Andrew Oldham was still their manager, still, I think, not yet Allen Klein. Right?

“Romney’s a clown?” He did not!

Wikipedia says Klein took over as manager in 1965.

I stand corrected! I guess I was confused by the Beatles’ hiring him a couple years later, to clean things up at Apple. (As memorably portrayed by John Belushi.)

Since I saw Duck over on “The Killing”, I guess he’s not coming back to “Mad Men”?

Pete Fox died July 5, 1966, which dates this one. (Surprised they didn’t have a 4th of July reference.)
I think Ginsberg’s father needs to be about 15-20% more Central Casting NYC Jewish first generation patriarch archetype. So do you think Ginsberg, Jr. is going to be a new love interest for (the already involved) Peggy?
January Jones had a baby in September; these scenes must have been filmed very soon after. (Damn, but her acting is painful to watch.)

Pete is getting too cocky not to have a major smackdown in his arc. I hope.

Megan is 26- I thought she was younger.

I wonder if the Trade Winds will record any jingles. Does anybody know if they opened for the Rolling Stones?

I wonder why they chose You Are 16 Going on 17 for the closing credits. I know Sound of Music was released that year, but still an odd choice.


I thought it was brilliant; it underscored that Betty is still, after all she’s been through, a child. And I’m wondering if this scare about her health is foreshadowing that she’s going to finally grow up.

Betty’s kids were playing with sparklers on their front lawn.

Poor Henry. Learning she shared that with Don would be like emotional adultery. (I’ve read that “sex with the ex” is one of the most common forms of adultery; I wonder if that’s going to happen this season.)

They could have almost made me give a damn about Betty if they were killing her off this season via cancer, but no.

Perhaps their makeup department wants another crack at a fat suit after they did such a slipshod job with Peggy’s in season one.

Something Terrible is now owed Pete after that speech. How old would his bastard be now?

Seriously, could he be any Jewier? I expected Ginsboig, Jr., to get down on one knee and sing “Mammy.”

For me, this supports my prediction that Season 7 will rely heavily on Joe McGinniss’ Selling of the President 1968. I hope Roger gets to vomit on Roger Ailes.

Mrs. Jophiel guessed as well that they might have filmed soon after January Jones’ pregnancy. I wasn’t paying enough attention to her getting out of the tub to see if there was a cut where they could have used a body double or something. It certainly looked more realistic around her face than Peggy’s “pregnancy chin” did.

Harry sucking down White Castles got a laugh from me. “I thought you were buying them for your family!”

Don has another business card floating around in the wild now. I guess the one he gave to Schoolteacher’s Brother never amounted to anything. Wonder if this one will.

I think they did for the rear shot, her backfat was very realistic.

I know they can’t keep January Jones fat all season (“January’s bustin’ out all overrrr!”), but I think a “Betty overeats, gains weight and has an identity crisis” is a lot more interesting than “Betty has a thyroid tumor, it gets removed and she’s all thin again.”