Mad TV appreciation thread

Since there are a couple of SNL threads going around, I figured to give Mad TV some equal time. I started watching Mad TV back in the late 90’s after getting fed-up with season after season of un-funny SNL.

SNL may benefit from higher profile guest appearances, but Mad TV’s regular cast almost always makes up for a lack of guest star. I much prefer **Nicole Sullivan’s ** version of Britney Spears than having Britney Spears herself on the show. And Debra Wilson does Destiny’s Child better than Destiny’s Child does. And Steven Seagal? Please, give me Will Sasso’s version any day. I actually think some of Seagal’s movies would be improved by replacing him with Sasso.

It’s also my opinion that Mad TV stars are more convincing in their celebrity portrayals than SNL actors are. Examples:

Bobby Lee as Kim Jong-Il and Connie Chung
Frank Caliendo as the late Rod Roddy from The Price is Right and the guy on the Ace Hardware commercials
Ron Pederson’s Clay Aiken is priceless, before he even says anything.
Ike Barinholtz’s Marky-Mark & Joe Millionaire
Will Sasso’s Kenny Rogers
Debra Wilson’s Oprah
Phil Lamar’s Michael Jackson
Mo Collins as Jenny jones

And when they’re doing their own things, the characters are more memorable than SNL. Examples:

The Vancome Lady (Nicole Sullivan)
Bunny Swan (Alex Borstien)
The Abercrombie & Fitch dudes (various)

And honorable mention goes to Artie Lange for his Belushiesque presence without actually ripping-off any of Belushi’s old skits. (Don’t make me break my foot off in your ass!)

The only regular cast member who seems to try the hardest but never come out in front is Michael McDonald (Marvin Tikvah, Stuart, creepy office manager Sean).

And the Spishak commercials are usually pretty hilarious.

I’ve been a fan for many years and I’m glad to see a thread for the show.
Allow me to add to the list of highlights:

Stephanie Weir 's ditzy doctor. Almost fell off the couch the first time she appeared, fuzzy pen and all!

Mo Collins – No list can be considered complete without the inimitable Lorraine ! I don’t know what cracks me up more–the voice, the walk, or the throat-clearing. Easily one of sketch comedy’s funniest recurring characters.

Phil Lamarr as Jack , the UPS guy.

Alex Borstein 's GAP troll.

Debra Wilson as Bunifa, Whitney Houston, and with Nicole Sullivan as the Mexican gang girls.

Michael McDonald , on the other hand, I can mostly do without. I confess, however, creepy though they may be, I find myself occasionally laughing in spite of myself at the “Stuart” sketches (though most of that is probably residual laughter from Mo’s mom character). I absolutely hated his “House” parody.

Two of my favorite moments, however didn’t even involve any of the cast members:

KLOPS – the claymation “COPS” spoof. When Paddington got his, uhh, endowment caught in the police car door, I absolutely lost it! And the Pillsbury Doughboy going postal and flipping off the cops–pure gold.

Little Nestor – “He’s a little boy, YEAH!”. Halloween show from about 8 years ago. Very short animated bit; a definite “you-had-to-be-there” moment.

Like any sketch comedy program, not everything worked, but when it did, it was fresher and funnier than SNL any day.

I liked MadTV back in the day. I lost interest once Will Sasso and Alex Borstein left.

However, while they are tolerable individually, the combination of Michael McDonald and Mo Collins puts those around me in danger of being killed by tooth shrapnel as I grind my teeth THAT hard…


Whatever the guy’s name is who does George W. Bush is amazing.

C’mon, I like Stuart! C’mon! How 'bout a 68?

I used to think Michael McDonald was creepy and unfunny, but for some reason he’s grown on me these past few years. I love it when he plays the white guy in the “Real Motherf*****g Talk” skits.

My all-time favorites skits were the Lillian Verner Gameshow skits before Paul Voght left. Those skits had Harborwolf, look!ninjas, and I laughing so hard we were crying. Good stuff.

You can even do without Marvin Tikva? want2know, want2know, want2know … want2know, come on. Come. On. Want2know. Want2know, come on!


I think at its best, MadTV’s ensemble is stronger than any SNL lineup of the last 15 years. Hell, maybe 20. With Alex Borstein, Michael McDonald, Will Sasso, Stephnie Weir, Debra Wilson, and Mo Collins all in the same cast together (and unless my memory is tricking me, all those folks were in the cast at the same time at some point), you’ve got some serious comic firepower.

Rather than repeat the great characters and performances already mentioned, I will simply add: Alex Borstein as Bjork. Holy shit, did I laugh.

Mad TV cemented their place early on with not only the Spishak commercials and their clever Video paraodies, but two of the funniest short films ever to show on broadcast television:

Sex Toy Story


Terminator III (before there really was a T3 movie)

The loss of Lamar, Borstein, Sasso, Sullivan and now Wilson, has left them terribly devoid of good talent to draw from.

I kid you not, I WORK with Lorraine. Seriously, this woman looks, sounds and acts just like her. It’s creepy.

MadTV has sucked since Nicole Sullivan left. The original cast (with Artie Lange, David Herman, Orlando Jones and Joe Rogan’s brother) was probably the best, but the cast with Pat Kilbane and Alex Borstein was good too.

I just remembered Michael McDonald’s best moment - as Andra the fag hag on Boy Meets Goy (parody of Boy Meets Boy) who (on the original show) became absolutely hysterical when she learned what the set-up was.

(full skit here)

I still chuckle every time I replay that in my head.

I think their makeup department has some money to spend, with all the high quality prosthetics and fat suits I’ve seen on the show.

I’m living off the Comedy Central re-runs so I’ve not had to deal with that yet. I’m just going to pretend that Lamar, et. al are still going strong.

I said, “mostly”. Marvin was funny the first couple of times, but after that he just got annoying (and not in a good way).

The only time McDonald’s creepiness works in his favor is when he does John Ramsey (JonBenet’s dad).

I second Alex as Bjork. And speaking of Alex, how could I have forgotten her and Mo Collins in the “Come to Canada” commercial parody? Easily one of the greatest ad parodies on any show ever!

Minor brain fart–was “East Hollywood Squares” with Peter Marshall MadTV or In Living Color?

MadTV had Hollywood Squares a bunch of times, but I think it was just regular Hollywood Square.

“You lied to me, Hoopy Goldberger!”

All the while John & Patsy Ramsey are killing off the other squares…


I grew more interested in the show as more of the original cast drifted away.

I always loved Debra Wilson as Whitney Houston. Those were some funny skits.

Michael MacDonald was great as Sarah Jessica Parker in their “Sex in the City” parody.

And in an earlier post, I confused Stuart with Marvin.

I’ll make that 30 years, limited to the Nicole Sullivan tenure.

Personally, I never want to see Lorraine, Trina or Stuart’s mom again (or Stuart, for that matter).

The dude doesn’t do anything else.

Stephanie Weir is funny… you can burn the rest of the cast in an orphanage for all I care.

But Stephanie Weir…she’s great. Oh and there’s a new(ish) hot girl on the show, I think she does Jessica Simpson… she’s not bad.

My favorite Michael McDonald recurring character (I generally dislike McDonald) is the serial killer who freezes whenever someone sees him, thinking he’s a mannequin.

And the funniest thing I have EVER seen on TV took place on MadTV.

Tupac and Ice-T sitting on barstools, singing (not rapping) “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers.”

I was in tears.