Hey there, o witty ones.
I’m adding MadLibs to my website, and I’m in need of story templates!
Write 'em here! The best ones, I’ll put on the site. Here is one I wrote, to give you an example of the format:
*A Letter to the Editor
To the <!–Plural Noun #1–> who publish this <!–Adjective #1–> newspaper:
I read your recent article entitled “The <!–Verb ending in ing–> of the <!–Plural Noun #2–>” and I was <!–An Emotion Adjective–>! Whatever <!–Animal–> who wrote that <!–Adjective #2–> pile of <!–Noun #1–> should be taken out and <!–Punishment past tense–>. I couldn’t believe the number of errors! I counted <!–Number–> just in the first paragraph! For example, the <!–Adjective #3–> <!–Plural Noun #3–> never <!–Verb past tense–> that I am aware of! And I’m quite certain that <!–Famous Name–> never said “<!–Exclamation–>, my <!–Noun #2–> often <!–Verb ending in s #1–> on my <!–Body Part–>”
This kind of <!–Adjective #4–> journalism really <!–Verb ending in s #2–> me off!
Sincerely, a <!–Adjective #5–> reader*
Here is the site: http://fathom.org/cgi-bin/madlibs.pl
it randomly picks a story template each time you load it… right now I’ve written…two. huge sigh
From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t