Not to steal Opal’s thunder, but I’m going to try my hand at playing MadLibs. Today in English class, we were trying out an exercise where we were given a poem with some words taken out, and we had to fill in the blank based on what we thought would be appropriate.
And then I thought it would be fun to fill in the words randomly and create some silly poetry. So give me a word for each part of speech and I’ll fill in the blanks when I get home this afternoon!
So I need a…
Verb (past tense)
OK, I’ll come back this afternoon and hopefully, it’ll be funny. And if it isn’t, then it’s your fault.
Obtained through playing “Flip and Point” with the dictionary:
Noun: geranium
Noun: schnauzer
Verb (past tense): obfuscated (Man, do you know how many rounds it took to get a verb?)
Noun: fireman
Noun: grubstake
Noun: archbishop
Noun: trapeze
Noun: plate
Noun: mandrill