Mafia: Evil Dead - DAY/NIGHT FIVE

First Vote
Because of Macey defense

First Unvote
After Cookies explained the points I questioned her about.

2nd Vote
OK, this is where I get the order of events confused. For that I apologize. You see, (and it is mention in the above post) I thought that the differences between Hawkeye and Cookies had been resolved until Hawkeye came out and encouraged Cookies votes. I was corrected later, it was the argument between JSexton and Hawkeye that was chalked up to differences in play style. So, now knowing that Hawkeye wanted to see Cookies strung up, I re-voted her.

2nd Unvote
Because Cookies posted her role PM. About her “nugget”

There’s the correct order and my thinking. What can I say, I was wrong purely do to laziness. That’ll be the last time I assume I am remembering correctly.