Mafia: Evil Dead - DAY/NIGHT FIVE


*The camera closes on a couch. A lone figure sits on the couch, hunched over… something. If we could only see the face of this solitary figure, much would be revealed, but alas, we see only a genderless shadow. From beneath this figure’s hunch, we see a mysterious yellow glow.

Ominous music plays as the camera closes in over the figure’s shoulder. The music swells. In another moment we will see both the source of the mysterious glow and the face of the figure on the couch. But suddenly, the camera freezes, as we hear a horrified voice from upstairs.*

Oh my god, no!!!

The FIGURE ON THE COUCH begins to laugh, in a voice that is not human.

Flash cut to:


All the surviving students are gathered around a small, hastily assembled pile of dirt. Their faces are grim. Focus on ONE AMONG THEM, who looks to the sky as if considering his words very carefully. A solitary tear runs down his face. Then he speaks.

NAF was… a dog.

Long pause. Someone nods. Then, everyone returns to business.

NAF1138, also called Vincent, the Dog Who Knows Things, a Pro-Town Investigator, now sniffs crotches in a better place.

Day Five has now begun, and will end on Wednesday at 7:00PM EST. Happy lynching!

He was such a good dog. :frowning:

Well, Cookies. There’s your answer. You’re as good as town in my book.

As to who I’ll vote for? No effin idea right now.

Sorry I gave you so much shit NAF.

He appears to be fully dead.

Any ideas on who dies completely and who doens’t?

It appears that our power roles die completely. Hawk is our only dead vanilla, and he’s just mostly dead. Everyone else died completely, didn’t they?

and wait! what the hell was going on downstairs? Is the yellow glow associated with NAF? Why was there a yellow glow? Is there something from the movies I don’t know? (aside from everything?)

Sorry to see you go, Naf. Well played, even when I was pissed at you for claiming with nothing we could confirm. I know I’ve pissed some people off (if not already they will eventually get pissed off) as to how I’ve played my role too.

The half-dead folks count against the town win condition, even though Hawkeyeop’s win condition has not changed. Also, I know that there is someone out here in the woods, aligned with Town, who has an ability to Day kill the half-dead.

Without being too bossy about how those kills should be performed, macey’s win condition is still that of the scum, and Hawkeyeop’s is that of the town. I think it is fairly obvious which one of them should be killed first. And now that Hawkeyeop and I are both kicking ourselves for chewing on each other so much, I’m hoping he can still be an asset for us while he’s still around to be.

Someone out there may have an idea as to why I now know this information to pass along, and I think I know who you are, but I also have reason to believe that not all of the possible consequences of us having Nightly interludes are “good” consequences. So please keep that in mind.

I tried to get elaboration on how townies can end up half-dead, and I got no further details. I don’t know if it is a random dice roll, or if only alpha or beta redshirts, or what.

why “little white lies”?

No reason 0:)

er angel smiley

backs away slowly

  1. On the partial deaths: It might be a function of one of the killing parties. Or maybe one of the hidden mechanics is that the Alphas, being hardy jocks, only get 4/5ths killed; ditto the Deadites, whose extra evil makes them hard to kill. Or any number of other things that we probably won’t know about until the game has ended.

  2. The good old “when is it a good idea to mass claim?” question is probably going to be debated in full soon. We’re getting there, IMHO.

  3. Man, there’s a lot of people on this list that we’ve been letting skate for basically saying nothing. We totally need to start bringing out the sharp pokey stick!

I’m gonna start by poking Hal.

NAF never did give us his PMs, so we don’t know exactly which statement he investigated.

Farewell, Vincent. I always hate the part of the movie where the dog gets offed. :frowning:

Agreed, dotchan–about letting some people just hang around and say nothing. Is there any reason to believe the claims that aren’t more-or-less confirmed? Or are we just separating them from the rest of us because they’ve made a claim?

And what’s all this about the person and the glowy light? I’ve really, really got to watch those movies.

I’m a little behind on spreadsheeting, but I’ll catch up tonight.

Oh, and as for sharp, pointy sticking: Vote Nanook

Sorry Nanook, but voting brings out the lurkers. And you’ve been lurking. We were right about Blaster, so I’m going to try to make it happen again. Nanook, like Blaster up until yesterDay, only voted once–for peekercpa. That doesn’t mean I won’t take my vote off of you, but I think someone (maybe me) needs to take a closer look at you.

After googling this, I realize I had seen one of these movies. I’m guessing that AOD is a very different type movie, because I certainly didn’t think it was a horror movie. Were the first 2 movies comedies as well?

/out of game.

No. the first one was meant to be a serious Horror movie, but it was quite a low budget.
The Second movie was gory and was a mix. It feels very much like the first movie, but perhaps the movie he wanted to make. But the 2nd movie is kinda the in between point of the seriousness of 1 and the feel good cheesyness of #3

They’re all great movies though, and worth a watch, if only to see how Ashley goes from being a total wimp in #1 to a total badass Bruce Campbell in #3

Well that wasn’t totally unexpected. I thought I would make it one more Day, but that’s how these things go.

You don’t need my PM’s, don’t worry about them. We should be able to win this one in a walk if you don’t let yourselves get distracted.

Go Town.

Well, that’s a shame, but at least we got some confirmed out of **NAF **before he went to that big farm up in the country.
Updating vote counts with new info (corrections to muppet errors gratefully received):
Town: Pleonast, Thing Fish, Hawkeyeop, Chucara, DiggitCamara, pedescribe, NAF, Cookies, Total Lost

Scum: macey, bufftabby

PFK: peekercpa, Blaster Master
Day One:

pedescribe - (Pleonast), (Almost Human), (bufftabby), (Hawkeyeop), (DiggitCamara)
TotalLost - (Pleonast)
Pleonast - (Natlaw), (Jsexton), Thing Fish
Rapier42 - (Pleonast), amrussell
Jsexton - (Cookies), (Hockey Monkey), (Pleonast)
Thing Fish - Total Lost, (special ed), (pedescribe), peekercpa, Pleonast, Chucara
DiggitCamara - (Natlaw)
peekercpa - (amrussell), Natlaw
macey - brewha, Hawkeyeop, Hockey Monkey, special ed, dotchan, Jsexton, pedescribe, Rapier42, Millit the Frail
Chucara - NAF1138, DiggitCamara
Cookies - bufftabby
Blaster Master - Cookies
Millet the Frail - Almost Human

No vote: MHaye (promised one, but board outage), Blaster Master (no posts), Nanook of the North Shore (traveling), Zeriel (says busy at work, one post with fluff vote on dotchan), Hal Briston (one post), macey

Night One, Day Two:
Pleonast - (Thing Fish)
Rapier42 - (amrussell)
Thing Fish - (Total Lost), (peekercpa), (Pleonast), (Chucara), (pedescribe),
peekercpa - (Natlaw), Nanook, brewha, Blaster Master, special ed, Rapier42, MHaye
Chucara - NAF1138, DiggitCamara
Cookies - hawkeyeop, (dotchan), (brewha), (Rapier42)
Blaster Master - (Cookies), peekercpa, (brewha), Chucara
**Hawkeyeop **- Cookies, pedescribe, (JSexton), Almost Human
DiggitCamara - (pedescribe), Millit the Frail
dotchan - amrussell, Total Lost, Hockey Monkey, Natlaw

Not voting: Hal Briston, Zeriel,
Had voted, but ended with no vote: dotchan, JSexton
No vote on Day but vote rolled over: NAF, DiggitCamara
Night Two, Day Three (NB I’m ignoring the unvotes/revotes that went with the abortive Night lynch test. Also, if people explicitly revoted for their rollover candidate, I’ve underlined the vote):
Chucara - (NAF1138), DiggitCamara, (pedescribe), Natlaw, Almost Human, amrussell, MHaye, Millit the Frail, special ed, Rapier42
Cookies - (hawkeyeop), brewha
Blaster Master - (Chucara), Chucara
**Hawkeyeop **- Cookies, (pedescribe), (Almost Human)
DiggitCamara - (Millit the Frail), (amrussell), (pedescribe),
dotchan - (amrussell), (Total Lost), (Hockey Monkey), (Natlaw)
**pedescribe **- (Chucara)
**amrussell ** - pedescribe
Almost Human - Total Lost

Not voting - Blaster Master, Nanook, Hockey Monkey, JSexton, dotchan, Hal Briston, zeriel, Diggit Camara
Voted but finished with no vote - NAF
Night Three, Day Four:
Cookies - (brewha), (pedescribe), (Total Lost), (Blaster Master), Hal Briston
**amrussell ** - (pedescribe)
Almost Human - (Total Lost)
NAF - (Cookies), (pedescribe)
Blaster Master - Natlaw, (amrussell), dotchan, (pedescribe), Millit the Frail, brewha, JSexton, (NAF), Hockey Monkey, zeriel, MHaye
Hockey Monkey - Almost Human
Special Ed - (amrussell)
MHaye- (NAF)
**natlaw **- (Rapier42), (NAF)
Rapier42 - (amrussell)
Hal Briston - Cookies, amrussell, pedescribe, Blaster Master, special ed
MHaye - NAF

Not voting: Nanook
Voted but finished with no vote: Total Lost, Rapier42

Regarding **Blam’s **PM quotes yesterday - my instinct is that they were all accurate quotes. It was in **Blam’s **interest to confirm himself by giving us verifiable facts. So I’m betting that pedescribe was protected on Night One (from Blam, as it turns out) and obviously **Cookies **came out as he said, although that wasn’t as strong a prediction as he had hoped. This is a point in favour of dotchan. I won’t go so far as to say it’s complete confirmation, but it looks good.

Going back and looking at the votes with the new information:

It doesn’t appear there was any concerted attempt to save macey on Day One. Looking at our unknowns only:

macey - brewha, Hockey Monkey, special ed, dotchan, Jsexton, Rapier42, Millit the Frail
not macey - amrussell, Natlaw, Almost Human (NB all the only voters for their candidates)
not voting - MHaye, Nanook of the North Shore, Zeriel, Hal Briston

So scum were either bussing macey, making throwaway votes, or not voting. At a guess, I’m going to say 0-2 scum in the not-**macey **pile, 0-2 in the not-voting pile and 0-3 in the **macey **pile.

Day Two - **Peeker’s **cloaking technology failed:

peekercpa - Nanook, brewha, special ed, Rapier42, MHaye
not-peeker - Almost Human, Millit the Frail (solo voters), amrussell, Hockey Monkey, Natlaw (all dotchan)
no vote - Hal, zeriel, dotchan, JSexton

The groups are more evenly split today. The group on **dotchan **is interesting - **Total Lost **had voted between me and Hockey, arguably adding a dose of respectability (as had mine, but I’m trying to do this objectively), and making her a possible contender.

Looking at this in a vacuum, scum are most likely to be found either bumping off the PFK or pushing dotchan, our if-Blam-was-telling-the-truth townie.

Let’s see where everyone is in Day Three:

Chucara - Natlaw, Almost Human, amrussell, MHaye, Millit the Frail, special ed, Rapier42
Not-Chucara - brewha
Not voting - Nanook, Hockey Monkey, JSexton, dotchan, Hal Briston, zeriel

An embarrassingly large group of non-voters. Are scum more likely to not vote? Yes, if there was a large town on town wagon building, and they didn’t have time to fake a case against someone else. Obviously, **Chucara **did offer a sizeable bandwagon to hide on.

Day Four:

Blaster Master - Natlaw, dotchan, Millit the Frail, brewha, JSexton, Hockey Monkey, zeriel, MHaye
Not-Blam - Hal, Almost Human, (solo) amrussell, special ed (both on Hal)
Not voting - Nanook, Rapier42

Now, **Blam **was either the town power role he claimed to be, or he was lying PFK. So there’s a bigger scum incentive to vote for him than there was for Chucara, and indeed we see a bigger vote pile, including three of the players who hadn’t voted the past two days running.

There are various people who stand out from this:

**JSexton **voted 6th on macey, then didn’t vote for two days. Then came out to vote for 5th for Blam. That could look a lot like someone keeping his nose clean.

**Millit the Frail **has also been very bandwagon happy, particularly the two PFK votes. I might almost find this more interesting than I should, because other than that I don’t have much of an impression.

brewha, by contrast, I think comes out looking good. Of his three bandwagon votes, one was Vote 1, and a second Vote 2. So not actually bandwagon votes at all.

**MHaye’s **late votes have always put him on the bandwagon. His Chucara vote was relatively early (and quoted by later last-minute voters) but the others were all late.

Nanook, as pointed out, has barely voted at all.

Vote coming up in next post.