Mafia: Evil Dead - DAY/NIGHT FOUR


*The group is gathered again around the dining room, waiting expectantly. At first, it seems there will be no pre-dawn visitor. Then the candles flicker and go out. SOUND OF WIND. Then:


A pause.


A pause.


The lights rise again.*

Now, how can be sure you asked the questions you said you’d ask, Diggit. If that’s your real name. Diggit? Diggit?

*But DIGGIT is not there. Chairs scrape against the wood floor as the group, en masse, hurries down the hall to the small first-floor bedroom in which DIGGIT hid away through the Night.

POV - The Crowd, as they scan DIGGIT’s room. It is an unholy mess. Books, strange artifacts, mysterious half-consumed bottles of unidentifiable liquids… and DIGGIT himself, slumped over a writing desk, as if he fell asleep reading a book that is not there. Except for the pool of blood under his head, and the many shards of glass embedded in the back of his skull.*

You notice he never actually answered my question.
(Off their glares)

DIGGITCAMARA, The Inquisitive Fool, Whose Many Potential Powers Will Not Be Detailed Here But Who Was Definitely Pro-Town, has been foully done in.

And thus beginneth Day Four, which will end at 7:00PM EST on Friday, January 9. I’ll post a vote count presently.

Bye Diggit :frowning:

well crap, the knocks tell us it was bufftabby


Bah, missed it by >< that much. The above is what I posted right after storyteller closed the day/night 3 thread.
I was hoping to get a new scum from Diggit’s knocks before they whacked him. :frowning:

Well, damn. I thought for sure we’d have a scum to hang toDay–it would be too much of a coincidence for buffy to get killed and investigated the same Night. Guess not. :frowning:

I was also wondering whether the scum would play chicken with the Doc(s) and try to take out a power role or head in the other direction and whittle down the claimed vanillas. We know the answer to that one now too. I see Diggit’s completely dead, too. We really need to quit relying on NAF and now Cookies to give us info that may or may not even be useful. That’s not how we’ll win this game, IMHO.

Wait, did someone suggest playing mafia? Huh. Didn’t know that still happened.

K, I just caught up with the last 36 hours of posting. Pedescribe, Total Lost, Hawkeyeop…you guys have got to be kidding me. You seriously want to lynch Cookies over a typo in her role PM? Really?

Kudos to amrussell and Natlaw for actually analyzing Cookies posts. There’s some meat there, but I’m generally reading Cookies as consistent with her pro-town play. Given that storyteller actually wrote “total lost” in vote counts, I’m amazed that this is still even on the table.

I’d really like to think that scum were behind the Cookies push, but given that it was largely created by dead town and a mason, not so much. The one person I’m wondering about is Total Lost herself. The way I see it, Cookies tidbit of info isn’t conclusive, in that we don’t know that the scum are comprised solely of deadites. No reason there couldn’t be a traitorous human or werewolf or what have you amongst the scum. We also seem to still have another PFK floating around, and after seeing the Predator, well, it could be Freddy Krueger for all we know.

So here’s what I’m thinking. After seeing Cookies PM, Total Lost thinks “Hey, if Cookies shows up dead, then I’m confirmed non-deadite, which basically = town!”, which is a pretty good position for a PFK or mafioso to be in. I’d like to do a little review of Total Lost and see what might turn up.

Buffytabby was the Skanky Vampire Demon, a Scum Roleblocker

not a deadite.

Why all the smudging of amrussell, guys? I’ve seen several “yeah, I think he’s scum”, but I haven’t seen anybody build a case. One of you who think he’s scum wanna take a whack at it?

BUFFTABBY was a Deadite. Sorry if that was unclear. So was MACEY.


Go town! :smiley:

Aw crap, we lost another investigator?

At least we know DiggitCamara was town. I’m off to do a re-read with that in mind. See if there are any scummy reactions to his reveal or his posts in general.

I don’t recall that. Who’s been attacking him?

Farewell, DiggitCamara, now you can talk with the death without knocks :(. Only one Night kill probably means out vigilante is careful and doesn’t want to reduce our current numbers advantage. It could be no vigilante and a scum double kill on Night One (but macey the Strongman was dead), so that seems unlikely.

It looks too me they did both: Diggits power was easiest to verify with the knocks and his power don’t makes much sense for scum or PFK. So that would have made him semi-confirmed as town. So Scum took out a semi-confirmed town power role, who most likely wouldn’t be protected (we only got the knocks this morning, while scum already knew he wasn’t scum).
Diggit might have had others powers as well: Story remained pretty vague and I asked Diggit to post his role PM, but he didn’t do that. So his loss might hurt more than it seems (his ask-questions-of-the-dead power isn’t that useful without an dead investigator with info).

I missed this Yesterday, but you’re right: it would be true only if Hawk scum / Cookies town. I already noticed I was missing the ignoring-both card pile, so I’ll have to recheck that analysis anyway when we know more about Cookies alignment. peekercpa did give a perfect excuse to smudge either without voting.

Hawkeyeop had him scummy for defending macey and NAF named him Yesterday as well.

Alas, poor Diggit. Not, I suppose, a big surprise. Pity about **bufftabby **though.

Im glad someone else noticed it. Hawk and NAF have both suggested that I’ve been a bit scummy, and pede has voted for me, but no-one’s shown their working.

I like the idea of playing Mafia for a bit and seeing where that gets us. Here’s what we know:

Town: Pleonast, Thing Fish, Hawkeyeop, Chucara, DiggitCamara, pedescribe

Scum: macey, bufftabby

PFK: peekercpa
Here’s an update of Day One votes, shamelessly cribbed from Natlaw’s from Day Two:

pedescribe - (Pleonast), (Almost Human), (bufftabby), (Hawkeyeop), (DiggitCamara)
TotalLost - (Pleonast)
Pleonast - (Natlaw), (Jsexton), Thing Fish
Rapier42 - (Pleonast), amrussell
Jsexton - (Cookies), (Hockey Monkey), (Pleonast)
Thing Fish - Total Lost, (special ed), (pedescribe), peekercpa, Pleonast, Chucara
DiggitCamara - (Natlaw)
peekercpa - (amrussell), Natlaw
macey - brewha, Hawkeyeop, Hockey Monkey, special ed, dotchan, Jsexton, pedescribe, Rapier42, Millit the Frail
Chucara - NAF1138, DiggitCamara
Cookies - bufftabby
Blaster Master - Cookies
Millet the Frail - Almost Human

No vote: MHaye (promised one, but board outage), Blaster Master (no posts), Nanook of the North Shore (traveling), Zeriel (says busy at work, one post with fluff vote on dotchan), Hal Briston (one post), macey

Night One, Day Two:
Pleonast - (Thing Fish)
Rapier42 - (amrussell)
Thing Fish - (Total Lost), (peekercpa), (Pleonast), (Chucara), (pedescribe),
peekercpa - (Natlaw), Nanook, brewha, Blaster Master, special ed, Rapier42, MHaye
Chucara - NAF1138, DiggitCamara
Cookies - hawkeyeop, (dotchan), (brewha), (Rapier42)
Blaster Master - (Cookies), peekercpa, (brewha), Chucara
**Hawkeyeop **- Cookies, pedescribe, (JSexton), Almost Human
DiggitCamara - (pedescribe), Millit the Frail
dotchan - amrussell, Total Lost, Hockey Monkey, Natlaw

Not voting: Hal Briston, Zeriel,
Had voted, but ended with no vote: dotchan, JSexton
No vote on Day but vote rolled over: NAF, DiggitCamara
Night Two, Day Three (NB I’m ignoring the unvotes/revotes that went with the abortive Night lynch test. Also, if people explicitly revoted for their rollover candidate, I’ve underlined the vote):
Chucara - (NAF1138), DiggitCamara, (pedescribe), Natlaw, Almost Human, amrussell, MHaye, Millit the Frail, special ed, Rapier42
Cookies - (hawkeyeop), brewha
Blaster Master - (Chucara), Chucara
**Hawkeyeop **- Cookies, (pedescribe), (Almost Human)
DiggitCamara - (Millit the Frail), (amrussell), (pedescribe),
dotchan - (amrussell), (Total Lost), (Hockey Monkey), (Natlaw)
**pedescribe **- (Chucara)
**amrussell ** - pedescribe
Almost Human - Total Lost

Not voting - Blaster Master, Nanook, Hockey Monkey, JSexton, dotchan, Cookies, Diggit Camara
Voted but finished with no vote - NAF

I’ll stop there. Some analysis to follow, but please, feel free to add your own, or to use this as the starting point for looking at individual posters.

(PS - Millit the Frail: I found your spreadsheet very helpful in doing this, but you missed **Blaster Master’s **vote for **peeker **from your Day Two

Our unconfirmed voters tend to cluster on the bandwagons: no more than two confirmed townies voted for macey or Chucara , and none voted for peeker.

**Names that repeat in all three **

Names that appear twice

Names that appear only once

macey - brewha, Hawkeyeop, Hockey Monkey, special ed, dotchan, Jsexton, pedescribe, Rapier42, Millit the Frail

peekercpa - Nanook, brewha, Blaster Master, special ed, Rapier42, MHaye

Chucara - DiggitCamara, Natlaw, Almost Human, amrussell, MHaye, Millit the Frail, special ed, Rapier42

Now there are two hypotheses that can be brought to bear here: first is the uncomplicated one - scum are attracted to bandwagons. On that basis, **special ed **and **Rapier42 **might make an eyebrow twitch. (Note that **Blam **and MHaye, by virtue of missed votes, are also 100% bandwagon voters.) The second hypothesis, by way of riposte to a “scum would never be so simplistic” attack on the first hypothesis, is that scum who found themselves on a bandwagon on Day One or Two would avoid appearing on any subsequent pile-ons. By that measure, **JSexton’s **and dotchan’s failure to vote on Day Two raises the eyebrow further.

One further point regarding bandwagons: at the point that peeker admitted to Nightkilling, scum had a vested interest in lynching him, whether he was Vig or SK. The fact that two hitherto quiet voters (Nanook and Blam) appeared out of the woodwork shortly after his post hoists an already overworked eyebrow somewhere north of the hairline.

I’m going to start off simple and take a look at special ed and Rapier42. Because I’ve got an unverified townie feel from Rapier, I’m going to start the Day off with:

unvote Blam
vote special ed

While I agree with most of your analysis (you beat me to the vote-counting, dammit), I’m mostly feeling weird about your statement of “townie feel” from Rapier–I’m curious as to why you’d even throw that in there instead of just picking special ed instead. Seems somewhat unwarranted (of course, you also admit that).

I’ll be poking around some of the action on Day Two, around peeker’s declaration–that will likely yield something as well.

Well, I had to pick between the two of them somehow - not giving any reason would have been weird too (and, in fact, misleading). But it’s purely a gut call and I will be checking it.

Heh, I was planning to do it as well. You all will have to with my updated signature for now (some tinyurls in there because I hit the signature limit - max 1000 chars, 4 lines).

You aren’t the first person to lump me into this, so let me clear, the typo was never any part of my case against Cookies. Though I would say I’d expect Story to take more care into writing PMs than Vote counts, it is a minor point. Rather it was her behavior in relation to Macey in Day one, to me Night one, and her reaction to Naf’s claim. I believe you said you would look into people’s reactions to Naf’s claim, but I don’t think you ever followed up on that.

Isn’t it somewhat interesting that no scum is behind this lynch though. I mean if a couple of confirmed townies were so convinced that Cookies is scum, it wouldn’t be too difficult for the scum to get her lynched. Again the reactions to cases are as important as the cases themselves. The fact that no-one other then a mason and I (and kinda Brewha) are really trying to get Cookies lynched is another reason that I think I’m right here. Particularly, since there isn’t an obvious other target, so any scum could be at risk.

OK, Special Ed:

Day One - 8 posts

Votes Thing Fishfor the “two candidates” - mainly to apply pressure. Then unvoteswhen TF defends himself, saying he was mainly trying to create conversation.

votes macey, based on uncharacteristic fishing.

ChallengesChucara’s Alpha/Beta reveal plan, suggests Chuc is fishing.

Night - Defendsusing votes to apply pressure (when challenged by TF over this) but admits that it is a tactic scum can use.

Discussesthe problems with the “everyone pretend they’re investigators” idea. Comes up with several flaws, but says it may not be entirely worthless.
Day Two - 11 posts

Says his fear is that **Hawk **and **Cookies **are both town - wants to hear more before voting. Challenges Natlaw to be clearer about his take on peeker.

Then, picks up peeker’s confession post and votesaccordingly.

Night - DiscussesNAF’s role. Points out both the necessity of lynching NAF for full confirmationand the risk of scum bumping off confirmeds.

There’s nothing here that scum couldn’t have posted, but I lean slightly pro-town because I think that scum would be unlikely to advertise their likely counter-move against NAF.

Day Three - 19 posts

Gets involved in discussion about DiggitCamara’s role and comes with a questionsetdesigned to discover Thing Fish’s investigatee. This is a fairly pro-town thing to do, as it’s directly aimed at finding scum. If he were scum, he’d have to have known that bufftabby was the target - I don’t currently see how that’s possible, but it might be.

Votes Chucarain an acknowledged “Me Too” vote, based on MHaye’s analysis.

Night - gets in a discussionwith NAF about confirmationand trust. Suggests that NAF should investigate scummiest looking people to either a) confirm town or b) find scum. When NAF disagrees, ed also says that NAF finding scum would “give you a bit more cred”. This is wrong - it won’t give NAF any cred - but not necessarily scummy.

Overall, I’m leaning town. There’s maybe a slight tendency to get more involved in tactical discussions rather than hunting scum, but he does appear to be looking for the town advantage. More to the point, there are actions that are difficult to see as scum-motivated - specifically, producing the DC question and highlighting the risk of scum bumping off NAF’s good guys.