Alas, poor Diggit. Not, I suppose, a big surprise. Pity about **bufftabby **though.
Im glad someone else noticed it. Hawk and NAF have both suggested that I’ve been a bit scummy, and pede has voted for me, but no-one’s shown their working.
I like the idea of playing Mafia for a bit and seeing where that gets us. Here’s what we know:
Town: Pleonast, Thing Fish, Hawkeyeop, Chucara, DiggitCamara, pedescribe
Scum: macey, bufftabby
PFK: peekercpa
Here’s an update of Day One votes, shamelessly cribbed from Natlaw’s from Day Two:
pedescribe - (Pleonast), (Almost Human), (bufftabby), (Hawkeyeop), (DiggitCamara)
TotalLost - (Pleonast)
Pleonast - (Natlaw), (Jsexton), Thing Fish
Rapier42 - (Pleonast), amrussell
Jsexton - (Cookies), (Hockey Monkey), (Pleonast)
Thing Fish - Total Lost, (special ed), (pedescribe), peekercpa, Pleonast, Chucara
DiggitCamara - (Natlaw)
peekercpa - (amrussell), Natlaw
macey - brewha, Hawkeyeop, Hockey Monkey, special ed, dotchan, Jsexton, pedescribe, Rapier42, Millit the Frail
Chucara - NAF1138, DiggitCamara
Cookies - bufftabby
Blaster Master - Cookies
Millet the Frail - Almost Human
No vote: MHaye (promised one, but board outage), Blaster Master (no posts), Nanook of the North Shore (traveling), Zeriel (says busy at work, one post with fluff vote on dotchan), Hal Briston (one post), macey
Night One, Day Two:
Pleonast - (Thing Fish)
Rapier42 - (amrussell)
Thing Fish - (Total Lost), (peekercpa), (Pleonast), (Chucara), (pedescribe),
peekercpa - (Natlaw), Nanook, brewha, Blaster Master, special ed, Rapier42, MHaye
Chucara - NAF1138, DiggitCamara
Cookies - hawkeyeop, (dotchan), (brewha), (Rapier42)
Blaster Master - (Cookies), peekercpa, (brewha), Chucara
**Hawkeyeop **- Cookies, pedescribe, (JSexton), Almost Human
DiggitCamara - (pedescribe), Millit the Frail
dotchan - amrussell, Total Lost, Hockey Monkey, Natlaw
Not voting: Hal Briston, Zeriel,
Had voted, but ended with no vote: dotchan, JSexton
No vote on Day but vote rolled over: NAF, DiggitCamara
Night Two, Day Three (NB I’m ignoring the unvotes/revotes that went with the abortive Night lynch test. Also, if people explicitly revoted for their rollover candidate, I’ve underlined the vote):
Chucara - (NAF1138), DiggitCamara, (pedescribe), Natlaw, Almost Human, amrussell, MHaye, Millit the Frail, special ed, Rapier42
Cookies - (hawkeyeop), brewha
Blaster Master - (Chucara), Chucara
**Hawkeyeop **- Cookies, (pedescribe), (Almost Human)
DiggitCamara - (Millit the Frail), (amrussell), (pedescribe),
dotchan - (amrussell), (Total Lost), (Hockey Monkey), (Natlaw)
**pedescribe **- (Chucara)
**amrussell ** - pedescribe
Almost Human - Total Lost
Not voting - Blaster Master, Nanook, Hockey Monkey, JSexton, dotchan, Cookies, Diggit Camara
Voted but finished with no vote - NAF
I’ll stop there. Some analysis to follow, but please, feel free to add your own, or to use this as the starting point for looking at individual posters.
(PS - Millit the Frail: I found your spreadsheet very helpful in doing this, but you missed **Blaster Master’s **vote for **peeker **from your Day Two