Mafia Reunion Day 5

I’ve changed my mind. I don’t have much time (IF i’m lucky, I will get more time to post tomorrow).

Vote Johnny Bravo

for focusing on 3p and not pursuing scum, even so far as to move a vote off someone he felt was scummy today to sach.

A: I got players talking. since the lynch is not likely to change

there are 8 Scum left, true. But only 3 of them are wolves.

I gave them a solution for more safety- how they react will give us information.

What else do you want to talk about?

This looks to me a lot like Koldanar and Inner Stickler are cultists who are chainsawing the opposition.

Not pursuing scum? Maybe you could read the whole thread? Maybe the part where I analyzed the lurkers? You were featured, as I recall.

This analysis is technically true in that the cult and scum could align to guarantee wins (assuming the survivor goal is true as presented), but premature. Mafia has 5 players remaining, meaning that the largest guaranteed voting block is 10 players, which leads to a win condition at 19 players. We’re at 33 now, which puts us at two more Day/Night cycles minimum, probably three. And that assumes no cultists or Mafia die and each death adds a half cycle or so.


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Huh. That’s odd. I have the opposite conclusion. I’m putting Koldanar and Inner Stickler in my ‘not a cultist’ list. It seems like a strange and dangerous stance to take. If Koldanar is a cultist and he winds up dead, that would be bad for us in a “see! they can’t be trusted!” sort of way. No. I expect the hidden cultists are all ‘cultists? uh, hey what’s that over there!?’

I think the only thing I could say that won’t set you off is “Gee, you are right”. Anything else and you are going to conclude I’m some sort of nefarious cultist or scum.

I’m not a cultist, and if I were, I wouldn’t be arguing against you. I would not comment on the situation at all, and I sure as hell wouldn’t claim in the current environment and with the current number of remaining mafia.

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Maybe, but you picked an odd exchange to quote to point that out. Do you agree with Koldanar that I’ve done no scum hunting today?

Looks suspiciously like a rabbit butt. See that little cottontail.

I’ll also point out that one (even a cultist) could genuinely think Johnny Bravo is scum.

Because I do, but feel hamstrung because I’m a cultist and JB is so anti-cultist.

Hi all - trying to get caught up on this week of posts.

First off,

Vote Prof. Pepperwinkle

I some people are questioning the Pleonast investigation theory, which I get - but, I think the breadcrumbs are there intentionally, and is a pretty solid clue. Could be wrong, but I was ready to vote Prof before the investigation was brought to light anyway.

Note sure where I stand with the cultist issue…on the one hand, it’s silly to waste a lynch on someone we believe to be town, but on the other, it would settle a lot of questions once we see a death reveal for a cultist - either one of the two claimed ones, or another killed by other means. You’d think that a cultist would get killed by other means at some point, just by chance. If there really are 5 cultists (10% of the starting population of the game roughly), odds are we should have seen one with around 20 deaths so far.

So - assuming Prof turns up Mafia at the end of this Day, and some number of others get kilt by Mafia or others - if we don’t see a cultist reveal among them, it might make sense to lynch one of the claimed cultists just for info.

Aside from that, I hope to have some time this weekend to dig into the posts some more, and try to come up with a scum case.

Good. Make a case other than “he’s mean to cultists.” If you can make a good case that I’m scum, it won’t matter what I think.

That goes for Inner Stickler and Koldanar, too.

I have plenty of posts that don’t revolve around the cultists. Attempts to paint me as a one-issue poster are smudges.

It also assumes there are no non-cultist 3rd parties, which I don’t think is true.

Is the impression that I’m voting because he’s anti cultist? My intent is that he’s focusing on something that is anti-town. Others here are anti-cultist, and I’m not worried, except that the noise 3p discussion generates.

I honestly have to think about this more. I’m still re-reading the Professor P stuff.

It’s the impression I’ve had for 2 days now - maybe those posts are just coming across louder than your others? Feh. I haven’t done a re-read of your posts, I will admit.


You’re right - If on re-read, you focused on this to the exclusion of good discussion for the town, I will re-vote later or tomorrow.

Days like this one, which begin with an obvious lynch candidate, are notoriously quiet. This one was no exception. I don’t mind even a little bit that we’re having this argument, because somebody might find a useful slip three Days from now buried in all of this squabbling.

If somebody would like to bring up a new topic, there is nothing stopping them. This isn’t a safe space where you’re only allowed to speak if you have the talking stick. Make a case. Do a reread.

I’m being loud, but loudly proclaiming, “gosh, we can’t focus on anything else because of this darned cultist talk!” is a dodge. If somebody wants to dive into another topic, go and do it.


Well, that’s sort of my point. I think his arguments are insincere and dodgy, but all the anti-cultist crap gets in the way since I’m a cultist. I think TexCat was accusing you of voting because of the anti-cultist stuff, but that isn’t what I think. I think a cultist would stay out of it.