Mafia Reunion Day 5

[Establishing shot]

Mahanafteller industries creative design studios high atop mount doom. It’s a glass enclosed building that looks down on the playing field of Doperville off in the distance. The skies are black even with the approaching dawn and the rays of light struggle to make it through the roiling electrical storm that rages overhead. A clap of thunder screams across the sound of pouring rain as we zoom into a window to find NAF, Mahaloth and Storyteller sitting around a conference table deep in conversation.
Story: They seem to have lost interest. Heck I’VE lost interest. Was it a mistake to let 55 players into this thing?

Mahaloth: The switches worked for a while, and the ads and conversation starters moved things along for a bit, but things have gotten ominously quiet down there in the town. I don’t understand it.

NAF1138: I know. They should be putting up 1000+ posts a round. We barely got to 671. And do you know how many of those posts were vote counts!!! Ok guys, ok, I have an idea. You may not like it, it’s a little crazy, but it just might be crazy enough to work.

Mahaloth: Your ideas are rarely crazy enough to work NAF.

NAF1138: No, hear me out we could really get things rolling if we thrown out–

Story: HEY HEY, shut up! We just got a kill order in.

  • all look at the order *

NAF1138: huh…well. I didn’t expect that.

Story: I know.

Mahaloth: More actions are coming in now. These guys really like waiting until the last minute don’t they? Whoa! Look at that one. Hey guys, I think our problems may be solved.

Story: Good for the players. They keep it interesting don’t they.

NAF: Well I guess we don’t need to do anything nuts now. Oh well. There is always next time.
BillMc - The Welp (Werewolf)
SunnyDaze - The Informant (Mafia)
Hockey Monkey - The Consigliere (Mafia)

**Are all dead.

NO TOWN DIED TONIGHT! No multi lynch for you.

Mahaloth will be along with a countdown clock in a bit, and I will slowly be getting results of Night actions in. **

Thank you to everyone who gets their actions in early. To everyone who waits until 2PM or later :mad:
Trivia challenge: Who was the first mafia player caught by the 3rd vote rule in our SDMB games? Not the player who pointed out the third vote rule. Who was caught by it.

First person to let me know the answer gets their own shiny ad in a vote count! (or if quippy ads aren’t your thing but you have an idea for a different prize I’m open to reasonable suggestions.)

It’s still anyone’s game. Go on and kill each other!

Yay! Oh, happy day! Triple yay!

On the other hand, we now have 6 out of 14 Scum dead and only one of them (Bill) was a Lurker.

Kindly ignore my advice. Thank you.

EEEEE! That’s the first result I’ve actually danced about for! Though I think my co-workers must think I’m an idiot now.

NAF - damn, was it storyteller that got caught by that? So long ago, it was…


Great Zot! Miller played a game of Mafia!

Also, that Night really helped Town.

See this the Mafia thing is easy

Vote Prof. Pepperwinkle

Holy titty shits!

Well happy fricking birthday to me, nice overnight!

I think Sunny Daze played a very good game, considering it was her first.

She’s probably already better than me.


3 kills. I wonder if that means the town vig is no longer at the mercy of any switches.

Wow and woot! That is awesome!

I am super impressed with Sunny’s play - 1st game *and *randed scum. But I am glad y’all are dead now.

Given his general overall luck, I’m guessin’ Mahaloth.

Mafia - NK courtesy of the wolfy clan)
Whelp could assume a dead wolfy power

So could be NK, AUBatman, possible SK - or maybe Hitman if the Whelp was protecting?

Sorry about missing the last few days. This is the busiest time of the year at my office, as it’s month end, quarter end, year end, investor distributions, taxes, 1099s, and preparation for the yearly audit. The life of NanookCPA is a rough for the next 2 months.

Though coming back to the game to that is pretty sweet. I’ll be back later with some actual comments about the game, though I can say up front that I don’t see at this time any reason to move my vote from where it was Yesterday.

We have a winner! I’m gonna have to make these harder. :cool:

More than one if I remember right.

Nice - 3 dead scum, and no townies.

I wonder if the Wolves has some investigation results to help them out, and they decided to even the score? (2 dead Mafia, making up for 2 dead Wolves) Or, did they get lucky? We got lucky either way I suppose.

I assume the dead BillMC is a result of Batman - I’ll have to review the roles to see what the other options might be.

Wow. That was not expected. So much for my thinking Sunny Daze was a cultist (since I was bread crumbing, I was assuming other cultists were too.) Sunny Daze had a post early on where she references Cthulhu for no apparent reason. I thought that was a breadcrumb.
But after Crys and I claimed, Sunny Daze looked less and less like a cultist, but I still held on hope that she was just distancing. Oh well. Or more accurately, Yay! Sunny Daze died and wasn’t a cultist! Ahem. I mean, Yay! Sunny Daze died and was scum.

And when I read the opening post I was thinking… that mochaccino guy.

On review…I don’t see a way for the wolves to get 2 night kills - as raventhief says above, must be SK or the Whelp dying though some protection power?

Seems like batman is back in action. Crazy how three different kills all targeted scum. It’s almost as if they were intended for a specific faction… but that’s impossible, we can’t even tell town from scum… how could anyone tell wolf from mafia.

** Vote Prof P**

I’ll be reading along if anyone wants me… otherwise I’ll probably just kick back… wouldn’t want to get in anyone’s way or anything.

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Are you really going to take your ball and go home over a strategy disagreement with a self professed 3rd party? That’s some quality Town behavior there.