Mafia Reunion Day 5

Several players have expressed a desire for me to not butt in or accused me of defending someone. Not one player has posted in support of my actions. I conclude that I am being disruptive. If you disagree why did you remain silent while a self proclaimed 3P was chewing me out? Or when Texcat chimed in?

The fact is, I have been wrong about just about everyone so far, and now I’m being told to shut the hell up. I’m not taking my ball and going home… I’m here… I’m voting…I said I would be reading along… I’m just not going to be as involved. It’s not working and it obviously isn’t appreciated, so why should I?

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** vote: Paul **

for the same reasons as yesterday. Plus the addition of snark from Paul does not help his case with me.

Okay, lets sort this out.

Dawn 1:                                                Dusk 1:
Modkill Dante G Vanilla Town                           Lynch Lakai Vanilla Town
                                                       Mafia/unknown kills Normal Phase Journalist
                                                       unknown/Mafia kills septimus EMT

Dawn 2:                                                Dusk 2:
Wolves kill Suburban Plankton Detective                Lynch Brewha Vanilla Town
Batman/Unknown kills Colby Vanilla Town                Mafia/unknown kill Chronos Mason
Unknown/Batman fail to kill                            unknown/Mafia fail to kill

Dawn 3:                                                Dusk 3:
Wolves/Unknown kill Drain Bead Leprechaun              Lynch Idle Thoughts Vanilla Town
Unknown/Wolves fail to kill                            Mafia/unknown kills jsgoddess Beta Wolf
Batman switched off         (Mid-day 3:)               unknown/Mafia kills Thing Fish Omega Wolf
                      (Wizard Sario suicides)

Dawn 4:                                                Dusk 4:
Wolves/Unknown kills ToeJam Doc                        Lynch DiggitCamara Vanilla Town
Unknown/Wolves kill AngeloftheNorth Vanilla Town       Lynch B. Squid The Outrider
Batman switched off                                    Mafia kill Pleonast Seer
                                                       unknown fails to kill

Dawn 5:
Wolves/Unknown/Batman kill Sunny Daze Informant
Unknown/Wolves/Batman kill Hockey Monkey Consigliere
Unknown/Batman kills BillMc The Whelp

  • There was some thinking that septimus self-protected and that is what got him killed, but the evidence of Dusk 3 suggests that there is a third killer beyond the protector-killers. I have to think that it is more likely that the three kills is due to the third killer rather than septimus self-protecting, because self-protecting gives scum a free kill.

  • With 3 deaths during Night 5, that means the Colby kill may not have been by Batman. My thinking is we know Batman has a switch, so he could have been turned off. We don’t know whether or not the Unknown killer has a switch (and we can’t know this because if there is a switch holder, that is very bad information to share since it would lead to a dead switch holder). So if there is a switch-free Third party killer, then that killer likely killed Colby and either ToeJam/Angel and someone last night. What it doesn’t explain is why there was only one death Dawn of Day 3. (Though Sario’s departure might explain that)

There is an non-switched Third Party Killer (probably a Serial Killer). This makes sense because switching a Serial Killer is a huge hinderance to an already difficult role and giving such a switch to other players reveals the existence of the role (not that we weren’t thinking there would be one anyway, but you get the idea).

  • Batman has not been successful in killing anyone until last night. Early due to bad luck with switches, more recently due to brewha being dead.
  • The Serial Killer killed Colby to ‘look town’
  • Sario stopped a kill During Night 2.
  • We have 2 additional Killers, one during the Day and one during the Night.
    {Sidenote: In the past, storyteller has put in two Third Party killing roles, and their win condition isn’t the traditional Serial Killer thing. They were hunting each other}
  • the problem I have is that is a lot of failed kills on the day side and we know Mafia don’t have to send a particular player so they can’t be blocked. Oh yeah, role blockers… which one is dead? I’ll revisit later.

I posted just up a couple posts why I wasn’t around, so not being around and posting in defense of you would have been a neat trick. As it happens, I agree with your style. I am the same way, I cannot let a bad argument lie regardless of who it’s against or what my personal alignment is in any given game. It’s why I was defending toejam early on in this game, since those arguments were crappy. And in this case I think sach is being overly dramatic about you commenting on his case. If he only wanted Biotop to comment, he should have said so.

You outright called the case “shitty.” If you can’t take someone defending their case after you call it “shitty” then… well, I don’t know what to do.

The Leprechaun(Drain) was a Night blocker.

A Serial Killer without a switch is probably 90% likely. I could see the Alien v Predator style killer that popped up previously again, with the missing kills being attributed to blocks or protections.


Scums seem to be way better at killing scums than town is. Maybe we sit back and no lynch and let them do all the work! (not a serious suggestion).

I’m not too sure if PaulwiaG called your argument on Biotop shitty, but I’m positive that I called it bullshit while be force fed terquiler shots. I hope you aren’t confused. Shit, I hopeI’m not confused.

Is that a thing?
That seems odd to me.

I will concede that perhaps it wasn’t so obvious that waiting for Biotop to comment would be optimal. But I remain surprised that such SOP are no longer in place when someone starts grilling someone else. I recall many posts deleted when I realized “oh, I should wait on that.”

Paul, I’m sorry for upsetting you. It was more frustrating than ‘a big deal.’

Also, great first game, Sunny! I had you in the town column. BillMC and Hockey Monkey, good plays, I had no read on either of you. But still, all three of you scums can rot in hell!

Your reason, singular, yesterDay wad that I wasn’t scumhunting. Again, that’s bullshit. You think my lack of scumhunting makes me the best candidate for town to use their lynch on? Even in light of Pleo’s apparent nod to ProfP? If lack of scumhunting is what makes me a good lynch candidate, then look around… you cant throw a stone without hitting someone who isnt scumhunting. I don’t know why you want me to be lynched, but your given reasoning is beyond weak.

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Well, you’re posting publicly in a game that hinges on people reading and posting reactions to things others say. I can see your argument that there are times when people should just let it go and let the target answer, but it’s not so cut and dried that that is always the default to me.

I didn’t include his quote, but here it is:

And given that quote got dug up. I would turn that right around and say that in calling Paul out on interfering with an interrogation, I was calling “anyone out on anything if I don’t think it helps town win.”

Updated color-coded vote counts with unvotes spoilered. Stolen from Guiri and updated by SNF
Day 1[spoiler]Lakai(17): InnerSticker[257], [del]SNF[295-1205][/del], RedSkeez[319], PlumPudding[647], Lightfoot[883], Koldanar[900], [del]Guiri[977-1182][/del], HoopyFrood[1031], Angel[1078], Meeko[1082], HockeyMonkey[1102], Drain[1108], RavenThief[1109], JSGoddess[1129], MHaye[1176], Nesta[1187], BuffTabby[1194], Cookies[1206], Nanook[1208]

ToeJam(15): [del]CaptKlutz[57-347][/del], Sunny Daze[113], [del]Normal[147-322][/del], Hooker[184], Sinjin[200], Sachertorte[534], [del]Lakai[775-1006][/del], CaptKlutz[796], Normal[1011], ProfP[1057], BillMc[1152], Septimus[1155], Biotop[1178], Guiri[1182], Ender[1195], Chronos[1197], SNF[1205],Lakai[1209]

Colby(6): Texcat[91], [del]Guiri[101-977][/del], [del]Septimus[106-231][/del], [del]Meeko[130-1082][/del], ToeJam[132], [del]HockeyMonkey[152-1101][/del], [del]Lakai[154-775][/del], [del]Suburban[162-541][/del], [del]Diggit[249-264][/del], Hawkeye[350], [del]Nanook[455-1208][/del], Brewha[683], Pleonast[841], [del]Septimus[993-1034][/del], Suburban[1026]

Angel(3): [del]SNF[37-157][/del], Zeriel[413], TotalLost[493], [del]JSGoddess[503-716][/del], BoozySquid[546], [del]Septimus[981-993][/del], [del]Lakai[1006-1209][/del]

Pleonast(1): [del]Septimus[85-106][/del], ThingFish[794], [del]Normal[824-1011][/del], [del]Nesta[1187-1187][/del]
Normal Phase(1): [del]Texcat[29-91][/del], Johnny Bravo[36], [del]Pleonast[241-511][/del]
Septimus(1): Ender[243], [del]TotalLost[273-493][/del], [del]Normal[322-714][/del], [del]Colby[335-946][/del], [del]CaptKlutz[347-796][/del], [del]HoopyFrood[480-736][/del], [del]Pleonast[511-841][/del]
SNF(1): Diggit[264]
Texcat(1): Scathach[758]
Brewha(1): Colby[946]

JohnnyBravo(0): [del]Meeko[41-130][/del], [del]BuffTabby[259-1094][/del], [del]Septimus[488-659][/del]
Meeko(0): [del]Drain[94-888][/del]
Drain(0): [del]Angel[97-542][/del]
BoozySquid(0): [del]Normal[102-147][/del], [del]SNF[157-295][/del], [del]Angel[542-1078][/del], [del]Biotop[709-957][/del]
JSGoddess(0): [del]Chronos[183-917][/del]
Hawkeye(0): [del]BoozySquid[188-540][/del]
Capt Klutz(0): [del]HoopyFrood[195-480][/del], [del]Drain[889-1108][/del]
Biotop(0): [del]PlumPudding[412-470][/del]
Prof.P.(0): [del]PlumPudding[472-647][/del], [del]Septimus[659-981][/del]
Ender(0): [del]ProfP[528-545][/del]
PlumPudding(0): [del]Suburban[541-1026][/del]
Koldanar(0): [del]ProfP[545-908][/del]
TotalLost(0): [del]RavenThief[679-912][/del], [del]JSGoddess[716-1129][/del]
Scathach(0): [del]HoopyFrood[798-1031][/del]
ThingFish(0): [del]Chronos[917-1197][/del]
Chronos(0): [del]Biotop[957-1178][/del]

Not voting(9): Crys, DaphneBlack, HalBriston, Khameleon, PrecambrianMollusc, WinstonSmith, Sario, IdleThoughts[/spoiler]Day 2[spoiler]brewha(16): [del]bufftabby(373-417)[/del], Chronos(538), [del]Biotop(543-909)[/del], BoozaholSquid(556), Cometothe…Cookies(575), [del]sachertorte(576-913)[/del], [del]HookerChemical(621-688)[/del], bufftabby(622), DrainBead(638), [del]raventhief(646-1002)[/del], paulwhoisaghost(703), Khameleon(716), Lakai(720), [del]HookerChemical(722-988)[/del], Meeko(726), ToeJam(730), Crys75(743), JohnnyBravo(767), Prof. Pepperwinkle(794), BillMc(947), TotalLost (957), InnerStickler(1033)

ToeJam(14): [del]raventhief(31-597)[/del], IdleThoughts(32), [del]Sunny Daze(34-318)[/del], Biotop(909), sachertorte(913), CaptainKlutz(950), sinjin(955), HookerChemical(988), guiri(995), brewha(998), ThingFish(1000), raventhief(1002), Sunny Daze (1023), MHaye(1036), jsgoddess(1038), nesta(1039)

Crys75(8): [del]Guiri(262-812)[/del], [del]SunnyDaze(568-1023)[/del], HockeyMonkey(584), DiggitCamara(588), AngeloftheNorth(595), Texcat(639), [del]CaptainKlutz(640-950)[/del], snfaulkner(641); [del]jsgoddess(795-976)[/del], Hawkeyeop(803), Zeriel(860), Scathach (959)

Texcat(1): Plumpudding (68)
Thing Fish(1): Pleonast(121)
Chronos(1): Nanook (151)
HockeyMonkey(1): Hoopy Frood (663)
snfaulkner(1): [del]DiggitCamara(250-588)[/del], [del]Texcat(633-639)[/del], [del]Guiri(812-995)[/del], koldanar(819)
Pleonast(1): Lightfoot(288), [del]HookerChemical(295-621)[/del], [del]ThingFish(297-1000)[/del], [del]jsgoddess(976-1038)[/del]

Plumpudding(0): [del]SunnyDaze (318-508)[/del]
Angelofthenorth(0): [del]Zeriel(60-529)[/del], [del]BoozaholSquid, P.I.(80-556)[/del]
Idle Thoughts(0): [del]Angelofthenorth (44-595)[/del]
BillMc(0): [del]DrainBead(132-638)[/del], [del]Texcat(179-633)[/del]
jsgoddess(0): [del]HoopyFrood(294-663)[/del]
DiggitCamara(0): [del]snfaulkner(332-641)[/del], [del]Paulwhoisaghost(386-699)[/del]
CaptainKlutz(0): [del]DrainBead(45-132)[/del], [del]SunnyDaze(567-568)[/del], [del]Crys75(583-743)[/del]
Meeko(0): [del]JohnnyBravo(169-767)[/del]
Sario(0): [del]Prof. Pepperwinkle(45-794)[/del], [del]Cometothe…Cookies(523-575)[/del]
Paulwhoisaghost(0): [del]Zeriel(529-860)[/del]
sachertorte(0): [del]Meeko(201-726)[/del], [del]brewha(806-998)[/del]

Non-voters(5): EnderW24, HalBriston, Precambrianmollusc, RedSkeezix, Sario[/spoiler]Day 3[spoiler]IdleThoughts(17): SunnyDaze(182), raventhief(207), [del]ToeJam(259-408)[/del], [del]HalBriston(300-923)[/del], [del]Prof.Pepperwinkle(398-692)[/del], [del]Paulwhoisaghost(515-710)[/del], Nanook(528), Biotop(533), JohnnyBravo(536), [del]Plumpudding(552-889)[/del], [del]Angelofthenorth(554-778)[/del], HockeyMonkey(576), Khameleon(593), sinjin(632), CaptainKlutz(699), Lightfoot(715), nesta(731), Hawkeyeop(758), BillMC(765), Zeriel(807), [del]snfaulkner(821-836)[/del], Angelofthenorth(873), [del]TexCat(874-908)[/del], Plumpudding(897), Cookies(917)

Prof. Pepperwinkle(14): [del]TexCat(278-874)[/del], jsgoddess(332), [del]Paulwhoisaghost(343-515)[/del], [del]Pleonast(345-602)[/del], InnerStickler(347), [del]Lightfoot(354-715)[/del], [del]HockeyMonkey(367-576)[/del], ToeJam(408), Bufftabby(420), [del]Biotop(458-532)[/del], Enderw24(588), IdleThoughts(590), Pleonast(602), Sachertorte(656), MHaye(674), Cygnus42(818), TotalLost(837), HoopyFrood(877), [del]ThingFish(901-903)[/del], TexCat(908), HalBriston(923)

Boozahol Squid(2): [del]HoopyFrood(286-877)[/del], [del]Angelofthenorth(303-554[/del]), [del]CaptainKlutz(487-699)[/del], Guiri(772), [del]Angelofthenorth(778-873)[/del], snfaulkner(83)

Khameleon(2): Meeko(319), [del]ThingFish(632-901)[/del], ThingFish(903)

Enderw24(1): [del]Nanook(28-528)[/del], Crys75(34)
Crys75(1): BoozaholSquid(499)
Sachertorte(1): [del]Johnny Bravo(14-536)[/del], [del]Prof. Pepperwinkle(339-398)[/del], Prof.Pepperwinkle(692)
ThingFish(1): [del]Pleonast(141-345)[/del], Diggitcamara(691)
HockeyMonkey(1): Lakai(704)
Diggitcamara(1): [del]Guiri(740-772)[/del], Paulwhoisaghost(796)
Pleonast(1): [del]Paulwhoisaghost(116-158)[/del], [del]Plumpudding(222-552)[/del], HookerChemical(814)

ToeJam(0): [del]HookerChemical(9-708)[/del], [del]snfaulkner(17-299)[/del], [del]BillMC(23-673)[/del], [del]Sinjin(53-632)[/del], [del]Biotop(112-296)[/del], [del]CaptainKlutz(118-298)[/del], [del]Angelofthenorth(134-303)[/del]

Non-voters(2): Koldanar, Scathach[/spoiler]Day 4[spoiler]DiggitCamara(14): Paulwhoisaghost(20), Totallost(172), GuiriEnEspana(263), Koldanar(376), BillMC(422), HookerChemical(438), Prof.P(511), raventhief(516), Boozy(518), HoopyFrood(519), Lakai(521), SunnyDaze(529), Cygnus42(530), [del]JohnnyBravo(534-546)[/del], bufftabby (535)

BoozaholSquid(14): CaptainKlutz(45), EnderW24(102), Biotop(180), snfaulkner(192), [del]HookerChemical(262-438)[/del], DiggitCamera(288), Meeko(302), Hawkeyeop(320), Inner Stickler(346), Sachertorte(523), Plumpudding(524), Texcat(525), Cookies(543), HockeyMonkey(544), JohnnyBravo(546)

Prof. Pepperwinkle(6): [del]BoozaholSquid(48-61)[/del], [del]Pleonast(121-142)[/del], Pleonast(142), Nanook(152), [del]bufftabby(197-535)[/del], Zeriel(353), MHaye(417), sinjin(435), Lightfoot(473)

EnderW(1): Crys(15)

HookerChemical(0): [del]Lakai(46-440)[/del]
sachertorte(0): [del]Prof.P(419-511)[/del]
Meeko(0): [del]BoozaholSquid(314-518)[/del]
Texcat(0): [del]HoopyFrood(315-519)[/del]
Biotop(0): [del]Lakai(440-521)[/del], [del]sachertorte(452)[/del]
Paulwhoisaghost(0): [del]Texcat(471-525)[/del]
Hal Briston(0): [del]Plumpudding(298-524)[/del], [del]HockeyMonkey(305-527)[/del]
Khameleon(0): [del]JohnnyBravo(26-534)[/del], [del]HoopyFrood(52-315)[/del], [del]Prof.P(154-419)[/del]

Not voting(4): HalBriston, Khameleon, Nesta, Scathach[/spoiler]Player list[spoiler]

Ah, ok.

Interesting note after looking at the newly coloured vote records: I’m not seeing a single case of bussing yet.

Cleaning up a few things:

Dawn 1:                                                Dusk 1:
Modkill Dante G Vanilla Town                           Lynch Lakai Vanilla Town
                                                       Mafia/unknown kills Normal Phase Journalist
                                                       unknown/Mafia kills septimus EMT

Dawn 2:                                                Dusk 2:
Wolves kill Suburban Plankton Detective                Lynch Brewha Vanilla Town
Batman/Unknown kills Colby Vanilla Town                Mafia/unknown kill Chronos Mason
Unknown/Batman fail to kill                            unknown/Mafia fail to kill

Dawn 3:                                                Dusk 3:
Wolves/Unknown kill Drain Bead Leprechaun              Lynch Idle Thoughts Vanilla Town
Unknown/Wolves fail to kill                            Mafia/unknown kills jsgoddess Beta Wolf
Batman switched off         (Mid-day 3:)               unknown/Mafia kills Thing Fish Omega Wolf
                      (Wizard Sario suicides)

Dawn 4:                                                Dusk 4:
Wolves/Unknown kills ToeJam Doc                        Lynch DiggitCamara Vanilla Town
Unknown/Wolves kill AngeloftheNorth Vanilla Town       Lynch B. Squid The Outrider
Batman switched off?                                   Mafia/unknown kill Pleonast Seer
                                                       unknown/Mafia fails to kill

Dawn 5:
Wolves/Unknown/Batman kill Sunny Daze Informant
Unknown/Wolves/Batman kill Hockey Monkey Consigliere
Unknown/Batman kills BillMc The Whelp


Ughh… Why so touchy?

And the same goes for you, why so touchy? Ughh…

For fucks sake, it’s just a game. Shit like this, petty squabbles about nothing, makes me not wanna play. Don’t take stuff so personal.

Vote TexCat**

I’ll happily vote you for that kind of talk. Just play the game and don’t be butthurt because someone is making specious cases in a game of MAFIA.

  1. I called it shitty because I thought it was shitty. I post my thoughts as transparently as possible because I feel it’s the least deceptive way for town to play. I concede, in this instance, that I could have used a less insulting and vulgar synonym for bad. So, Lakai, I’m sorry I called your case shitty. I will try to be less insulting in the future.

  2. You are being a hypocritical Sach. It wasn’t even your case. It was Lakai’s case. You just me too voted. Then when I argued against it in a post clearly directed at Lakai, you stepped in and got super defensive. Isn’t that what you were so upset about me doing, stepping into a conversation?

  3. I expect town or scum to be defensive of their cases. It’s a nulltell. What I don’t expect or understand is a 3P me too voter to get so defensive.

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