Mafia Reunion - Day One

**The sun rose on the sleepy seaside town of Doperville. In case you are unfamiliar with the history, Doperville, for the last 7 years, has been a crime town. It is controlled by the Werewolf mafia (acting in secret as the traditional mafia). Recently the long time Alpha Wolf died leaving a power vacuum. The traditional mafia has moved in and an all out gang war is on the verge of breaking out. In fact, just last night the first shots were fired and the beloved town Mayor was…well, let’s just say he was killed. It was brutal, but it was also a message. The Mayor was taking kickbacks from the new Mob boss (Doperville is corrupt, sorry kids) and well, the Alpha Wolf needed to make a statement.

The good citizens of the town gather at the village square. There has been a movement amongst them to say that now, while the Wolves and Mafia are busy fighting each other, NOW is the time to take back their town. Now is the time to clean up the corruption. And they will do it the old fashioned wa–**

Ladies and Gentlemen of the mafia game.  We at Mahanafler Industries do very much apologize for the breaking of the fourth wall in your game color.  It would seem that one of the players has gone off the reservation.  We can’t have that.  No. The concept of substitutions was briefly considered, but then we decided that...well, that’s not much fun for anyone is it?

So, DANTE G, please step forward.  Ok so, Dante we will give you a head start.  You have until the game starts to get out of here and off to safety.  Go on now.  RUN.

And the game DAY 1 will start in **


**:inhuman shriek:

Oh…poor Dante. Looks like he didn’t make it out after all.

We now continue with your game color - already in progress.
The town looked down upon the town and battered body of Dante G.

[COLOR=“Blue”]Dante G is dead. He was Vanilla Town.

His body was pretty beaten up. His head was on the wrong end to start with, and unspeakable things seem to have been done to his kidneys which were on full display along with the rest of his entrails. There were at least 36 bullet holes and some serious burns and something that seemed suspiciously like teeth marks. Human teeth marks. Clearly none of the forces in Doperville were capable of this. It was almost as if some very angry God decided to end Dante’s life, and drenched the town in gallons of blood at the same time (an inappropriate level of blood really. Human bodys don’t hold that much blood. Now there was blood everywhere! And right after the town had been cleaned too!)

The blood soaked denizens gathered round, quickly recoverd from their shock and got back to business. Setteling things the old fashioned way, with a crazed lynch mob! Sharpen your pitchforks… [/COLOR]**

**Note: Dante G was modkilled due to quitting the game with no time to find a substitute. We probably don’t have any more subs so DON’T DROP OUT ON A WHIM! Sorry, Town, guess you are starting one down already. Ouch. No, despite the Town death during the Night, two lynches are NOT available because this was a modkill.

Now, it really is Day. Day will end at 3 PM Eastern on Sunday, January 15.**

Here is a countdown to the end of Day 1.

Have fun!

Well this is really… crappy.

Pfui. Dante’s fun to play with. Sigh.

Here, FWIW, is a list of Who Posted how much during the night.

Who Posted?
Total Posts: 465
User Name Posts
Meeko 41
snfaulkner 37
NAF1138 35
Normal Phase 25
LightFoot 22
Boozahol Squid, P.I. 21
Thing Fish 18
sachertorte 17
Chronos 17
Mahaloth 15
Biotop 15
storyteller0910 13
jsgoddess 12
ToeJam 12
Plumpudding 10
raventhief 10
Sunny Daze 9
Suburban Plankton 9
Inner Stickler 8
Zeriel 8
Idle Thoughts 8
Prof. Pepperwinkle 7
TexCat 6
GuiriEnEspaña 6
HookerChemical 6
Pleonast 6
Johnny Bravo 5
Nanook of the North Shore 5
MHaye 5
BillMC 5
Sario 5
Total Lost 5
Hawkeyeop 4
sinjin 4
bufftabby 4
Crys75 3
Colby11 3
brewha 3
Hoopy Frood 2
Precambrianmollusc 2
Enderw24 2
DiggitCamara 2
Captain Klutz 2
Dante G 2
Drain Bead 1
ComeToTheDarkSideWeHaveCookies 1
Red Skeezix 1
Khameleon 1
Giraffe 1
Scathach 1
Koldanar 1
Hockey Monkey 1
septimus 1
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Huh. That’s no good.

36 bullet holes? The mayor had 37… of course, now we are down a townie.

it is going to be a loong Day.

** going forward, will dead Town players be eligible to sub in if needed? **

Hope everything is OK with Dante. Quitting seems out of character for him.

Depends on if there is an available Sub. We looked. We didn’t have any, they all ended up in the game due to pre game dropouts. He did apologize.

Well damn.

The mayor was also “eviscerated, and burned” while Dante had burns and human teeth marks -would werewolves leave human teeth marks? Or a vampire? A zombie?

“Any player who goes a full Day-Night cycles without contributing to the thread will be replaced (if it is before Day Four and a replacement is available) or Mod-killed (if it is after Dawn of Day Four or if no replacement can be found).” - ouch, not saying anything might have given a little more time to find a volunteer.

Honestly, we looked. One of many reasons the Night 0 was so long

I wish you had mentioned it in the thread. I might have tried to get [del]a sucker[/del] my husband to play.

Or maybe edited doesn’t show when reading on the phone in Tapatalk…
What post did you edit - and why?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Too bad about Dante. Well at least we dont have to worry about him so I can focus my stankeye elsewhere.

Normal Phase , thanks for the townie points. Is there anyway I can assist further?

Meh, I thought the edited post in question was pretty clearly edited for the sole purpose of messing with the anti-editing camp. I’m not sure why Normal Phase would’ve even expected it to garner a real response.

I didn’t write down the number – the one where I was talking to Pleo with all the ETAs.

Indeed. I think not reacting to an obvious joke/nose tweak does not indicate anything about someone’s antipathy to post editing.

For me, I don’t find anything inherently suspicious in editing. I can see doing it reflexively.

Well, I didn’t, but then I also didn’t expect people to come in not a whole lot of posts later and choose to talk about editing in the strongest negative terms without casting judgment on me (in either direction) as part of that process. So is there a process at all, or is it just townie-sounding words? That’s where I’m at.

ETA the “later” (really).