With the SDMB Mafia game now concluded, this seems like an optimal time to open up sign-ups for the next game. Mafia: Evil Dead is now open for business. Please sign-up by posting to this thread. The game has two possible constructions - one for approximately 27-29 players and one for 30-35. We’ll see how enthusiastic interest is and go from there.
A bit of pertinent information: the game will be based primarily on the Evil Dead series, including the first three movies and the off-Broadway musical based on the first two. It will be a completely closed set-up, with the following exceptions:
There will be no recruitment, nor any adjustment of win conditions of any kind.
There will be absolutely no post restrictions. More on this to come.
This will not be a no-vanilla game; there will be vanilla Townies.
Two other important facts: (1) the Game Room moderators have been kind enough to allow us to separate this game into different threads for each Day/Night cycle. We will therefore have a separate thread for Day One/Night One, Day Two/Night Two, etc. I will maintain links to each Day’s start in my profile, along with a Google Doc containing all pertinent information; (2) Vote counts will be moderator provided twice each real-life day, at approximately 9:00AM and 9:00PM. Anything in between will be the responsibility of the players.
OK, that’s about it. If you’re interested, say so, and I’ll keep a running tally of the player roster. Right now, I’m going to give until Monday morning for sign-ups. If we have a full roster by then, we’ll start Night Zero on Monday and Day One on Wednesday. I’ll have to think a bit about how to handle the holiday period.
FINALLY: If anyone is sure they do not want to play, I could still use a bit of help finalizing everything about the setup. PM me if that sounds interesting.
I’m in only if pleo is not the vig and I don’t get a miller role, again. It might make his head explode watching me try to wiggle out of that nonsense.
I’m interested in playing, though I’ll probably have less time to devote here than I did in the SDMB game. The only thing is, I’m not really sure how much less time, if it will only be a little or if it will be significant, so if you think that could be disruptive, I wouldn’t mind sitting out and helping you finallize things either.
Really? It doesn’t seem any more or less anticipated than most others. Actually, I thought Cecilvania was probably the most anticipated until you all screwed it up and made everyone vanilla.
Heh heh heh. It still makes me smile to think about it. But some good did come out of Cecilvania, I learned that games have to actually be fun to play and not just entergtaining for the spectators.
Still, I have been looking forward to the Evil Dead game since the week after Blade Runner finished. If it isn’t the most anticipated, it is easily the most long awaited. Heck Pleo ran 2 versions on Conspiracy in the time it has taken Story to put this game together.* Mountains have risen in the time it has taken to put this game together. ** This is the game that promises the revolution in mafia gaming that we have all been waiting for.*** In short I am fully expecting this game to be no less than EPIC.
So, no pressure Story.
*may not be true
**technically true, but only by fractions of an inch.
***Promises may only exist in NAF’s head. NAF makes no pretense speaking on behalf of Story with regard to said promises, and all promises void where prohibited
Nothing is epic without it’s own score. Without a score, it’s just another game.
OTOH, I approve of the pressure on Storyteller, since he’s one of the hardest to pressure in the game, so we might as well get our licks in while we can. So, it better be EPIC.