Mafia Reunion - Day Two

I am having buyer’s remorse for my **brewha **vote, but changing it puts **crys75 ** as the next option, and I don’t like that either. Between the two I’d rather have liar brewha be lynched. Yet I am worried that if **brewha **is telling the truth about the Batman switch, then some other player (very possibly not Town) with the opposing Batman switch will going forward control Batman and the vig kill.

The whole LUTHA thing does not need to be resolved right now. Many of the questions surrounding **Crys ** and her claim can probably be blamed on meds. And I really doubt the LUTHA thing is a Scum ploy, despite the apparent hint of “leave us the hell alone” in the game color. So why bother with her?

brewha’s switch claim as some sort of Scum team gambit is a possibility. But that seems unlikely the more I think about it. A single player screwing up makes so much more sense.

It feels like it is almost too late to do anything now. We can’t even get a number of our players to vote for anyone at all. Grr. And I won’t be around at EOD Sunday due to work. More grr.

Oh well, let’s give it a shot anyway.

**unvote brewha **

**Vote Toejam **

Did anyone buy his “Oh golly I was almost lynched what a surprise” post? I didn’t.