Mafia Reunion - Day Two

I wouldn’t do it if mod restricted, or if scum weren’t mod confirmed as having dayyap. But guess what? I still do it over at giraffe where there is a time limit between posting and editing that won’t trigger the “last edited” tag.

Some people think that brewha made up his switch PM, as it does not match mine. However, I think the mods sort of confirmed to me that there were different wordings used.

A couple of days ago I asked the mods about the switches. Herre is my question and the reply:

(I mentioned this back in post 394 toDay, although I just gave the reply, not my specific question)

To me, that is confirmation that the PMs are genuine. So for those voting over the discrepancy, please reconsider.

This is important, I think. That does confirm that the wording in the pm switches may be different. I had kind of assumed that since there was a template for the role pms, that was posted publicly, that the mods would be operating off a similar template for the switch pms.

Thank you for flagging that again. I didn’t catch the relevance the first time. Though as I commented upthread, scum making up the wording has some logic problems and Town making up the wording is just weird.

Brewha: as above, I don’t see scum motivation for the claim. I don’t see Town motivation for lying and not coming clean until he got caught.(I don’t think the claim, if true, was GOOD Town play, but I can see plausible Town motivation).

Capt Klutz seems the cleanest of the three; I agree with jsgoddess’ analysis that there is obvious Town motivation and no obvious scum motivation.

Crys’ claim is just weird. I can’t see any good reason for it as any alignment, so she’s likely telling the truth when she blames the meds.I believe she is 3rd party as the pm she quoted has the ring of Mahanafteller authenticity, but that doesn’t mean thst crucial bits weren’t edited. I agree with those who have said that her stated power and wincon seem oddly mismatched.

Toejam seems to be playing again, but he’s warning us that he won’t participate much, and his flip would give us potentially valuable information about Day One.

Again, I would rather lynch Pleonast, Toejam, or any of a half dizen lurkers Today, and revisit the switch claimers in the unlikely event that they survive the next couple Days. But I agree that we do need to flip brewha and crys in the near future, so if we’re going to do it via lynch, we might as well have a doubleheader.

Tbh I would rather sacrifice myself. I don’t think claiming is in the best interest of my teammates my death will reveal that I was telling the truth and hopefully you guys will give my faction more trust in the future but of we all claimed you would pick them off one at a time and they deserve the chance to actually play.

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Was I not timecuby enough in my explanation for you to understand? Have I been educated stupid?

I am having buyer’s remorse for my **brewha **vote, but changing it puts **crys75 ** as the next option, and I don’t like that either. Between the two I’d rather have liar brewha be lynched. Yet I am worried that if **brewha **is telling the truth about the Batman switch, then some other player (very possibly not Town) with the opposing Batman switch will going forward control Batman and the vig kill.

The whole LUTHA thing does not need to be resolved right now. Many of the questions surrounding **Crys ** and her claim can probably be blamed on meds. And I really doubt the LUTHA thing is a Scum ploy, despite the apparent hint of “leave us the hell alone” in the game color. So why bother with her?

brewha’s switch claim as some sort of Scum team gambit is a possibility. But that seems unlikely the more I think about it. A single player screwing up makes so much more sense.

It feels like it is almost too late to do anything now. We can’t even get a number of our players to vote for anyone at all. Grr. And I won’t be around at EOD Sunday due to work. More grr.

Oh well, let’s give it a shot anyway.

**unvote brewha **

**Vote Toejam **

Did anyone buy his “Oh golly I was almost lynched what a surprise” post? I didn’t.

Biotpp, you’don’t vote for a maybe scum toe jam over a claimed 3rd party?

I see no great benefit to killing a probably harmless 3rd party at this time. Why not at least try for Scum instead? We win when they are all dead. **brewha **may be Scum, but it is very risky killing him.

I admit that I’m having a hard time weighing the two options. Which is to say none of my scumspicions are solid enough to outweigh claimed 3rd part, however harmless they claim to be.

I expected both brewha and Crys to die Today.

But that isn’t the whole truth, which is why I’m up late posting.

You all have surprised me again and again. What I expect to happen simply doesn’t. I expected everyone to realize that two lynches are better than one (OH! THE IRONY!), but many of you disagree. I expected everyone to jump on lynching Crys and brewha without a second thought, but you didn’t. Well, not both… at least not yet. Many of you did have that knee-jerk reaction, and I didn’t have any feeling that I should try and stop it. But many of you did not knee-jerk react, and thought through the situation and came to clear (and correct) conclusions about Crys. I have to say, I’m impressed. I was not expecting that to happen.

It was mentioned earlier that in order for Town to trust the Third Party non-hostiles that we have to trust Town. That’s true, but we had no way to know how Town would react to a claim. It was nice to see a few players state they were open to a Third Party claim, but with so many players, what one player thinks and posts isn’t necessarily representative of the whole. So that leaves us with Crys. Many of you want to Lynch Crys. I expected that. Crys butchered her claim badly, and linking herself to brewha for no reason was driving me insane on Friday. Still, Crys did an unforced claim and cooler heads saw that as an indicator of truth.

So Crys jumped in with a leap of faith.
Town has (at least so far) resisted a full on lynching of Crys (I know the day isn’t over, but that leads us to this current step in the Town_LUTHA alliance).

Because Town has shown restraint in assessing Crys, I will join her in claiming Third Party Cultist.

I’ve spent the past two weeks thinking about this role, so I’ll share with you my perspectives:

I’ve been playing as Vanilla Town. The are multiple reasons for this, not least of which it is a Handy Claim for Townies who are mean to Third Parties. My original plan was to play as Vanilla and take my role to the grave. I didn’t even use my power last Night to try and find a cultist because (1) I didn’t think it was all that necessary to know who the other cultists were via power and (2) I didn’t want to get caught up by watchers or trackers (Town or Scum).
Beyond the practicalities, the game is simply more fun for me to play as Town. I enjoy trying to figure out who is Town and who is Scum. Many of my best memories about mafia are from situations where I figured something out and was right, even if we ended up losing in the end. Some have expressed concern that as Third Party we could try and win with Scum, and I have given that scenario much thought as well. At the endgame, should scum be winning, I can see it would be tempting to try and win with the Scum. I tried to think of how that would play out, and while there are a few feasible scenarios, it requires scum to be on the cusp of winning (LyLo) and for scum to trust the cultists enough to form a public voting bloc. Also, I’d expect us to be wary of scum (especially Mafia with the day kill) stabbing us in the back. I get the Townie Paranoia though, I’ve been there.
Speaking of paranoia, I do have a bit of paranoia about their being a different third party that wants to kill cultists, but I try to dismiss that since we were not given any indication of danger and that would just be sucky anyway (survivor role sucks pretty bad already, btw).
The other thought I had was that winning with scum would be more difficult. At best, scum win at final 14 with a perfect game. Realistically, I think the soonest scum will win is at final 6-8. That means 3 scum to 3 non-scum or 4 scum to 4 non-scum. The chances of a cultist being one of those 3 or 4 non-scum is dishearteningly small. Town is harder to assess how quick they could win, but they at least have the ability to win quick even if the probability of a very fast win is low.

As for breadcrumbs, I did leave two. On Night Zero I made reference to the Survivor third party role and use wording that came from the cultist role PM. Something about a previous game and how a survivor managed to get Town to leave her alone (I’m not looking up the quotes). The second was Day One I think. I asked the mods a question about whether or not I should see Rogue One on Martin Luther King Day. The Luther was supposed to be a signal to Lutha. But either no one saw it or no one cared. I have not been in contact with any other LUTHAs.

I hope that my claim will corroborate Crys story and alleviate some of your suspicion on Crys regarding Crys’s choices and behavior.

Now I wonder how you’ll react. I bet it will be a surprise.

{And I still think multi-lynch is pro town. Even if you use it on Crys or me. It’s super bad for cultists, but it is good for town}

I have a terrible vote on brewha. I was trying to blend in, which was the wrong thing to do, but hopefully understandable given the circumstances of the time.
unvote Brewha
vote ToeJam

What benefit do you see in killing **crys75 **that outweighs searching for Scum? What am I missing?

I don’t think there’s any real harm in killing her other than missing a chance to kill a Scum player. But I search for a benefit to killing her now.

My issue is that we know we can’t trust her to always be voting pro town.

You don’t want to get a clearer picture of what happened on Day One?

And now sachers…oy.

Every death will clear up D1. But the past few games recently has been making me realize that I’ve been putting too much thought into d1 voting records.

If it is votes you are worried about, we could always not vote. or at least not be deciding votes.
Whatever the vote, you know that our votes are from third parties and do not have knowledge of scum identities. It’s hard to intentionally vote pro-scum when we don’t know who scum are.
