If you didn’t apply enough mental energy to find out and remember this stuff, then you don’t really want this job anyway.
This isn’t a criticism.
If I don’t really want to do something, I find I don’t pay as much attention as I should, and don’t do the homework I should to get all the facts. This is a subconcious mechanism for avoiding the unpleasant.
The story is that a guy at work gave me a business card for a company he said were looking for a “media person”. I emailed them my CV. They called - said the job was filled - said there was possibly another one in another country. Said they’d call back. (I had asked about the job they had but got v little feedback).
They called back to tell me they’d passed on my CV to another company. Second company now calls me for the Magical Mystery Interview[sup]tm[/sup].
But you’re right, NutMagnet, I am a bit half-hearted about it. We’ll see what it’s like, and what they’re like, and - most importantly - what the moooooooooolah is like!