Magical Mystery Job Interview

Tonight - due to various mix-ups and miscommunications - I have the excitement of a job interview, and:

(a) I don’t know the name of the company

(b) I don’t know what they do

© I don’t know what the job title is

(d) I don’t know anything about the job or its duties

(e) I don’t even know what country the job is in

(f) I don’t remember the name of the guy who called me about it

(f) I don’t have his number

(g) I dont exactly remember where it is, but vaguely remember it’s on the second floor of a particular tower block

So it looks like I’m in for an exciting ride - or a fast-track career in the white slave trade…

Any psychics out there that have the answers to any of the above, please post.

Otherwise, I’ll drop by tomorrow and reveal all - if I manage to get to the right place of course…

Um, did you apply for this job or did they call you?

Good luck with the interview. I hate interviews, if I could not go in a little prepared I would be crapping myself (maybe even skip it altogether).


If the answer to d) is “Upper management”, I’d say you were eminently well qualified. Let nothing sully the pristine bloom of your ignorance.

(PS - good luck.)

If you didn’t apply enough mental energy to find out and remember this stuff, then you don’t really want this job anyway.

This isn’t a criticism.

If I don’t really want to do something, I find I don’t pay as much attention as I should, and don’t do the homework I should to get all the facts. This is a subconcious mechanism for avoiding the unpleasant.

(a) I don’t know the name of the company Vandelay Industries

(b) I don’t know what they do Purveyors of fine latex products

© I don’t know what the job title is Manzierre model

(d) I don’t know anything about the job or its duties Show room model for VI’s various latex products

(e) I don’t even know what country the job is in USA

(f) I don’t remember the name of the guy who called me about it George Costanza

(f) I don’t have his number KL-85353 (just ask for George).

(g) I dont exactly remember where it is, but vaguely remember it’s on the second floor of a particular tower block 111011 7th Ave Ave, 2nd fl**

oops 111011 7th Ave Ave, 2nd fl

grinning widely at all the posts above :wink:

The story is that a guy at work gave me a business card for a company he said were looking for a “media person”. I emailed them my CV. They called - said the job was filled - said there was possibly another one in another country. Said they’d call back. (I had asked about the job they had but got v little feedback).

They called back to tell me they’d passed on my CV to another company. Second company now calls me for the Magical Mystery Interview[sup]tm[/sup].

But you’re right, NutMagnet, I am a bit half-hearted about it. We’ll see what it’s like, and what they’re like, and - most importantly - what the moooooooooolah is like!

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a latex model. What exactly will you be modeling?

Manzierres otherwise known as Bro’s - something a discerning gentleman with man-teats should NEVER leave home without.