Magician/comedian The Amazing Johnathan is dying [Update: He got better] {RIP 2/23/2022}

I really liked his Comedy Central specials.

I still to this day pull out his “Wings” trick when I feel like playing a trick on someone.


Man, that’s too bad. I always assumed his “skill and speed” gag was just a joke, but I guess not.

So sorry to hear this. I saw his act in Vegas a few years ago and he was truly amazing – an hour of riffing on a single “magic trick” that he never got around to completing.

I loved his comedy central specials, and I always said “next time I’m in vegas I’m gonna see him”

Sad that I never will

His episode of WTF with Marc Maron is worth hearing


Same here. The only two acts I am interested in seeing is him and Penn and Teller. That sucks. Maybe he can get off one more tv special.

I still say “I like to take off my clothes and run around…this prevents me from streaking” when I grab a bottle of Windex.

I remember when Comedy Central used to play that special over and over and over and we watched it every.single.time. It was always either him or Robert Schimmel. I just mentioned this to a co-worker and he asked me if he was that guy that swallowed the razor blades, to which I said ‘no…wait yeah he did and he’d always cut up his mouth and bleed all over the place in the process, I remember that’.

I wish the (a) special was on Netflix or Amazon Prime.

This makes me sad. He came to my college in 1983 to perform, along with Livingston Taylor (‘memba him? James’ brother.) and a band. Turns out he knew the guys in the band, so he played with them in one of their two concerts that weekend. I was “good friends” (ahem!) with one of the guys in the band so all of us got together and partied (of course! It was college! It’s what you did!) while they were there (except Livingston, of course - he didn’t party.)

I remember there was tons of beer & liquor at the party. Johnathan and several of the kids went off to do their own thing - drugs, I’m sure. I stayed with the band. He seemed to be pretty heavy into the alcohol and drugs back then, too. The night he played with the band, he had a glass of “water” on stage with him while he played. It wasn’t water. It was vodka. He gulped it down. And during a short break came backstage to get a refill.

Somewhere I’ve got some pictures of his act that weekend. He was hilarious and super smart and full of almost fireball energy and a pretty darned nice guy, too, from what I remember. The young comedians’ specials and the fame started a couple of years later.

I’ve been feeling kind of old and worn out and nostalgic all week. No reason, I just have. Thinking back, those times at college were such fun! Such good friends! Good times! And now someone I remember from there (even though I never got to know him well…I hid his vodka bottle in my jacket pocket backstage so he wouldn’t get caught, lol.) is dying very soon.

I know he found fame and fortune. I hope he found fulfillment and happiness, too. I’m going to go see if I can find those pictures now.

'Bye, Johnathan. Thanks so much for the laughs and the memories. You were great!

Say “wing” three times fast.


I’ve tried to find a clip online with no success. The trick involves telling the mark you can make a dollar bill (or other bill of your choice) fly. You fold the bill along the shorter side as much as you can, and then crimp the ends inward to resemble a pair of wings (or something else, as per the punchline). The mark holds out their arm and makes a fist, and you set the bill on their fist and ask them to yell “WINGS!” over and over again.

On the third yell, you pick up the bill, hold it to the side of your head like a phone handset, and say “Hello?”

On top of that, I’m almost sure he said ‘just kidding do it again’ and then said “hello” again and made some kind of gullible joke (hey, there’s something on your shirt) before he got on with the actual trick.

Love his act. Seems like a joyful guy. No chance for a heart transplant?

He can’t. I never worked with him, but there have been a couple of articles/columns in the newspaper about Mr. Szeles; he has quite a few friends and well-wishing colleagues.

Here’s an article from last October. I seem to recall reading a column about him sometime in the last month or so, but no luck finding it online so far. In that, he was telling his friends that he could literally drop dead at any moment.

Very sad - I really enjoyed his act

Damn. :frowning: I remember watching one of his CC specials having had no idea who he was going in. That was some of the funniest shit I’ve ever watched.

My family regularly says, “sometimes magic sounds like tape…”. God, that bit had us laughing so hard we were crying.

Unfortunately, no. He has type 2 diabetes and a really long history of heavy drug use.

Real bummer. :confused: Dude’s great.

I flash on the bit with the fake knife in his arm occasionally and laugh about it.