I’ve been thinking about future tank/infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) design and I have some Q’s that y ‘all may be able to answer. How many inches of armor on the M1 at front hull/front turret/side turret/top turret? I have been digging for open source info on the Javelin’s penetration ability. It seems early on they were coming 100mm short of the expected result and redesigned a fix. So the weapon does at least 100mm but we all know it will do more than that. Anyone have info on the total penetrating power/distance against tanks with and without reactive armor?
So, it has occurred to me, now that the T90 is maybe going to have an unmanned turret why not do one better and ditch the turret all together? If you use a variant of the javelin that is vertically stowed and have two independent sights, like the M1 and M2’s now have, you should have the same command and control (C2) ability with the crew but keep them down in the hull and away from the ammo. Two masts (which can telescope?) with a gunner’s and commander’s integrated sight units (ISU) would be the only thing above the berm at any time. The weapons could even fire from their mini silo’s like a boomer sub (so no moving parts, [well other than the doors on top]) and could even be stowed one on top of the other and able to fire successively out of the same silo.
One imagines, you could lock on the target, key the grip to cool the javelin varient missile down and pull the trigger. I suspect that when one takes 2-3 seconds to cool the missile’s thermal eye down the M1 will fire faster on the first shot, (which is the only disadvantage I can think of compared to the great advantage of having a self guided missile that will defeat any MBT in the world [or even on the drawing board] while fully berm’ed up) but for multiple shot situations it would end up being faster, much faster, then the best M1 crew’s time getting a second shot away (2-5 sec. to acquire the next target, 4 sec to load the right round, 2-3 sec. to give the fire commands and send it). One could have a missile away with a command from the commander’s ISU just moments after the gunner has launched on target #1. The cool down time for the commander’s missile could even take place concurrently with the gunner doing his thing. Basicly, turn the new MBT into a F-14 (RIP) able to attack multiple targets in different areas in less time than it takes for the first shot to hit home. Remove the weight restriction for the manpad version of the Javelin and you will easily push the system’s max effective out to 9+ km.
In short, you get a lighter, more survivable, more maneuverable, more transportable, less man power and maintenance intensive (only 3 crew/no turret) tank system with a better kill ability than the already excellent M1.
That said, I don’t think it could fully replace the M1’s IN support role of moving pill box able to level permanent fighting positions in a single shot.