Make me excited about an upcoming game I do not yet know about

Big gaming fan here, but I fear that it will be slim picking the next couple of months. For some reason I’ve been out of the loop of game developments. Searching the web does not show any big titles that I should be excited about, but it could very well be I’ve missed something.

Now, I know that Dragon Age 2 is coming, but that is not before March, so what the heck should I be doing during the holiday period? Not to speak of Bioshock Ultimate, which will not be ready before 2012. New Vegas might be something I could consider, but I was a bit disappointed with Fallout, so I’m not too sure.

What am I missing? I can’t believe the coming holiday period would be covered so thinly. PS3 or PC games only please.

What did you find disappointing about Fallout 3? If it was the core game system, then New Vegas won’t excite you. However, if you found the system good but felt that it needed more interesting stories and something in the color palette other than brown, tan, light gray, dark gray and gray-green, then New Vegas might be good for you.

What kinds of games do you like? I’m guessing that you like(d) Dragon Age and Bioshock - any others that come to mind?

Witcher 2 is coming out. I never finished The Witcher. It was pretty good, but I got distracted by life matters and it’s the kind of thing where it’s hard to jump back into and it’s hard to start again.

Deus Ex: The Human Revolution is supposed to be out early next year. The previous sequel to Deus Ex was fairly inferior, and now the franchise has been taken over by Square Enix. I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

I basically like any game that is well made and has great story. Favorite game all time was System Shock 2 with Dead Space a close second. Never played the Deus Ex games but heard great stories, so the new one sounds promising. Didn’t know they were planning to revive the series. Will it be necessary to have played the first two games to fully appreciate it, or will it be a reboot? I don’t care for online gaming, so one player only suits me just fine.

I thought the Witcher was pretty good, but lost track of the story somewhere halfway through and couldn’t get into it anymore so I never finished it. Not sure how I feel about a sequel.

I intially was very excited about StarCraft II, but for some reason it didn’t capture me as much as the first one.

Regarding Fallout, I finished it, but was greatly disappointed with the story and the way it ended. Never got into the add-ons for it. Bought New Vegas this weekend anyway though, but after 15 minutes it crashed on me and didn’t feel the need to start over so I guess this was a bad buy.

Other games I really enjoyed were Braid, Ratchet and Clank, Portal (Portal 2 is one I actually look forward to, but that won’t be for another couple of months), World of Goo, Sam and Max and the new Monkey Island. So basically any type of game would be good, be it puzzle, platform, shooter or RTS.

If you liked Sam & Max and Tales of Monkey Island, then a) you’ve got good taste, and 2) you might be interested in some of the other Telltale games.

Puzzle Agent is like Professor Layton meets Twin Peaks, with art by Graham Annable.

Poker Night at the Inventory is Texas Hold 'Em with Max, Strong Bad, the Heavy from Team Fortress 2, and Tycho from Penny Arcade. More focus on character exchanges and presentation than you’d usually see in a poker game.

And the Back to the Future adventure games are due out sometime soon, with Jurassic Park games following next year sometime.

(Still shillin’ for the man even though I don’t work there anymore).

I found New Vegas got better as I got further into the game, so you might want to consider giving it another try. Make sure you patch the game though.

From Dust.

I’m extremely excited about this game, if only from a tech standpoint.

I don’t particularly like the artwork for Puzzle Agent, so I’m not too sure about it. Poker Night seems fun, but I read that it has a lot of poker game-play bugs on the forum. Still, for $5 I suppose you can’t go very wrong.

I’ll give it another shot. I was kinda disheartening though. I play on a PS3, so the game was fully patched, but 15 minutes into the game, when I’m learning to shoot at bottles the game crashed. Since I hadn’t saved up until that time I have to go into the entire character creation routine (and since I’m pretty anal about avatar looks, it’ll cost me at least another two hours until I have one that I like).

The tech certainly looks cool, but I refuse to get excited about a game just because of tech possibilities. Anyone remember Spore?

System Shock and System Shock 2 are on the very short list of Best Games Ever for me. I have not tried Dead Space, but maybe I need to.

Check out Borderlands. It’s an FPS/RPG hybrid with tons of style and bajillions of guns. Fairly light on story, but very enjoyable.

Mass Effect 2 has an excellent story, and is well-made. Not perfect, but very good.

If you’re up for some downloading of add-ons, Morrowind is a great game. You will want Better Heads, because the default faces are ugg-lee.

Half-Life 2 is a great game.

Portal is an even better game.

Deus Ex, huh? Somebody is going to have to buy it and tell me it’s AWESOME, because after DE:Invisible War, I’m extremely leery.

Thanks for all the suggestions Brainiac4, but there was a reason I asked for upcoming games. All those games you mentioned (and more) I’ve already played.

Borderlands was great fun with a friend, but it is a stupid game to play on your own. No story to speak of and very repetitive. I don’t like online gaming, so this game didn’t last long for me.

The Mass Effects and Half-Lifes I’ve of course played. And life isn’t worth living if you’ve never played Portal.

All those games were great, but I sense a void coming. There aren’t many games coming that I can get truly excited about. And from the responses so far, it seems like I’m not the only one.

PS. SolGrundy, bought Poker Night yesterday. Those guys crack me up. Very fun game, and lots of potential to add other board/card games to the Inventory. Great suggestion.