Make your "pay my subscription fee" request here

As I noted over here, I’m volunteering to pay a fellow Doper’s (possible a couple of fellow Dopers’) subscription fee. To save you guys opening the other thread, I’ll repost the rules here:

I know there are a couple of other people who are doing or considering doing the same thing- make yourselves known here, if you like.

I’m in to help out. Pretty much on the terms you laid out. I noticed Ed Zotti explained in the sticky abut the change how to go about paying for someone else’s subscription. So, anyone who needs help, my email address is in my profile. I assume you’d rather do this privately, and I’ll respect that. Depending on how many people ask, I may not be able to do it for everyone, but I WILL do as much as I can.

SDMB forever!

…that you can, of course, nominate others as well.

I’ll help out a Doper or two. Email is my user name at yahoo dot com. I will second Mr Bright’s request for people to be honest about their income (or lack thereof).

You know, I wonder if anyone has “myusername@yahoo,com” as an email, and how much mail they would get that isn’t for them.

I will also be willing to sponser a Doper or two by the same terms:D It would be a shame to lose good posters over a bit of money

Also forgot to mention that you should put SDMB in the subject line, because my spamguard is the cyberspace equivalent of a German Shepherd with AIDS and a can of Mace.

I’m curious-- have any of you “subscription helpers” received any requests yet? Do you think that many people will request help?

This thread has been open for less than an hour, but so far, no. One person who I presume wishes not to be identified did e-mail me to offer to pay for four more people of my choosing.

I’ll help out any cute Doper girls who send me bikini phjotos (of themselves). :smiley:

Or, just email me, and I’ll help out whoever I can. It’s a worthy cause, after all.

I’ve started a thread in ATMB about this issue of helping others. I’m nagging Ed to set up an anonymous, pooled mechanism NOW. I’d appreciate your feedback there.

I’m at work, and won’t get home for another three hours, so I won’t know till then whether anyone’s contacted me about this.

Could a Mod make this a ‘Sticky’?

I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask for that, but it would be really nice- I want to make sure everybody knows help IS available.

I think this is the system I’d prefer most. Without turning this too much into GD, here’s why:

  1. The issue of “yeah, well I PAID to be here. You’re on someone else’s ticket, you unworthy person”.

  2. The issue of “Well, X person paid for my subscription, so I guess I shouldn’t point out the inherent fallacy in his/her post, and it would be rude to say ‘you’re being a jerk’ there.”

  3. The (related to #2) issue of “I’m paying your way, dude. Least you could do is not get in my way”.

  4. I quite simply don’t like the idea of people saying “Oh, Pleeeeze pay for me? I’ll be your bestest friend forever!” I prefer to know that X people (assuming the supply exactly meets the demand) are here because of me, or whoever. I think it generates a feeling of communal goodwill, something that specific people being singled out doesn’t do so much.

There are people who, if they can’t pay (or if they’d rather not), I’m willing to make sure they’re still posting here come, say, June. Assuming that, of those I specifically want to make sure stay, I have money left over (so to speak), I think it guarantees more of a diverse community for me not to pick and choose who else I offer to pay for.

I’ve been out of the loop and am just now finding out about this subscription deal. I’d like to subscribe but… I don’t wish to impose on any other Dopers even though they’re willing. You guys are very sweet for offering but I’m not going to stay. When does this start, btw?

Monday the 22nd, I think.

Well CRAP! I was thinking it wouldn’t be so soon, bleh! I guess anyone who wants to can email me before I fade away. It was great fun and highly entertaining, as well as, being full of great folks. I came, I saw, I lurked… and I posted. I enjoyed the hell out of being here! At least I was able to be a part of the Valentine exchange and killed off a few of the posters with style! I wish you all the best…
SanguineSpider signing off… sniff

Sanguine, as of right now there are at least 6 unassigned “subscription buddies”… they won’t know they’re paying for you, and you won’t know who paid… so why not just ask for one?

As I’ve said, the folks here ROCK the kasbah but I don’t know about asking for a buddy. I’d feel bad.

I must ask you too. T’Wouldn’t be the same without you.

And I’ll be jonesing badly… sigh.

Fine… will the kindly “subscription buddies” grant me my humble request and pay for my year? insert lip-biting, embarrassed smilie here.


We were going to do it on more of a “wait and see how many requests you get” principle, but I guess we’ll go first-come first-served for now.