With the exception of a couple of very out gay guys I’m friends with, I don’t know of any straight men who wear anything approaching makeup, and even the gay guys just do a bit of eyeliner.
However, the men’s grooming product market has exploded. When I was a kid/teenager, it was pretty much some combination of Edge, Foamy or Barbasol for shave cream, Aqua Velva or Skin Bracer for aftershave, and either cheap-ass hair spray or gel or something like Brylcreem or Vitalis if you wanted gender-specific hair products. Soap was soap, with the general options of Zest, Coast, Irish Spring, Safeguard, Dial or Lifebuoy.
Now, there are probably easily a dozen separate shaving products- foams, gels, non-foaming creams, and then each one has a counterpart balm that goes with it, and some lines even have pre-shave, shave, and post-shave products, as well as general-purpose moisturizers and stuff. You have all the soaps above, plus another dozen or more types of body washes, hair and body washes, hair and body wash + shave cream, etc… And all the dandruff shampoos are mostly marketed toward men as well. Then there are body sprays and other stuff like that as well.
I’ll admit that the products can work well- I do like different shaving creams and see some value in aftershave balm, but I don’t really need bodywash, body spray, or pre-shave conditioner, nor do I need all manner of hair products, etc…
I guess if I was 13, it might make more sense.