Man filmed peeing into beer tank

A man was filmed urinating into a tank of Tsingtao. No information on who the man was or who was filming. One-time weirdness or a way to tank the company’s image or stocks? Anyone on the Dope drink it?

This feels just a little bit like one of those unclear antecedent moments :wink:

I’ve always loved Tsingtao, but it’s been years since I’ve had one.

Sorry, I’m not catching what you mean. Can you explain to a poor confused Rhombus?

I feel like the two subjects before us are:

  1. Tsingtao beer, and
  2. Pee

To the pedantic grammar nerd, the question:

… could, technically, refer to either of the above options.

Sure, I’m pretty confident that I know what was meant, but as I frequently tell my wife … when she says something with inherent ambiguity, history tells me that I’ll almost always get it wrong.


[all in good fun … if that wasn’t entirely clear]

Certainly not as considerate as the guy in the joke. Fell in the vat and took 2 hours to drown. Why, he had to get out 3 times to go to the bathroom.

Oh! I get you now! No, I specifically meant drinking the beer, of course. If you drink urine…well…you just keep that little peccadillo to yourself, please.

Where’s that “I’m an idiot” smiley when I need it most?

Yet another interpretation is “Did anyone on the Dope drink some of the adulterated beer?”

If it was Budweiser, we’d know that he was just helping fill up the tank.

[Insert “I always thought (X) beer tasted like pee anyway” joke here.]

ETA: Curses, ninja’d by @flurb :smirk:

I have not (knowingly, at least) ever drank pee, but I have had Tsintao. Years ago, putting myself through college, I worked in a large hotel that hosted conventions. They had a convention with Chinese people and everestimated how much Tsingtao they would need on hand. The hotel later had an auction of various items just for employees, one of which was a couple cases of Tsingtao, which I snagged for almost nothing.

It tasted pretty nasty. Hopefully because it was very old and skunked, not because it had been peed into even back then.

Depending on how much you like this beer, this story could be added to the EVIL MFers thread as well.

Probably improved the flavor, to be honest. Tsingao, blech.

And I thought Coors was pisswater beer.

I figured ‘Tsing Tao’ is likely a Chinese term or phrase, so out of curiosity I ran it through Google translate, and it translates as “Chinese People”. Ewwwwwwwww. That is either uncomfortably on the nose or darkly humorous (or both). It’s the literal effluence of Chinese people.

Tsingtao is the Wade-Giles romanization of the name of the city the brewery was founded in (and continues to operate in).

ETA: all things considered, if I want a mediocre Asian export lager, I’ll ask for a Sapporo.

You know the ingredients they use to make Coors, right?

  1. Bucket of regular beer,
  2. Thirsty horse,
  3. Empty bucket.

I guess they didn’t have a horse at the Tsingtao brewery.

Soylent Green is people! So’s Tsingtao!

The jokes just write themselves.

Tsing Tao was founded by German Brewers back in the day. The stuff that actually originates from the original location (Tsing Tao aka Qingdao) sources Laoshan spring water and is pretty good for a light rice adjunt lager. All other Tsing Tao breweries in China and the rest of the world suck because they don’t use the Laoshan spring water. Read the label before you drink.

Video, if real, is from #3 factory, which I am guessing is not from the original location of Qingdao.

Sapporo is akin to Tsingtao. The stuff brewed in Japan is great (for a mass market lager that you will happily suck down many of).

Check the label of what you get in N America, it’s either brewed in Canada or Wisconsin. Non-Japanese Sapporo is much sweeter and nasty vis-a-vis the original brewed in Sapporo, Hokkaido (site of the 1964 winter Olympics). Don’t confuse either beer with what is brewed in the original location. Apples to tastes like ass comparison.

…secret ingredient?

“Ancient Chinese secret, eh?”